What to do

Don't buy toys because they have feelings
Don't catch fish as pets because they have families
Don't buy fish from aquarium either

So what is left to do?

And don't play video game either

Don't eat food.

Befriend monsters in closet.

Ants are good but crickets are bad

Your feelings have feelings

>Don't buy toys because they have feelings
Did you even watch any of the Toy Story movies?

Adopt homeless pets

Obviously they want us to watch movies only

Seriously, Pixar wants pet industry's blood. They see pets as competing with their movies

Drink alcohol and wait for death.

Buy toys and take good care of them. Stopping having fish as pets. They make shitty pets.

I thought the whole point of that movie was to play video games. If the game is unplugged they essentially die or become homeless.

Buzz is definitely against bringing more misery to the world

I don't think Sausage Party is worth listening to

did that little fellow used to be homeless?


If anything, this will cause what I like to call "spiteful obesity".

She would have been if not for the SPCA

Wait for your wife to die and fuck off to Venezuela an Asian kid

>crickets are bad
Something has to feed all the bigger animals.

You could always go outside and catch bu-......Never mind.

Buy a gun.

>what to do
Give Walt Disney Corporation all your money