How to act around your blue pilled friends?

They keep making fun of Trump and Le Pen and saying how bad they are. I'm pretty redpilled so I feel awkward yet I don't want to argue cause I know they would not understand and I'd lose my friends.

What should I do ?

Jesus man stand up for your self
If you disagree with them politically just tell them and if they get all piss about it and stop being your "friend" then that's their problem not yours

Tell me a thing they said and I'd tell you what would I've said.

Ask them which one of Trumps policies they agree with.

Tell them to make a good argument for/against a candidate without making a personal attack.

That usually opens peoples eyes as to how little they actually know about the subject

I debate them.

thank dog only friends i have are semi redpilled

I play the role of a bernout and tell them Hillary is a shitty choice

>french national

consider cost v benefit, talk about it to the ones you can save, simply remove yourself from the conversation if they cannot and it's going nowhere

If they abandon you after you talk about the good side, then they never were your friends.

same here. i gave up friends for beeing left and stupid. better dont see them instead of hearing their liberal lies.

>needing to change your behavior to "fit in" with people you call friends

True friends support whatever stupid decisions you make in life. They're not your friends if you have to change even though 1% of who/what you are just to be included.

My boss is always talking shit about Trump but i just keep my mouth shut because I don't want to start anything

There's a reason why we're called the 'silent majority' in most of western civilization presently. Most lefties respond with angry vitriol if you have a different opinion from them. Just stay silent, and laugh when they get btfo.

>having friends

normie detected

Act uninformed and ask leading questions. Force them to explain their position. If you argue and debate they'll put up a wall and you accomplish nothing.

How are they bad? Seriously how the fuck are they bad people?

I've recently been redpilled and I'm kinda anxious about next semester starting soon. Most of the friends I've made are champagne socialists (like I was) that don't tolerate ideas that aren't in line with theirs. I think I can have meaningful conversation with one friend out of the lot of them about politics and such, so perhaps a decent kind of debate can come out of it and our friendship won't suffer because I think differently. The rest though? I think they'd consider me a bigot or racist now that I support Trump and stop there.

It's going to be a weird time

Hasn't basicly everything that Le Pen warned about come true in France? How can they still laugh at her now?

Drop em.

They sound like faggots and probably are.

I don't talk about politics or religion at work, personal rule. With "friends" I remain indifferent, might play Devil's Advocate or just act like I don't care.

With actual friends that I train with, I'm pretty open about my views.

Call me a coward, but openly saying "blacks commit more crime" can get you fired in a lot of places, and because I have different clients, better to act indifferent.

Remind them that they are spouting memes when they are. Like when a friend of mine started claiming that "blacks get shot because they black", I told him that its people pointing guns at cops. He shut up immediately and conceded that this is indeed the case. The gradual redpilling is showing, I'm getting results, slowly but steadily.

In other words, if you can't be honest with your friends OP, they're not your friends. They're "friends" of the situation, or maybe even of opportunity. Honest arguments between friends are healthy, but if they can't respect your perspective? Fuck 'em.

>What should I do ?
Stop being a pussy. If they get upset about an opinion they are not your friends.

I'm definitely expecting downsizing, but I feel shitty about just dropping them. I was like them. I was entirely caught up in the liberal haze and applied world events to an ideology that I liked rather than being pragmatic or honest about events and what they could really be caused by or mean.

I dunno, I just feel like it's a shame to drop them when I used to be as much of a faggot as they are. I'm trying to be better now, but I'm not blind to how I used to be. Shouldn't I at least try to help them break the liberal spell?

Make fun of them for liking hillary more

I've got a friend that doesn't like either candidate, but particularly doesn't like trump.

He knows I'm voting for trump, and he respects my position because he knows I'm an adult that did his research to come up with their decision.

If you can't have friends that respect your beliefs, they aren't friends at all.

Most people say this things without believing them just to fit in cause they think it's the majority's opinion.
They see it in media and think that's the correct behaviour to have without thinking it first.

I redpill people with irony mostly.

>I know they would not understand and I'd lose my friends.

if they wouldn't understand they're not your friends. and you can express your political opinions with arguing.

"Friends don't talk politics."

Perhaps this saying is only common in US but its true. You'll lose friends this way.

>what would I've said
Looks like you've found your Cyrano de Bergerac

That is one way too, but run the risk of spiting them. I enjoy it too, but I keep in mind its a route trough a minefield.

Aren't SJWs just like you so called redpillers?

If you can't convince your friends that Trump is based then you're a fucking moron.

All you have to do is give them the facts. When people have the information there's literally no reason for them to dislike Trump.

I have not met a single person who can't be converted in a few minutes.
Just give them an example of what Trump said vs what the media reported, give another example, and then apply the same principle across the board while contrasting it with Hillary Clinton and how media reports about her. It's that easy.

It's funny, because I've always had this mixed group of friends that basically met somewhere in the middle. A few a little left, a few a little right, but we got along just find. Then one of them became this ultra Rad-Fem, blue hair, thick rim glasses caricature and the fucking group schismed hard. Turns out we were all just meeting each other half-way, but when she went off the deep end the act was over.

People that blindly accept an ideology and everything that comes with it are the problem in my opinion. It's better, in my opinion, to say you don't have an opinion/understanding about a topic rather than to just parrot whatever your party says or people that are close to you on the political compass say.

I have the same kind of poodle.

Smart as hell and just fun to cuddle with.

This. I have friends that are radically different than me and we agree on almost nothing politically.
But we're not whiny faggots looking for an echo chamber so we still hangout together.

Were it so easy when dealing with college cucks. There are people so far shoved up their own asses that, as soon as you start talking politics they disagree with, they put up a wall that would put Trump's plans to shame. I used to be like that. No amount of people telling me facts had any influence on my opinion, because I was almost entirely sold on the leftist mindset. It wasn't until I did independent research that my political beliefs changed.

Write their name down for the purge.

I work in a traditional blue-pilled leftist environnement (teaching) and I am surprised how many people are red pilled. Some of my coworkers make small red pilled comments (the refugees must respect the country they are in, I voted to stop mass immigration, etc.) but they are not doing it openly, it's almost subtle, andwhen some are really blue pilled, try to get one argument at a time.
For exemple:
>BP coworker : Western civilisation has to pay for colonialism hurr durr
>me : Until when? I am not responsable for colonialism, I did not ask therefore I have nothing to do with it, why WE must pay? etc.
>BP coworker : b...but you benefit from it!
>me: I am profiting of nothing! All the wealth I am is from my work and only my work. My grand parents knew he war and they had to work, they did not profit, etc.
Then slowly, the red pill is swallowed.

Concern trolling works on SJWs as they try to defend their opinions

>I agree that Islam is maligned but I'm genuinely concerned at the way they mistreat the LGBT community

Do never engage, play the game of the jew. Befriend them, be their leader, know them, manipulate them, and push your dark agenda concealed in good intentions

just do like me and stop giving a fuck.
one of my mates was reading an article about how a center-right politican said it was the socialists' fault for the rise of racislm because of the conditions they create in our countries.
I responded with "where are the days where we would put the darkies in the zoo".
We all got a hearty chuckle but I kinda hope I can come back next week

Kek. Half my friends are cuck and the other half are holocaust deniers, we don't discuss politics.

Don't listen to the "DEBATE THEM" anons. You are constantly behind enemy lines and should only reveal your power level when necessary. I have redpilled friends that sperg out when they hear someone bash trump. Your mission in life isn't to correct liberals even though they are dead wrong. You're up against people who think and vote based on emotion alone; how they feel about the truth.

My adult sjw sister literally started jumping up and down and crying when I tried to counter her hour long patriarchy rant by bringing up the issues facing men. It's a losing battle.

You have to know how to deal with people.
I never argue with people who have crazy Liberal views or dislike Trump. I don't argue with them.

I tell them a story.
Like if someone says that there are more than two genders I will not start arguing with them. Instead I confirm that I know what their beliefs are. I will ask them questions to show them that I know the concepts that they believe in, that I know all the terms. Then I will go on a long story that I don't let them interrupt. I will find a paper and pen, and I will give them a history and biology lesson with visual aid. I don't have arguments.

That's also how I convince people that Trump is good and they have no reason to dislike Trump.

stop being friends with blue pilled faggots

I don't see how the biology lesson helps them even in story form. I've argued that there are two genders and they spout the "social construct" meme and state that gender isn't the same thing as biological sex.

Lol not been in that position yet. Most of my friend base at least knows Hillary is fucking death to America.

The funniest keks i've had yet, are when some obvious lefties float around with us and we dominate the conversation with Trump praise and Hillary bashing, and they do not say a damn word. Maybe "oh but he raped that girl!" and we just say "no that was proven false" and keep going, don't even argue with them really

>state that gender isn't the same thing as biological sex
That's the whole point of the story I tell them. This is how you defeat them and convince them that there are only two genders.

When you accept that gender and sex are not the same thing is when the whole thing collapses. Transgender? Doesn't exist. Sex change? No such thing. All because you acknowledge that gender and sex are not the same thing. The whole gender isn't sex thing is the bombshell that I use to convince people that there are only two genders, it's the part that needs a visual aid.

Nothing you can do.

"There is no convincing the man who does not disagree but smiles and says nothing."

Be that man. If they ask for your opinion, be as vague as possible. Do not lie but do not elucidate your points. If they want to like you, they will.

As far as the attacks against Le Pen, don't defend her or the National Front personally - instead appeal to their own interest of French patriotism. If someone is so cucked to disrespect France, then you can just cut them off full stop.

>Nothing you can do.

cucked faggot.

just make fun of Hillary. call her the misogynist she is. how unfit she is. how fucked up and war-driven she is. how incompetent she is with security. my gawd manlet, she's an easy target, just beat that pinata like a redheaded stepchild.