
So how long before we find out the sperm donor was Uncle Ben or some shit?

That baby has added nothing to that comic.

>Uncle Ben not alive to bear the responsibility of raising his son

How ironic.

He avoided raising Peter, why change now.

haven't read any since after the hospital incident but I enjoyed it quite a lot actually.

it was Carol. From an alternate universe. named Carl.

yeah, I like it too. it's a comfy book.

Mystique transformed into a man and raped Jess, then someone fucked with her memories to make her think she just took a sperm donation.

>Not Norman Osborn
How long until the baby starts aging rapidly and giggling like a maniac?

>So how long before we find out the sperm donor was Uncle Ben or some shit

Does it matter? The whole point of a sperm donation is having nothing at all to do with the donor.

She transformed into futaCarol to break up their friendship when it's revealed.

>Does it matter? The whole point of a sperm donation is having nothing at all to do with the donor.

Because it's fiction and fiction needs to be dramatic, if the sperm donor is some random nobody who'll never play a part that is stupid and lame.

It'll add drama when Carol takes him away from her during Civil War II.

nah, Spider-Woman's going to fight Carol over somebody who didn't do anything yet. The baby won't enter into it.


Only reason it's there is so hopeless can write his fetish

his fetish is caring for small infants? dude, that's no one's fetish.

Hopeless mentioned in interviews it's because he and his wife had a kid.

Sales are low enough for them to need another little controversy so any time now. If the writer changes and they try to keep the book then it'll definitely happen and the baby's dad will definitely be a villain.

Hopeless did a shitty job of writing his fetish, then

Seriously, there could have been a half-decent comic about Spiderwoman trying to be a half-decent mother after running away from motherhood her entire life, but it was so poorly written


So come Marvel NOW! 2016 will it be cancelled, renumbered or limp on at 20k?

Maybe rolled into a new Captain Marvel & Spider-Woman book like Mighty Avengers?

>Maybe rolled into a new Captain Marvel & Spider-Woman book like Mighty Avengers?
if they become lovers I'd buy it

You'd think that would work but If anyone figures out who you are they can track you down in general or for child support in alot of places.
It's gonna be Peter since noone checks for radioactive sperm in Marvel.
He's poor enough to need to do it, His brains/grades/scholarship when he was in college and actually looked like he'd possibly put Stark out of a job means his jizz was a premium and the fact that he later was banging/married a supermodel is no doubt a pro in the list of things to mention when the sperm bank tries to sell his wank.

Maybe if Hopeless got replaced as well. Rodriguez can stay though.