Why are fat people associated with liberals now?

Sup Forums, since when the fuck has "fat acceptance" become a liberal thing?
I mean, I used to think that leftie/liberal meant stuff like:

- being against junk food, maybe even being vegetarian or vegan
- being poor or working class (or minority), doing physical work or being part of gangs
- being a faggot, caring too much about looks
- being young millenial hipster, wearing skinny jeans and shit (hehe redundant)
- being anti-cars because polution, riding a bike or jogging
- doing sports because social activity

Seriously, I used to respect liberalism in the past because I associated them with the ideology that gave a shit about themselves, their body and the environment or other people. But being fat and proud is the complete fucking opposite of that, it's slobbery to the next level.

So what happened?

pls respond

Liberals are no longer lefties. Liberals now, are just people who want free stuff and for no one to hurt their fee fees no matter the cost.

They use whatever they need to create class struggle.
But thats strange, in the essence leftism want everyone to be skinny and healthy to become perfect slaves for the state, the rightwing don't care much, they let everyone be whatever they want.

Begging for free shit is about as far left as you can go. That's the entire basis of far-left ideologies like communism and socialism.

but when and why did this change happen?

same thing with feminism. When I was younger, my idea of feminism was something like tank girl ie women that try their hardest to be equal to men, trying to get in the army, refusing to get bitchslapped and so on.

And now it's about being "fat and proud" and crying when someone catcalls you, instead of answering with a retort or catcalling men yourself. I don't get it.

Fat people feel ashamed of themselves and don't want to. They are liberals because other liberals tell them what they want to hear, that they are beautiful and healthy. While the former may be subjectively correct, the latter is certainly false.

People make a big deal about cancer and other diseases that they can claim they are victims of, but the number one killer in America is heart disease. Heart disease is primarily a disease that is induced through poor diet and poor choices and people done want to take responsibility for their choices.

Body positivity and political corectness imo

They believe in not only allowing terrible life choices but they get aggrevated to people who point out their immorality.

Liberals have never understood personal reaponsibility, but instead favor individual freedom that will eventually result in the state regulating how they live and eat. Conservatives have their share of fatties, but at least they know they should not be obese or overweight. Liberals on the other hand feel as they should embrace their identity, however messed up and unhealthy it is, not to mention being able to go through the mental gymnastics of justifying their fatness.

Basically fatty conservatives know their fucked up but liberals are the only ones without the shame to admit it.

What I never understand is that this "anti fat shaming" is so popular. I´m massively overweight as well (180kg 2,5 months before) but I realized (yeah sounds retarded) that even the most heart warming comments won´t ever make me lose enough weight to not die of a fucking heart attack within 5 years. Also they woudn´t make me be able to ride my skateboard again without being fucking dead after 5 minutes.

So I fucking started to work hard, control my diet and shit and lost and continue to lose weight until I´m in a healthy range.

This is why I´m massively disgusted by those fatasses fucking struting around


and this way throwing shit onto guys like me which actually start to work hard to change their shit.

Also I guess that liberals ("progressives") found out that those mimimi faggots are a huge base for support, because they basically run to whomever tells them that they don´t need to change their lives

>physical work/gangs
>anti cars
>against junk food

most liberals dont care about these things. if anything they'll ride a bycicle not because they dont wanna drive a car, but because they dont have money to mantain one, because they're students or art majors. while most are either vegeterian/vegan they'll still eat junk food.

This fat meme is just tryint to make degeneracy more acceptable in the public. Because the jews know that people who buy into that are almost impossible to get out of it, so they want to "help" them mentally to accept it and feel accepted. Same goes with other forms of degeneracy. In the next generations we might fucking see furries in mainstream.

Also fat people are not necessary unhealthy, the hospitals are full of skinny faggots. Making the state to punish individual people for what they eat is retarded.

There are a lot of fucking fat republicans.

However, when it comes to public appearances, the GOP tends to put forth attractive people while the DNC seems to encourage diversity. They won't point out that a morbidly obese woman talking about free women's healthcare doesn't score well with independents

It's part of "new identitiy" within progressive movement, they just want to fit all "marginalized groups" together so they don't care. They just think that because most people strive to being thin it's somehow opressive towards fat individuals. It's identity politics applied to appearance.

You woke up and realised what liberalism actually is rather than what it's marketed as.


for example the only problem I suffered from was high blood pressure really ... but desu this is more or less just lucky. Of course not everyone fat is unhealthy BUT you have to distinguish between what´s fat or simply overweight and what´s (moridly) obese.

What pisses me off is not overweight people saying they think they look fine. It´s obese people almost remotely closing there eyes and ears


...kind of and then trying to spread how evil the guys are that tell them to at least go for a walk like 20 minutes a day instead of taking the fucking car or those wheelchair thingies; or like cutting out like at least half a soda a day.

Yes it´s hard sometimes, especially to start it all off. But that´s not excuse .... well it shouldn´t be but certainly it has become one thanks to tumblr and shit like that

>fat people aren't unhealthy because people that aren't fat can get ill too
Fucking what?

I dunno why but I always associate liberal woman as being fat and conservative woman with being fit, but with men it's the other way round with conservative men being fat and liberal men being skinny.

Fat people learned to frame their self-perception in liberal terms and liberals ate up the chance and bringing in another voting block.

basically this

liberals will pander to anyone who can be easily felt to feel like they are a victim

yeah I googled some shit in the meantime and apparently it's called "regressive left"

> you should eat healthy vegetables and fruits and stop destroying animals but if you splurge like a fat pig on burgers we love you just the way you are

> you should proud and happy of yourself as a woman and do whatever you can be a strong individual, unless you're a muslim in which case be proud in being a submissive bitch

This kind of shit is completely antithetical to what they're supposed to believe. FFS muslims are like the most conservative group of people on earth, why are liberals even trying to defend/pandering to them?

I'm a fat bastard... be nice to me. It's your responsibility to accept me for the fantastic person I am.

How appropriate, my captcha was cookies.

And the nazi cucks from "right wing" are ending the job by persecuting the fatties. So this basically means that the left got more voters and militants. Nice.

Conservative fats consider gluttony a sin.
Liberals consider it a virtue.

Conservatives lean more fat generally though when it comes to whites, ever see the bible belt?