I used to be a Trump supporter, but realisticily Hillary Clinton has superior policies and a warmer...

I used to be a Trump supporter, but realisticily Hillary Clinton has superior policies and a warmer, more leader-like temperament. Meanwhile, Trump is racist and xenophobic. Sources confirmed via Google, I'm not here to educate you. I'm just stating the facts.

Well pol? There are no objective reasons to vote for trump, but MANY for Hillary Clinton.

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Record status: Corrected

im with you, nigger

Well, that finally does it. I am now a #Hildo.


Also, MSM and CNN show polls suggesting Hillary Clinton is more trustworthy. Trump is a lose cannon, and we can't let the country go to war with other ethnicities. We were founded on diversity, and without it we would be nothing.

whelp guess I'm a #cruzmissle now. Thank you for correcting the record™

fuck off shill from nigger land oh wait was that racist?

>$1.58 has been deposited into your account shilling goy

What in particular helped me get to you? I just want to help.

I agree with some of what you just said, but why is Hillary so sick and bloated while Jill is peppy and slim?

Hillary medical records confirmed to be healthier than trumps and other "fail" candidates. She has the body of a 40 year old. Also her record states that she lives a healthy lifestyle and could help America obesity problem and diabetes.

Get off this boarde NOW! or else...

Trump has never voted for war
Trump has never voted for patriot act
Trump has never voted to bail out banks
Trump has never mistaken children handing out lays for sniper fire

>Hillary medical records confirmed to be healthier than trumps and other "fail" candidates.
But she is a proven liar so how can I believe that? Not to mention you didn't even give me a source.
>She has the body of a 40 year old.
I forgot to mention my eyesight is not so good but I do have contacts that give me 20/20 vision.
>Also her record states that she lives a healthy lifestyle and could help America obesity problem and diabetes.
What record? I know she was drinking a chai frappe when she had that seizure, those are incredibly unhealthy.

I am worried about her but more importantly I am worried about my country.

the time wizard's time magic has aged my dark magician by 1000 years, turning him into the dark SAGE

Someone remembers Tuzla?

see comrade. THIS is the reason a contorted capitalism/socialism system does not work. You catch those who should have fallen through the net and let them breed then the scarcity of capitalism leads them into becoming prostitutes and tools to the rich, lacking in dignity and consciousness. conservatism is not the source or bedrock of capitalism but the tool developed by the proletariat to combat its tyranny, recuperated by the system. Liberalism and immorality has and always will be the slave mentality that capitalism exploits.




>Hillary Clinton wants to declare war on everyone.
>Donald Trump wants to finish the wars that have been started.
Yet Donald Trump is the bad guy.


CTR what are you doing here?
Your efforts are worthless

wtf I #correctrecords now


wtf i hate the donald now.
ill vote for hillary in november, please send me the international ballot form.

>this is what Hillary is spending money on

I'd just like the record corrected as to why every time Trump opens his mouth, it looks like he's getting ready to suck a dick.

Better policies like open borders and wanting war with Iran

Hillary isn't mentally fit to run for president, literally.


Kek hillshill spotted. I'm hacking your ip rn
