ITT: side characters that would have been better main leads than the ones we got

ITT: side characters that would have been better main leads than the ones we got.

Claire would also be an acceptable answer.

>No show about Dr Drakken leading a team of unsuccessful villains to compete with his more successful rival - Dr Dementor.

Legend of Sato has a nice ring to it

but she was so boring.

Doesn't have to be that way tho

But then you're just basing the idea they'd be a better MC on occ fan fiction

You sound like some faggot from Tumblr

But she was in the show. Admit it, you just find her more attractive.

I just don't want her to be gay with an eskimo

>Better than Daria

Don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again

What are you basing that on?


No i mean, how is he a faggot for not agreeing with your delusion?

I don't consider them a couple, myself. I saw that ending and it didn't look like they were lovers to me. Two friends went to explore the spirit world.


No Friendship no nothing Asami is above the opinions of peasant filth

I don't know man. You ever get the feeling he show was a little TOO dry?

Everything you've said and posted so far is pure projection and fictional nonsense of which there is not a single trace of in the actual source material.

You sound like the kind of person who sees an innocent children's cartoon and decides it needs to be darker, edgier and more violent, sexual, and to deal with serious, deep, real-world adult problems.


Holy shit Chiller font.

Thats actually Chiller. This person is using Chiller unironically.


Jane was always a little too outgoing for my liking. Daria's misanthropy felt much more sincere than Jane's, Daria was THE weird girl. Jane seemed to be just a bored hipster, or a slightly depressed liberal arts student.

I would say Daria is more like Sup Forums, and Jane is more like Tumblr.

>Jane is more like Tumblr.,

There's more to Tumblr than the sjw caricature you know



She should have stayed evil

She's hotter that way