Why most countries that have declining populations are located in Europe ?


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>eastern europe

In the end Germany will get their Lebensraum without war or genocide, lol.

they flee to other countries

Intelligent people understand that shitting out 40 kids a year isn't sustainable. Same reason Japan's population is decreasing.

Quin es el problema amb Andorra? Vaig pensar que es un pais bonic.

The country has only 84.000, meaning that just a small amount of people leaving the country would already be very relevant
Also I thought Portugal and Spain wouldn't have declining populations.

Yeah, didn't take the small population into account.

the red countires in Europe have not birth rate as high as third world developing countires, actually thay have pretty low birth rate. On the other hand they have a very easy way to migrate to other european countires, that are more rich. Birth rate of native west europeans is of course much much lower, but this map does count with the migration.

The only cunt with a real decline in this map is Japan.
All the other cunts population has simply left the country to work somewhere else or war.
The real decline happens in high developed nations with a strong sense of individualism and high education.
Like this, if you country only has academics, who builds the houses then or bake the bread? If the answer is not robots then you have a typical overindividuliced cunt. This happend in history over and over again and the solution, in the end was eigther destruction by inferior but zergrushing beings or war.

>simply left the country to work somewhere else
Literally all of them except Syria have negative birth rates.

Are you for real?! Why?! Not like you have anything else to do

We don't

why do you ave declining populations

The opposite actually, they immigrate to western countries, the increase in facism is mostly due to eastern european immigrants being allowed to vote

I wasn't really expecting Spain, portugal is eastern euro-tier, so no surprise, now Spain?

No kids and the economic crisis stopped immigration

Not enough moors, with decades of education against having kids and having a girlfriend is pretty much a death sentence at her whim doing wonders on human relations.

My grandma has 7 siblings. People nowadays dont have many kids, they have 2 max or dont have them at all. Gotta buy that latest iphone and have a car each and kids would ruin it. People chase happiness with materialism and kids force people to hold back.

that's basically it

Spain and Japan have the lowest emigration out of those countries so it must be mostly low birth rates. even Greece, despite the crisis, is on the low end of the rest - it's mostly low birth rates. the rest it's a combination of low birth rates and emigration. Portugal has reall high rates of emigration in fact but I'm not sure what percentage return after a while

but it's ultimately the low birth rates, you can sustain a population if you have high birth rates despite high emigration - look at Albania and Kosovo

I disagree, all European countries have a real decline in population. it's just that some of them make up for it with a greater % of immigrants

Thank you for worrying about Japan.
But, Germans should worry about themselves.

German birth rate is low.
(Despite the fact that the birth rate of immigrants has been added)


Also, I think that it is better to pay attention to the birthrate of German race.
I think that people who is German race should better cryopreserve their sperm and eggs.

>they flee
>actually you are still not in shengen area, have visas with russia and usa and you were allowed to travel "fleely" in eu 1 year after the membership which means 2008
also diasporas and expats hardly make families with children as the work dirty jobs in better paid countries

what happened to the overpopulation problem?

the reason for us is probably that raising of wages are always represented as something very bad by politicians and their puppets
As result some people fled to another countries and that is represented as something so good and without negative consequences by same politicians and their puppets
the poor people that actually died from mysery are probably the same number as the fled ones but noone counts them because is unpopular, tendencies made by same politicians
In result kids would old or poor man, gypsies would kick some woman at the stairs etc aka broken edu then imagine how those "great gangstas" make families and what are they if make them
not to mention nowadays lgbt shills and migrant whiteknights

>Australian """education"""
to upkeep population growth 3 children are enough, that are not so many.
Decline here usually is about emigration


It's still there. Africa and Asia are so full of people it's ridiculous.

I agree

no, feminism is non existent in Russia, Japan, China, Brazil etc and they have low birth rates too