Alright, let settle this once and for all. Which country is the better shitposter?

Alright, let settle this once and for all. Which country is the better shitposter?

Obviously this needs to be decided by countries that aren't Ausfalia and Cucknada

My dubs says New Zealand.

My dubs say you're a fruitbowl.

Ausfailia, says Kek

Ausfags clearly... Canada just cuckposts.

Get fucked cunt

The Aussies

Easy question, Aussies. Nobody likes Canada


Leafs are passive-aggressive tryhards.

Definitely the Canadians, Aussies take it way too far, often to the point of degrading the board, whereas Canadians do it in such a way that makes them look not self aware, which adds to their humour.

This will soon be decided by China.

Canada will be the better shitposter, because of the two only Canada will remain.


this is why aussies are best

At least Australia is funny sometimes

I was JUST gonna make a thread about this, srs. Australia is leagues better at it, for the record, but my thread was going to suggest that Leafs may have finally taken the lead in terms of sheer mass shitty posting. Aussies are at least amusing a lot of the time, their style fits right in with the culture. Leafs on the other hand tend to just make bad bait post after bad shit post and are never funny.

Looks like the people have spoken. Any leaf cucks want to defend their honour?

Well geez, it looks like people like your posts more there, buddy
Guess that means Canadians are better shitposters

Australia is home to hilarious and fulfilled men.
Canada is full of bitchy and depressed children.

the only reason you queers think canada is a good shitposter is because a lot of CTR shills are out of canada and you think theyre shitposting but theyre really shillposting.

Shitposting does not mean pissing people off, you dumb moose. You've got a lot to learn.


Seems like I've pissed you off with another quality Canadian made shitpost
Sorry about that lad

>comparing two different styles of shitposting

Aussie and Canuck shitposting are two different styles and can't be compared. Aussie shitposting is playful banter that everybody can laugh at, every single (you) an aussie gets is a laugh. Canuck shitposting is bait and falseflagging that everybody gets mad at, every single (you) that a canuck gets is butthurt.

You can't say one is better than the other, Aussies are good at making people laugh and Canucks are good at making people angry. Both of us wrack up the (you)s.

The true bantz masters are the Kiwis. Those sly fucks always post gold under a flag which looks just like ours. God bless you sheep fucking faggots.


Agreed, but you are wrong. Australia is better.

Nipps > Kiwis/Aussies > everybody else > turkroaches > canucks

You are both equally terrible countries.

Of course Australia is. I prefer to laugh rather than to be angry lad. But Australia's really good at making people laugh and Canada's really good at pissing people off.

Australians. Canadians try to hard for it.

The troll in me finds pissing people off more funny. Nothing funnier than raging nazis going on about muh master race and da joos and how I'm going to be gassed. Like these idiots didn't learn the last time they poked their heads out that it wasn't going to work out.


It really is easy to bait Sup Forums, I agree with everything that gets posted here but there's nothing funnier than taking a big steaming libshit post in a thread and watching the angry LEAF (you)s roll in.

Shitposting is all about the (You)s
And Canadians get more (You)s per capita than any other country

Congrats Kiwis, looks like you win.

What even IS shitposting

Thanks Mahmoud. Don't you have a goat to fuck somewhere?

Hello Poland, wondered when you would show.

Canada is best at getting everyone butthurt and causing a shitstorm. Australia is best at banter.

Canadians are actually fucken cucks

>Alright, let settle this once and for all. Which country is the better shitposter?
>Obviously this needs to be decided by countries that aren't Ausfalia and Cucknada
Canadians invented shit analogies, your out of your league roo fucker

shitposting is when you derail a thread with controversial offtopic garbage or create incendiary topics that cause massive asshurt
A FUCKING LEAF and everyone sucking Australian knob is pretty much all the "settling" that is needed
reddit/underage doesn't know what shitposting is

>reddit/underage doesn't know what shitposting
Im neither, but i guess now i know, thanks leaf

also how is leaf an insult, doesnt sound mean to me


Actually shitposting is when you type out a thread or a reply with any content on any board. Every single post ever made on Sup Forums is a shitpost. This is a shitpost. We are all shitposters.

Angry Ahmed is angry

>intelligible insults
beats me bud, that's what happens when your country is 40+% non-white and half the remaining whites are fucking their sisters

I know i'm gonna get called cuck for this, but desu most Canadian posts I see are fucking shit, especially the attempts at humor. We kinda need to step our game up.

I formally apologize to Sup Forums on behalf of my nation.

idk why that would cause people to call you a cuck but fuck off you fucking cuck

You Canadians are shitposting amateurs. There is no way we are not clear winners.

Our shitposting classes at primary and secondary school prepare even the underachievers for a lifetime of bantz.

University-level shitposting is carried out at levels you Canadians would not understand.

Everyone in Australia is engaged in bantz daily.

Ladies, gentlement, children and all take time out of their day to verbally shitpost.

Even our politicians and business leaders will shitpost in speeches in Parliament or to the press council.

Cops, ambos, doctors and nurses shitpost reflexively, even during surgery, at the scene of car accidents, or when charging crims.

Teachers inflict bantz on their students even before they reach the age of mandatory shitposting lessons.

Each person in Australia has a shitposting/bantz quota to meet annually, or they can face financial penalties.

Decades ago, people used to face criminal charges and jail time.

Trump pisses off 40% of the nation with language that would be eschewed by most primary level shitposters as primitive or unpolished.

Real bantz cannot be forced like the crap that leafs post on Sup Forums.

Under our Shitposting For New Arrivals programs, immigrants are taught to shitpost at a 10th grade level.

During the second world war, we formed Bantz Brigades to inflict banter on invading Japanese forces if they materialised.

Each state competes in yearly bantz competitions, with big prize money.

Australia is the undisputed king of shitposting.

Unless you've already noticed, you're already IN a shitpost. Read the first letter of each line and see why Canada was always going to lose.

that's the hook on his shitpost, retard
this is what I was talking about
you guys really don't get it

Canadian posts are shit at humor, canadian shitposting peaks when we try to piss people off. I've always said that Aussies are best at being funny whereas Canucks are best at making people angry.


By whom?

wew that's an old image

Bravo. Even the ID is shit brown

Aussies have transcended shitposting to a higher level, leafs cant compete.

>race is a social construct
>gender can be changed
>abortion should be legal

It's 2016 now guys, get with the times jeeze.

How is this even a competition? I always took aussies for undisputed bantz masters and canada just competing with swedes who can suck brown dicks better

Totally true. Aussies can shitpost in a humoristic way that make you laugh, but canadians are just annoying assholes
that pisses everyone off. they're not even funny, just annoying as hell

You are not even trying fellow leaf

I don't understand Sup Forums, you talk all the time of the day of the rope, right wing death squads, and how it will one day be glorious, but you take no action to make it occur. What's one thing this board has done in the past year that has had an effect on international events? Nothing. Your dreams of the future will remain just that, dreams, until you finally decide to DO something to make them REAL. Unfortunately, this post will be lost on the majority of you. Those who do not lose the meaning, the world is yours to shape as you see fit, you need only reach out, and take what is yours.

>nice bait

>trying too hard: the post

Well to be fair Sup Forums did do this

Australians are pretty cool and I like Australian banter

Canadian posts consistently embarrass me and scream that the poster is a refugee from Reddit who has been here for a week

I fucking hate this country

>Canada banned from Sup Forums
Everybody's missing us

>Norgie banned from Sup Forums
Nobody gives a shit

You can kindly fuck off then

literally who?

Little bit of cuck on cuck shitposting going on here.

Candian posts are usually butthurt shitposts, Australians can into banter

Lebanon, why couldn't you have executed those shitbag Australian journalists?

Isn't it obvious?

No question Australia. Canada tries so hard it's annoying to read. Range ban when?

>cuck watching cuck on cuck action

This like some really meta-cuck cuckolding porn desu. what the fuck would it even be called? post-cucking? avant-garde cucking? fuck I'd like to watch some post-avant cuckold porn that just consists of a cuck in a corner watching a cuck fuck a cuck.

Aussies are the shitposter ubermensch

I'm not even sure where this Cananda are good shitposters meme came from all of a sudden.

As long as I can remember Australians have been the shitposters eternal.

How is this even a question?

If everyone side if australia then clear WE piss everyone far much more, making US the best shitposter.



Daily reminder that behind every Aussie shitpost is a depressed Australian crying for help.

Do your part and help a bogan out.

Tell him he's funny, tell him he's smart, tell him that vegemite is a real food.

This whole thread is a big pat on their back m80's

autralian circle jerking has become a thing now

>[rush around and bukkake the abo poster]

This is exactly what I mean, trying to hard.

Three of them are even by the same idea. Truly pathetic.

ausfags by far.

canacucks second place no doubt.

>Its an Australian wants compliments thread
That's why you made this thread right? So people could say how awesome your country is and how shit Canada is?

Fuck yeah

Romania wins all.


i don't think any of you are funny

there a diffrance between shitposting and being a shit poster.

Elbowing my way into the circle jerk

New Zealand is really the best.

Ma balls

+1 'straya


I'm good

>this isn't trying hard

stop trying this hard


check em

Even your wildlife is degenerate. Australia truly is God's trash can.