So what happened in Venezuela

So what happened in Venezuela

not real socialism


kekked by

Their only export was oil, oil prices are shit now so...

incompetent government, socialism, oil prices, country full of venezuelans

take your pick

Not just that there's been a damaging drought along with the stupid practices of ""Chiave"" (Chavez) and Maburro. Chavistas are commie scum.

Most will say "communism", but actually it worked relatively well for them to distribute the wealth created by oil revenues, as it did for Saudi-Arabia or Norway.

As oil prices plunged, they experienced a hyperinflation after a desperate try to - afaik - revive the economy through expansive fiscal policies.

Those tiny ass shopping carts

Probably a doctored photo, but communism.

Never not relevant

USA will be close to that if they elect hillary, said trump

but for real the USA and all of Europe and pretty much the world also is about to crash the bomb will explode soon and it's going to be beautiful

Shithole country relied on oil instead of developing any other form of industry.

>it worked relatively well for them


You don't think a country full of people like the ones in this pic could possibly be successful, even given a Saudi Arabia sized oil patch, do you?

a fake version of communism that perfectly replicates all other previous attempts at communism but isnt real communism because communism has never been tried but real capitalism has and its bad because my life is shit please gibs free college, job, monies, and reparations for black people now :DDDD

LULA 2018


I'm sure Brazil will be there to pick up the pieces.

real socialism

You've perfectly captured the go to argument of every socialist.

This week a Venezuelanon posted a picture of his empty fridge and people donated money to his paypal. Don't know wether is was legit or not, but if it was I really do feel bad for that guy. Fucking commies

Capitalism and Trump like leaders

I'm leaving this shithole, the monkeys can stay, i'm only coming back when a right wing party wins an election (so that means never)

praise him brother

Venezuela's oil industry failed because of nepotism, Chavez placed control of it in the hands of family and supporters with no experience in the industry. Not Communism did not work at all for them.

Where will you go man?

bolsonaro 2018 ou venezuela 2.0

Wishful thinking by a 3rd worlder wishing US & EU turn into garbage dumps like Brazil, reality is Brazil is crashing and will show its true ass with 3rd world Olympics. Have fun when the whole world laughs right through the Olympics.
Chavez destroyed every other type of industry by seizing and nationalizing large companies. He made everything much worse, and Maduro followed in his footsteps, there's nothing left to seize and oil prices have collapsed, so they're basically screwed.
This happens every few days, he just asked for $5 or so from people to restock food supplies. Sucks balls if it's actually true, but seems to be.

Here obviously.

Didnt want to bend over to america. They economicly blocade them like they do north korea.


It's a complete mystery.

I'm actually portuguese, my parents are from there, I'm going there and joining the army waiting for the muslims

They felt the "Bern".

are exactly the immigrants we want, love, and call americans

government ownership of the means of production


Only opinion that matter.

stupid illiterate retard thinks I'm proud of Brazil, i don't give a shit about this giant asshole they call a country, for all i care you muritards can come and invade and take it

my grandma who lived before WW2 used to tell me "In capitalism, stores were full of things, but people didnt have money to buy them. In communism, people had money but there was nothing to buy."

the photo in OP is literally what shops looked like in the eastern block. Do the westerners even know that our commie ancestors used to stand in lines for bananas or when these things were available like once per month?
Sometimes there even was no toilet paper

They should start raping and murdering, Merkel would invite them to europe in an instant.

I'm wondering what you can buy with $5 in Venezuela.

I like you

Colombian/Jewish/American Tricks, we are going to take our land back.

Then is the western world such shit if heavenly capitalism rules there?
Let me guess commie subversion?

Bullshit, faggot.

The only ones who have been sanctioned are high-ranking Judeo-Bolshevik Chavistas. The U.S. is the number 1 buyer of Venezuelan oil and probably the country's biggest economic contributor.

If the mudscum, brown communist hordes of Venezuela's socialist left hadn't spent billions on purchasing Russian helicopters and equipment for a fantasy war with the white Americans, or if they hadn't forced their productive white elite out of the country, or if they had diversified their economy a bit away from oil, they wouldn't be in the clusterfuck they're in today.

they resisted ameriblobs

On other side there was no rap music and drugs.

the fact that he has a fridge means he's relatively well off

thanks, wish you luck on the kebab removals to come
you guys were my heroes till i got redpilled, but i still like trump hope he wins, best of luck

the elected a former public bus driver as president.

Oy vey!

Well... This is also part of Capitalism.

But ey, you choose the picture you want.

You can say that it was a wild bus ride.

>western world

i'm conflicted.

on one hand, i feel bad for venezuelans, but on the other i revel in the destruction of this country -- to rub the pile of shit that venezuela has turned into in smug leftist faces.

kek, that is capitalism with niggers involved

That's great, but America is just about the only country that can effectively refine their high sulfur crude oil. In reality Chavez nationalized and seized companies for the hell of it, to maintain control of everything using the excuse the large international corps were destroying Venezuela, the EU at the time was supporting Chavez up till the point they realized he seized way more Euro based companies than US, then they weren't smiling and supportive of Chavez so much. Was actually quite comical how it all played out, then Chavez threatens to crash the US by not selling them oil, but blockhead then reverses his stance and says he wont do that, probably realized the US refiners are the only ones who could refine his high sulfur shit crude and he would be screwed.
Diversified the economy a bit? He seized foreign companies and wholesalers and put his own people to run distribution, those companies he seized quickly went out of business as his buddies had no idea how to manage them. No one else can refine Venezuela's high sulfur shit tier crude, the US can. They did it to themselves voting in Chavez and now Maduro.

There you just proved me right.
>damn venezuzelandian dont wunna buy our weappons. Deal with ruskies instead. We will show them.
Also sucking raw goods from a underdeveloped country is not helping it to stand ob its feet.

We've been buying their oil tho

>be venezuelan

>western world
>not shit

The kike is right.

racemixing and jews.

Drought and single export economy combined forces to form devestation

An entire family at this point probably.

All we do here on Sup Forums all day is rant about how the modern western world is a pool of degeneracy and corruption.

Democratic Socialism : )

It has been going on now for over a decade though, the drought and low oil prices just accelerated the inevitable. Chavez and Maduro didn't help chasing out foreign companies and seizing their property either, his monkeys just ran them to the ground.

Right i cant wait for the saudis to run out of oil i cant wait for dubai to fail

You dont see Russia, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Iran with their citizens robbing supermarkets because they have nothing to eat
Muh oil is a convenient excuse for communist spics to justify their shitty economic policies
In this case they just ran out of other peoples money faster because oil became cheap
It would have happened sooner or later

Filled with filthy spics.

Ypu bought oil from the soviets too. Didnt mean you were friends or anything.
It just shows how the venesuelan economywas held in the hands of u.s governament. They caused the economic destability in the country to get rid of a moscow leaning regime and in the process make shekels of a civil war. Classic american scheme.

It affect everyone, not just niggers.

I feel no conflict. The leftest parasites finally got what they wanted by bringing down producers and industrialist to their level.
Let them experience what it's like to live in a society where having a great mind means every looter is entitled to your productive capacity.

I hope they fucking burn.

I for got to add: exasperated by not socialism

At least you still have a chance of making your way to the top. In communist countries everybody is just equally worth shit

but its still better than anywhere else

Russia never was a free market economy. It ran a scheme similar to the Venezuela one: subsidize the regions and its bad jokes of industries with oil revenues.

Iran, the UAE (with exceptions) and Saudi-Arabia function in a similar way. The oil revenues are distributed so that the population is content. Bullshit government jobs are heavily subsidized.

All these countries were kinda Communist.

llego el zurdo

What is north korea and belarussia?

Well, the Saudis were losing oil market share due to shale and high oil prices, they then bring more oil onstream to markets and prices collapse to around $40, truth is they're now running a budget deficit and screwed because of shale suppliers in the US and can't take do anything about it. They really can't maintain this budget deficit for long. Saudi foreign reserves have fallen from $750b to almost $500b in over a year, they're screwed thanks to US shale.

Why are you all blaming socialism for physics? If there are no farms, there is no food. If you can't buy seed, there are no farms.

If you overspecialize, and the specialty is no longer needed, how are you going to survive?

This isn't socialism or capitalism or any ism: this is physics.

The social bargain states: The sum of individual work is less than collective work.

I can work as hard as I can; You can work as hard as you can: But the sum of that work is less than if we work together. Working alone we are limited by 100lb work; together we can do 200lb work. I can't be in two places at once; together we can be in two places at the same time.

BUT The other side of the social bargain is the zero-sum-game of dividing up the spoils of that work.

Why should those who simply organize (and do so not to maximize the physics, but to maximize winning the zero-sum-game to the detriment of the physics) get more than those who do?

The problem with the world is corruption. Capitalism has its corruption right up front by seeking profit, not maximizing individual benefit through collective action.

Wake up world!

You have a chance to be the delusional "rich class". And yet, for you to get on top, 100 people will fail in poverty. This system suck as much as Socialism.

??? I hate socialism more than capitalism

>all these countries are kinda communist
Said the man who's country feeds a million isis recruits using your tax money.

How can I save this gif on an iPhone?

Uhh, they based their entire economy on the export of a single commodity, assuming that the price of oil would stay high forever.

It doesn't matter if you're socialist, capitalist, or feudal. That's not a good idea.

Wew lad, you can't save gifs with an iPhone?

my biggest fear is that venezuela will indeed collapse and trigger the western hemisphere's """""refugee crises""""".

it's entirely possible that we could see fema camps for refugees in the united states by the next year and that is a nightmare scenario.

Economic war of capitalists, not completelly removed from country.

Economic war of US sanctions.

You cannot FAIRLY blame socialism for any failure in such conditions. Even IF socialism was bad, more so if it is correct. Such a small country is not strong enough to endure this external pressure.

Pitty of poisoned Hugo Chavez... (guess by whom...)

Wait it turns out if you just save image it saves the whole gif and it will play if you send it to someone

Many people despise "free-market" capitalism because a persons worth and income are based on merit/profitability. Not some arbitrary number determined by the state, for a position that is neigh impossible to be fired from. The antithesis of capitalism is the looter mentality of entitlement to that which is undeserved. It does not serve the best of society, but the dregs who demand it on basis of their incompetence.

You probably fall into the latter category. I don't hate people for it, I hate the evil it represents.

"But capitalism is clearly failing!" they say. Where? Is there a single example of a pure capitalist society on earth? There is none. Lobbyists lobby, corrupt politicians concede, governments grow, regulations increase, production is stifled, and yet people are taught that the cause is always the "freedom" they have and not the government which is the facilitator of corruption. It would be funny if it weren't so true.

thats the problem of socialism tho. In free market you have changing demand which rules the supply.

In socialism, party tells the country how much of what will be produced and how much it will cost. People fuck shit up and then there is famine. Also if somebody cooks the books to make it look his kolkhoz produced more grain, then this disparity is only seen when people start dying of hunger

Cuba did it without large oil reserves

>Many people despise "free-market" capitalism because a persons worth and income are based on merit/profitability.
It isn't... That was way back then.
Rich people are rich not because they work their ass off but because they ancestor do it.
What is the merit of Rothschild? Have lucky to be born in a rich family? Many of them never work in their life yet they determinate the economy of various countries only to get more profit.

This would be a good system if it wasn't abuse by people like them.

Greetings my "White" friend

That's why Qatar is the richest city in the world right? Shit oil prices.


Seems pretty far fetched onii-senpai.

Notice the "free-market" part of what I said? If that wasn't indication enough I explicitly stated that there is no "pure" capitalist society on earth.

>This would be a good system if it wasn't abuse by people like them.

What you're talking about is the corporatism that currently plagues the world, but corporatism by it's very nature requires the compliance of government to enact it's will into law. Government is the crux of the problem and the lobbyists and special interest groups are merely the symptom of it. Oligarchies have existed long before capitalism.

Venezuela is the ideal socialist paradise.

> Cuba did it without large oil reserves

Problem is with the combination of:
- external sanction war
- internal capitalist traitors

Unlike Cuba, Venezuela retained large capitalist traitors, who are helping the sanction war from inside...

Also there is a problem with over-specialization on oil, and the Saudi+Wallstreet war on oil producers. (I've heard, that oil prizes are largely manipulated by wallstreet "futures" sales...)

>Pitty of poisoned Hugo Chavez... (guess by whom...)
>For Chavez
Kill yourself

>socialism works meme

Interesting how no matter what country and what flavor of socialism is used, it always devolves into countries collapsing.