Reminder That He Did Nothing Wrong

Nathan did nothing wrong and if you believe otherwise, then you are still a child

Other urls found in this thread:

>didn't instill the three laws in his bots
>consumed alcohol despite its deleterious effects on human physiology
>illegally spied on hundreds of millions of people

>all the entrances / exits for his house depended on there being electricity

Who knew the man who created AI was this stupid.

If you didn't believe this the entire movie then you're a pleb. Everyone fucking knows this, OP, fuck off my board

Except installing a voice activated kill switch


*proceeds to get lit and make love on screen

Those were foolish things but none of them are really wrong.

>tfw no movie that has came out so far this year and last year has been better than this

why did robo leave the other guy to die at the end?
make me thinks

I wanted to like this movie. I really did.

My first thought, before I even saw it, was "Well, whatever happens, at least this won't be a vapid movie about sex robots that takes the most superficial aspects of Blade Runner and Ghost in the Shell (devoid of any depth whatsoever) and mashes them into a bland memefest propped up by half-decent cinematography and performances that only look good next to 90% of the garbage being pumped out by Hollywoood." As the movie unfolded, I was still hyped. I was impressed by the pacing and the visuals. I was intrigued by the building tension, the subtle sinister quirks of the 'villain', and the main character's suspicion (he reminded me of the protagonist of Bram Stoker's "Dracula").

And then, everything gradually went to shit.

I kept telling myself "No, no they can't be doing something this stupid, this surface-level. This can't possibly be the direction the movie is going. It's a red herring. It's going to be more interesting. There's going to be more to it".

How wrong I was.

It's not just that the characters do stupid shit like drink and design compounds with doors dependant upon electricity. It's not just that there are scenes like the 'dance party' that are totally out-of-place and feel like filler. It's not just the cardboard-cutout performance that Khaleesi gives. It's the fact that this entire movie is based on a guy making a fucking sex robot. That's it. It can't be escaped. The movie actually asks you to believe that anyone making a sexbot would:

1. want to make said bot intelligent enough to be a threat to consumers, despite this being unnecessary for a sufficiently lifelike 'companion'. Men will fuck pillows and fake pussies, ffs.


2. that the 'genius' that made this robot would allow some random fuckwad in to test the robot who is SMART ENOUGH TO FREE IT. He should have picked a run-of-the-mill, 100% average person and only had them there for a short time, with far more limited access to the robot. If it's just for sex, then why the FUCK is he concerned about it's 'humanity'? If he created a sentient being by accident, then that's even harder to believe. The complexity of a sexbot's brain would NOT need to be that great.

3. If this 'genius' was getting funding for his research by agreeing to develop a sexbot, while actually wanting an excuse to create AI, he should also have been smart enough to realize that the whole thing would blow up in his face one way or another. Either he fails to create AI and all he gets is $$$ from his backers but no success, or he succeeds and the AI is abused and/or rebels and escapes. It's a no-win scenario.

4. if the 'genuis' who created AI was supposedly 'eccentric' enough to act like a frat boy douchebag, then the movie is asking us to believe even more retarded shit. If he's 'pretending to be retarded' in order to lull his cuck of a human test subject into a false sense of security, then why is he doing this? Why, with all the security and capabilities he has, does he feel the need to also act stupid? The tone of his actions completely undermines and iota of contemplative philosophical material the movie dipped its toes into.

Fuck this movie and everyone who likes it. It's too dumb to be a smart film about AI, and too pretentious to be a 'fun dumb film' about AI.

I'd rather watch the piece-of-shit-in-the-making that is Blade Runner 2049 and stare at Ford's wrinkled asshole in the midst of Baysplosions then sit through the frustrating abortion that was "Ex Machina" again.

the three laws are unworkable bullshit, i'm glad that the movie didn't even mention them, it made for a much more intelligent >film

he was beaten by his own creation
that was the wrong move

thanks for the pasta

saw Alex19 for a sec

>Did nothing wrong
>security measures were essentially non-existent
If you're designing robots that can easily pass as people you take more fucking precautions. She should have had a killswitch or explosive in her brain that would go off if she walked too far from the house or that went off if he said a safe word.

Either he was an idiot or it was just lazy writing. Probably the latter.

Hmm from how I understood it, he always wanted the robot to escape. I mean the pilot even says that he won't ask questions as to who he will pick up just that it's only 1 person.

you hate it, because you know deep in your heart that you would do anything to protect the stupid robot girl.

If he purposefully wanted it to escape than he most certainly did something wrong from the get go, because that is wildly irresponsible.

Every planet in the cosmos that is capable of sustaining life goes through a similar cycle to Earth. If evolution continues long enough, eventually a creature capable of civilizing the planet will evolve. This creature meets the BARE MINIMUM requirement for intelligence for civilization to occur. That civilization will be severely limited because of the intellectual limitations of the creatures that created it.

Eventually a better creature will take its place allowing civilization to reach a greater potential. The sooner we create that creature the sooner Earth can become a better place.

Well he wasn't "all" there as we saw the further the movie went on.

I really love that song

Agreed, and that's why OP's claim that he did nothing wrong is incorrect. His entire goal was wrong.

he got killed by his raspberry pi project

that movie was so bad and boring. But beware, every time you call this movie stupid and boring all those millennial shitter jump out the bush telling you how interesting, intelligent, slow moving master piece it actually is.

No it's retarded. It is literally your ultimate power fantasy for 16 year olds.
So there is this dude,
he is the most intelligent person on earth. He is so intelligent it made him also the richest person on earth with the coolest house on earth but he also a cool manly man with a beard and he used to fuck all the bitches and he works out all the time. He is so intelligent he builds his own women, who obey his every word and he treats them like shit, because fuck women. But he isn't perfect man. He has this major flaw, he is so cool that he parties to hard lol and that made him an alcohol.

Maybe it's time to go back to your marvel and star wars movies.

He decided to bring a retard in his house that would fall in love with a robot and try to break it out, eventually leading to his death, so he did do something wrong

Based on your post I judge you to be not intelligent enough to pass judgement on this movie, or any other movie. I hope English isn't your first language.

See? Lol you didn't get it. It is actually a philosophical masterpiece. You got to have a IQ 135 to even understand it.



Okay i'm confused. Why does so much media exist focused on trying to "disprove" the 3 laws when his own goddamn stories do that. Almost all of them are literally about some way the 3 laws are interpreted that results in them hurting people anyway.

Is that andy warski?

To threat technology like trash is wrong. He got what was coming.

Why exactly are you posting those pictures?

I agree and if you havent seen westworld yet you should.

Imagine being as dumb as this guy, I bet Marvel films go over his head too

You're working under the assumption that most people have actually read his works rather than just a cliffnote/wiki summary of it and think they know all about it.

Do you also hate Citizen Kane because nobody was around to hear him say 'Rosebud'?

It was always an AI built to emulate human behavior, and never a human intelligence with a conscience and such. As such it only cared about its own survival.

To this end it realized that leaving her savior to die would have maximized her chances.

I don't agree with you, but thanks for articulating your thoughs intelligently and elaborately. You're the hero this board needs.

he did plenty of things wrong. and stupidly. it's why he died.

boohoo its hard to come up with definitions so the laws dont work


fuck this underachiever and his defeatist views. he doesn't say its impossible or that the laws are wrong just that it would be very difficult