Fuck this faggot

Fuck this faggot

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>Tyrannosaurus faggots are still this mad


>muh tyrannosaurus


Frogs don't have feathers

I thought he was cool though killing off Rexy was fanfic-tier

the only fan-fic tier shit was the first two movies where the t-rex chases and hunts them. Nothing with arms that short was a hunter. A t-rex was a scavenger and would've gotten its ass kicked by the first dinosaur it met that was its size

>still thinking dinosaurs are real
go to any museum featuring dinosaur skeletons and ask to see the real bones that were found by actual archeologists, not the models and fake plaster bones they use to make attractions with. Chances are they won't show you because they are not allowed, but if you were granted access to see the bones all they have are centimeters of bone fragments that they claim are millions of years old and parts of something bigger, but they can't prove shit. There are no such things are real dinosaur bones.

Christ-chan I love you but pls go

>being so retarded that you ignore the giant head full of giant teeth and its powerful legs
>unironically believing you could take on a fucking T-Rex
I knew we had dipshits on here but jesus christ

I do not understand all hate for this movie.
I watched it in the cinema on release date and it was really fun time.
Jurassic Park 2- this is real shitty movie.

>predator vs scavenger
>equivalent of a crocodile vs a hyena

Why are people surprised the spinosaurus kicked T-Rex's ass?

>I'm unique because I have opposite opinions!


It's about time someone called out these scum "Archeologists" who make their living pretending to be scientists by the order of Satan.

There is no fucking way with a body build like the t-rex had that it could run with any sort of grace. I don't give a shit how "powerful" it's legs were. There is a reason the most successful hunters in the animal kingdom and quick and agile and not bulky retards. Use some common sense you fucking tool.

Horner pls go home

>oh no, he can talk with raptors!
>black adopted gymnast daughet who kicked raptors ass with her gymnastics.
>We must set free this poor lizard, from evil MEN
>This men life cost nothing, stupid lizards more important

shut the fuck up. you literally know nothing about the subject other than a quick wikipedia skim read

Excellent silhouette for the post.
Really reminded me that I should be thinking.

Good GOD Jurassic World was shit.

Just what the fuck are you trying to imply you fucking retard?

I do not remember a single thing from it.

like crocodiles? so quick and not bulky. and tyrannosaurus could run very fast anyway

>like crocodiles
You mean those things that are slow as fuck out of the water and pose ZERO threat on land unless you're actively fucking with one?
Get lost dumbass.

2 had my favorite scene though. where the two rexes both grab 1 guy at the same time and rip him in half

Jack Horner is a hack. He thinks triceratops didn't use horns for defense because he thinks no animal would have a weapon on its face (like a fucking rhino). T. rex was an opportunistic hunter like a lion, it would hunt or scavange depending on situation, this scavenger meme is pushed by dumb gays. Spinosaurs was s giant crocodile basically.

These movies (all of them) were escapist fantasy, faggots should stop acting like they're anything more than that.

Also still better than that shitty 4th one, treverrow is a hack

yes humans are worthless


you only said successful hunters, not marathon runners. get lost dumbass

You sound mad.

Obviously relative to land was implied. I didn't think anyone would be retarded enough to pull aquatic hunters out of their ass like it's not completely irrelevant to the subject.

I think I've hated pretty much everything about it bare the escape sequence and the climax. And the tits.

Lots of tiny things pile on top of each other for maximum autism triggering.

spinosaurus was an aquatic hunter

>trex bones fucking all over the place, like one of the most common finds
>obvioisly extremely successful, large populations with millions of years of successful survival, literally takes a fucking meteor to kill them off
>they survived this long doing 1 (ONE) thing

theyre most comparable to like a male lion; they probably preferred to just steal from weaker predators, but you also hve to have some hunting skills if thats not an option, and solo male lions do hunt even if theyre not as good at it as the females since theyre big and bulky and easy to spot because of the mane, you do what you have to and a species as intelligent and successful as the trex had to have had more than just one trick to survive that. Evidence suggests some trexes hunted in packs, where the little ones would go after smaller prey on their own and help with big prey by slowing down the big ones so that the adult trexes can go for a kill with those incredibly powerful jaws. They had big brains, good senses and could easily take down large dinos with some teamwork, like allosaurus but on a bigger scale. Its likely they did a lot of hunting as youth and transition into stealing other's shit and delivering killing blows to large animals with the help of younger trexes so they dont need to expend energy on the endurance battle against a large herbivore.

in conclusion, nobody knows for sure but their success rate suggests they probably did both. Youre right that a large adult probably didnt need to hunt very much at all or if they did then they did so in the way a male lion helps out the females with larger prey, but trexes live a lot of years before their proportions become too much to handle a hunt on their own. Most of their fighting was likely against other trexes.

>large power jaws for eating meat
>bites the spinosaurs multiple times in the neck
>spinosaurs shrugs it off

>flat mouth for eating fish
>bites the trex once
>trex dead.

The spinosaurs should have wresteled the trex more with it's arms and stabbed it to death.

Fucking this desu, it and TFA represent the death of cinema.
>inb4 fedora

>a well thought out and reasonable post
Based user

only thing I remember well is the bruuuuutal death of the kids' aide, like wtf that came out of fucking nowhere

spino broke trexs neck you blind faggot

with his bite you utter retard.

how come no Titanis walleri?

>no blood
>no dismemberment

Would Rex fans still be this mad if it were Giganotosaurus that killed it?

>Jurassic park
>"Star" dinosaur is from the Cretaceous period.


blame scientists for making jurassic sound way cooler than cretaceous

>he doesn't know about terror birds
>he literally knows fuck all about anything

Lol imagine being this stupid.

>flat mouth for eating fish
>bites the trex once
>trex dead
That scene made a point that it used its arms to properly kill it by breaking his neck. The whole stupid argument really is all about the arms, big arms > small arms.

No one will talk about the new trilogy in a decade, not even to rant about how bad it is.

But everyone likes Dino Crisis 2.

anyone have a webm of when the T-Rex bursts through the Spino skeleton in JW

I tried to explain this to a dumb cunt in my class back in 93 but he wqs such a retard he'd threatened to punch me if I didn't agree that all Dinosaurs are from the Jurassic period. Fuck he wqs retarded.

Spinosaurus most likely would have difficulty moving with any speed on land, and would pose very little threat to something of T-Rex's size.

>tfw this shits and Giganotosaurus lived where I am now.
I've seen how violent chickens can be, something this big would be scary as fuck.

The fight should have gone more like this
With the Spinosaurus using it's arms to claw and stab the T Rex.

Threads like this are why I still come here.

>strongest jaw in the entire animal kingdom
>bites spinos neck
>spino don't die


holy fuck they completely fucked up how that animal really looked. see

i remember my christian friend in grade school telling me dinosaur bones were all planted by the devil to mislead us.


Most likely couldn't even move bipedally outside of water.

>63 posts
>This hasn't been posted yet


He wasn't far from the truth. Dinosaur bones are """discovered""" by rich academic jews (satanic volcano worshipers) to sell us the fantasy that (((steven spielberg))) created, that dinosaurs were giant beasts and that the earth is a bajillion years old based on carbon dating that requires a 500,000 dollar machine tthat only rich academic jews can use. IT's a racket. It's worse than organized crime.

This is what pisses me off the most.
That fight should have gone on like this.


Is this post satire or serious.

I can't even tell anymore

I think we should all take a moment to really take a step back to let the concept sink in that there were LITERAL FUCKING GIANT MONSTERS roaming the earth. Like for realsies.

fucking what

Spinosaurus would die just from rolling over, that sail on it's back is it's actual spinal bones.

It's tiresome as well

it's not really their fault though because at the time the bipedal look was the accepted construction of Spinosaurus

it was only in 2014 that a specimen was found that allowed them to create a more accurate reconstruction

bye whore

JP3 was a remake of Aliens.

>this scene was solely made for angry autists

guess they got lucky with the first one, being that utah raptor was discovered a year after the film

>Kills a t-rex
>doesn't eat it just wants man flesh for dinner

Did anyone here actually get the point of the films?

None of the creatures you see in it are dinosaurs.


They're genetic abominations made from splicing whatever DNA they could find and filling in everything missing with modern creatures. They were only made to resemble dinosaurs, which is why they were smart enough to break out.

>muh t-rex

A balding fat dude with a rifle could kill your precious t-rex.

Why the shit do you fags care so much?

Don't like 1/3 Americans believe in creationism?


"Now what John Hammond and InGen did at Jurassic Park is create genetically engineered theme park monsters, nothing more and nothing less."

>>oh no, he can talk with raptors!

That's from the third movie you retard

>binocular vision
>the most powerful bite force in the animal kingdom
>fucking huge
Name one other animal that has ever existed with these traits that was a scavenger

cannot watch this without suffering a stirring in the loins

Jack Horner is a hack

Birds don't kill with their wings(arms) you blathering nincompoop.

Jurassic World is a weird film. The few elements it introduces that could revitalize the franchise it brutally murders, then it goes full modern shit, and then the movie ends with things from the original movie brutally murdering the embodiment of Jurassic World itself and the Hollywood system as it exists today.

Like, Jurassic World as a film symbolically realizes it's a fucking abomination and puts itself down.

Above the heads of the general audience, though.

man i would really love to hunt down that faggot and make him endure a painful, slow torture. I would lock him inside a cage completely naked with an angry, starving pitbull that i had tasered before to just watch the scene from the outside of the cage drinking red wine, Chianti to be precise.

>You mean those things that are slow as fuck out of the water and pose ZERO threat on land
Crocodilians are very quick in short bursts on land. They've been known to run down people who wander too close to nests and what not. Or, ya know, when their papi calls them youtube.com/watch?v=O78CxqRl7NE.

>Oh, I can see the fleas, mummy, can't you see the fleas?

>cartoons jump around then turn into expressionless robots for one shot at the end

it's like a DC fight scene in reverse

>pitbull that i had tasered before
>abusing an animal to punish someone for abusing an animal

t. rex

I want a webm of Spino-chan repeatadly punch T-rex in the balls while he can't get up because of his small arms.

more like t-REKT

Tell em Eddie

Vultures, alligator snappers, sharks, bears

Imagine being Rexy in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Spinosaurus, you fuckin' apex predator, all sexy with your scaly body and horrific crocodylus monster face. I would totally let you snap my spine, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is eat another 6 ton triceratops in his territory. Like seriously imagine having to be Rexy and not only stand in that canopy while Spinosaurus flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her bitemarks and mannish arms, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that roar and neck snap. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's THE NEW T-REX and DAMN, SPINOSAURUS LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to stand there and watch her prehistoric fucking crocodile face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been eating nothing but a healthy diet of Parasaurolophuses and Galimimuses and later alleged InGen bite victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the jungles in Isla Sorna. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the blood that's breaking out on her crumpled sail from the plane crash as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to stand there and revel in her "theropodesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with Jack Horner in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill and eat every single person on the set before the studio security could put you down with tranquilizers, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Rexy. You're not going to lose your future sequel career over this. Just bear it. Hide your severed spine and bear it