What is Sup Forums's opinion on this man?

What is Sup Forums's opinion on this man?

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A real G

Isn't he rumored to be a cannibal?

Anyways he's pretty shit tier leader. He could've made Zimbabwe a power house in Africa by using the resources but failed.


sad decrepit scum failure

I would totally fuck him in the ass if you know what I mean

I think he's a nigger who's gonna make Zimbabwe people die of hunger again. What do you think leaf?

he turned the most productive african country into a shithole that can't feed itself, by expelling whites. he's a fucking idiot

You're thinking of Idi Amin probably.


That was Idi Amin. Mugabe's just a garden variety strongman nutcase.

Just another bad african dicta... er, president.

I really like him. He created the most transparent show of what happens when you remove whites from a country

Thank you Mugabe!!


thats a pretty repulsive moustache

He face looks like some crispy BBQ bark.

He's immortal.

Take it, its all yours friend.

he's a poster boy for what happens when whites are replaced with niggers. He's a gift from god.

I like him. He showed the world just how inferior a Civilization of only Blacks is, even when given all the assets of Whites.

this is that harambe right? dicksout!

How did they harass the farmers that farms were no longer usable?

This may be the most interesting man that never gets brought up. Just as Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, and Newark are examples of the failures of Tribalism in the US (all Black only or Black oriented institutions are tribal. they cannot organize any other way. why, i don't know), the Zimbabwe story is a very clear lesson for those who have the strength to see it. I know it is easy to see that most failures, both personally as well as institutionally, are quite black in nature, i am not so quick to lay it completely at the door of genetics, though they obviously play a roll. we must acknowledge that environment and culture play a significant roll in shaping a region and its inhabitants.

Zimbabwe is a Progressives wet dream: power 'restored' to the locals, ideal natural resources to be exploited, favorable geographic location. big enough to get things done, small enough to be managed closely. if you wanted to run an experiment, a hypothetical situation, and you set the variables as positively as possible in favor of your theoretical inhabitants, the computer would spit out something very close to Zimbabwe. Unlike SA or Nigeria, there was no real power tribe in the region, so it has a diversity of tribes on a fairly equal footing. Prime candidate for a socialist utopia.

Indeed, the academics of the world knew this, and hailed the fall of Rhodesia as one of the great success stories of the late 20th century. the outside world sent aid and did not intervene on behalf of the whites in any capacity, be it safeguarding exodus or preventing mass killings. any 'minor' problems were ignored by the UN and the West. Just like affirmative action, the plan was to give Blacks what they had missed out on because of the evil Whites and we would all see that we are all capable of the same things.

from top to bottom, Zimbabwe stands as an unassailable tribute to the fact that Blacks that have not been Western indoctrinated cannot maintain any form of government except Tribal.

not as bad as most people think, honestly its mostly the generals from the bush war pulling the strings, he will die and nothing will change.

Fuck Bill Cosby


>Unlike SA or Nigeria, there was no real power tribe in the region
what the fuck you on about, the shona have always been far more powerful than any other tribe in zim, hence the ndebele getting genocided by mugabe and co

>seize land from white farmers
>people start to starve
>white people arrive in Zambia
>reap tonnes of crops
Are white people magic? What the fuck did Zimbabwe do with the farms?

>What the fuck did Zimbabwe do with the farms?
redistributed to mugabes friends and family or his generals from the bush war for the most part. unfortunately non of them had the ability or interest to farm the lands (for africans land is a status symbol and seen as a much more reliable store of wealth than money, its more a case of owning the land for the sake of owning it, same shit applies to modern south africa, the blacks dont want the land to do anything with it, they just dont want white people having it)

I honestly believe the rape charges are false. The idea that you can get a fair trial decades after a supposed crime is absurd.

At least other Afrikan countries take running a state more seriously.

The tribal system is hands down the best system of government for distributed networks of

This is now a Rhodesia thread

Don't forget to praise Ian Smith's name on later.

the proof that niggers cant run a country without white help

Never forget

except tribal system as a 25% murder rate , 1 man out of 4 is killed by another tribe member



I might stay going for a while

>Sends white farmers away
>A moment later
>Begs white farmers to come back


always feel it is a shame i never got to see Rhodesia, been to zim quite a few times (we lived in SA and my grandad used to take me over the see steam trains) but i never really paid attention to much, other than the trains...

Reminder that the RLI was 70% black


A fucking terrorist who ruined Africa's one shot at greatness.

The shorts were forbidden as white skin showed too much in the bush, but it wasn't strictly enforced.

Shall I stay going?

So, we have a group of people who just 'beat' the big bad colonials (this is a complete fallacy but that is for another time), reclaimed their homeland (another fallacy), and had a ton of in-place infrastructure, both agrarian and industrial. all that was required was for it to be utilized. but very few black africans get good at technical jobs and stay on the continent. the palce is very dangerous, and on a lot of different levels. disease, unrest, and lack of continental/belt transportation infrastructure means shitty time. Zimbabwe was perfect. coastal, connected, and convenient. Customers for their goods all around, favorable status globally, and the media darling if they could make it all work.

...but they were tribal. as xQfzVike points out, there is a substantially high murder rate in tribal systems. when it is just tribes with limited interaction, this is a good thing. males, especially unattached betas as well as omegas, are really bad for the tribe, and having a high attrition rate is an evolutionary attribute evolved over time through repetition (another aspect we in the Modern West see as a disadvantage but is an advantage in a tribal system is the lack of technological development, both culturally ((writing)) and applicatively ((engineering)). if everyone is puttering along, it means stability, and stability is the purest measure for the success of any system*.)

all these good points become severe limitations when you use tribal methodology to manage a federated system, whether it is political, cultural, or commercial. you create an environment where policies tend to calcify around the whims of one dominant family/family group, fostering a never/always culture for outsiders. with no prospects or chances at betterment, young males rebel and wander (assuming you aren't culling them).

He went full nigger and now his people are paying the price for it

I do hope his failure serves as an example to all niggers both foreign and domestic, you need whitey a lot more than he needs you

>Zimbabwe was perfect. coastal

hes a honorary white. no other black man has done so much damage to black people. and he spared white people from the horrors of what he would unleash upon the blacks by kicking them out after taking their land

hes doing gods work


shit, my B Mozambique in my head. strike the coastal access (though i do believe the Rhodisians had built infrastructure to deal with this, but i could be wrong.) ok, take that out, am i wrong about any other stuff? attempt to express yourself in a insightful way; i have been wrong before, i will be wrong again, and a pasty brit with cool on cruise control is not, in my experience, a very good source for lessons to be learned. seriously, pick apart what i am writing... or just through out edgy 1 liners. i care not.




>What the fuck did Zimbabwe do with the farms?
Sold off all the metal used in the irrigation pipes.

cucked white people ruins his country then asks whitey to come back and bleach his country again.

pretty funny desu fampai.

Can't run a country when you have stumps instead of hands.

That was the Congo

> all Black only or Black oriented institutions are tribal. they cannot organize any other way. why, i don't know

Literally their skin color. They can barely tell each other apart when they've lived all their lives together, other black people outside the tribe are always going to be seen as unidentifiable strangers as trustworthy as anonymous shitposters on a Nepalese fingerpainting forum.

i like his moustache


Young males are the driving force of every human group. they take the most pain (GTFO with pregnancy BS), have the most mental and physical capability, and are energy cheap in terms of production and application. history has shown time and again that if you have a problem, any kind of problem, Bubonic Plague, isthmus of panama, Nambu machine guns, preTCP/IP stack networking, just run young males at it until it goes away. and it works. the types of male dictate the efficacy of the approach. sending all of your 19 year olds towards the servers and your 30 year olds towards the machine guns is not the optimal way, but give it time and it will probably work out... assuming you don't run out of either. this is how modern problems are solved. this requires surplus in capacity, sustenance, and population. surpluses of anything are how the West does everything. it is why our lives are so great. it is why the lesser groups flock to the West.(i am leaving out east asians at this time because it is super unclear where they are going to go; they have the surpluses and the good sense to avoid the West's mistake at over promising and under delivering human/social rights, but they are always in danger of cataclysm from natural events given their communal tendencies and geographic realities. Japan pulled of an amazing recovery, but losing 10K people because of minor mistakes is very detrimental in the long run. i digress)

Our infrastructure is built around working towards an excess of surplus. therefore, it needs constant maintenance and development. roads in the US could be made more resilient, but then what do you do with all the construction guys waiting for your pothole free road to fail in some other way? build it with inherent senescence, and you get more opportunities to employ those young men as well as redistribute wealth in a positive, pyramidal way. it is more than just roads, and im sure you can think of supporting evidence as well as exceptions.

Accepting all of these things, it should be quite clear that Zimbabwe was doomed the moment it tried to fill the shoes of whites without asking for their help to do so. their ancesters were overwhelmed in a short period of time by very small forces, instilling in them a heavily weighted value ratio towards whites. add to this that whites always bring kind, selfless people (again, another by product of surplus culture) dead set on increasing opportunities for the natives. this creates a scenario wherein every person of value and capability in the thought department takes up with the foreigners. everyone of less value either gets pushed into a societal position more befitting their inherent abilities or discarded by society altogether. apply time (3 or so generations) and you are left with a very small elite, a larger but still small local elite, and a large bottom class. but those nice folks keep teching everyone to read, keep saying everyone is equal and deserving of god's love and protection (remember, these bush folk see the whites as gods, whether they realize it or not), and keep trying to make their lot better in life. it is inevitable that you will get a few smart ones that decide to not take up with the foreigners after the get the education and, dare i say it, humanization, and instead return to the bottom class with plans and intentions. we see this time and again in many places around the world. my favorite two are Castro and Minh, but there are so many more. These 'leaders' are coyotes in wolves clothing. they love to play general, but what they really are are closeted or former tribalists who want to be something more but retain their native identity. this of course is not possible. In the US, the trade was give up your national identity (and often times language) as your primary defining characteristc, and you get to become part of the group. it would take time, sometimes multiple generations, but it worked.


Literally the hitler if africa

I just don't understand how hard it is to pick up a book and learn to take advantage of the farm land that was given to you. You would assume nearly starving would prompt you to wanna learn to grow some shit.

whites dont need blacks though

The Irish went from being slaves to being an integral member of social make up. the germans went from sequestered enclaves to being nearly undetectable in the whole white population. the Italians continue to be useless fucking morons, but their women are hot and they are great for putting in front of the rednecks when you are storming a beach. this is how American reeducation works: trade us your identity, and in 2 or 3 generations you are defining ours. indeed, that is the only way diverse cultures can prosper.

this method, coupled with the excess of surplus, is why the west can do what it does. black africans only get to see a small part of this system. they get told by religious zealots that they are just as valuable in god's eyes and just as capable as the colonists, then they see hannah montana, barry O, and the like and think that they are capable of anything. but we know better, even if my peer group is currently living under the snowflake delusion. we in the West know that it is better to be stable and relatively content than to constantly seek fame and dominance. again, this is changing right now, but i believe it will stabilize.

the dindus, and all black africans are dindus unlike euro and a small amount of US blacks, are not good at thinking long term. that is for the Big Dick to do. better to plow my wives and relax as much as possible... and keep the young males away from my brood mare. think about the block niggas you have encountered. they sit around all day, looking for simple opportunities, cracking wise, and maintaining dominance over the community's younger males. also notice that this completely evaporates when blacks grow into the fabric of a white community with a high barrier to entry (expenses, refined social signaling, strong traditions and heritage). if you are from a mostly white region, i am sure this seems like bologna, but consider your version of the Dindu: the Duhwutnow.

spoken like someone that does not grow stuff. no hate, but it requires a ton of institutional experience to be done properly. try it some time. grow something and eat it outside not in a pot, using only a book and asking for no help. then do it year after year, but always in the spot you first chose. to have strong agronomy, you need a tradition of capability. that cannot be learned, it has to be developed over generations.

bullshit. all humans need other humans in some way. we may not need the blacks you see on the news, but as this points out whites do need blacks to do the strong back simple mind jobs, assuming they are the smart ones in the equation. if it is in east asia, whites become the workers and the bing changs become the leaders. dont be a communist; hierarchy requires tiers and it is better if they are naturally occuring.

Very true. We can all see how Europe was a giant shithole when it had only white workers. OH WAIT!!!

The duhwutnow is, in may ways, worse than the dindu in that they maintain the delusion that their skin color is an advantage. much like modern blacks in america use there melanin to secure preferential treatment, societal advantages, and preferable breeding partners, so to did the Duhwutnows of yesteryear. both of these bottom class groups are enabled by popular propaganda generated by the subset of elites most able to take advantage of them. i digress.

all of this, all this complexity, can be managed in the West precisely because of the quiet, unremarkable super minority that works for the sake of satisfaction and stability. the US government functions[sic] not because of the McCains and the Warrens, but because of the lifer bureaucrats that populate the infrastructure (elected office is well under 1% of the Federal govt). True, there are way more pension seeking duhwutnows in the bureaucracy, but it is the core super minority that keeps it chugging. this is one very critical ingredient for Westen Style systems to work.

And Zimbabwe has nothing resembling that in any way, shape, or form. The only thing that came close was the White farmers and the blacks that served in the white militaries, but they expelled them and doomed themselves. Mugabe was the Big Dick, and to him, things happened when he ordered them to, not when he built them. this approach becomes pervasive in a tribal system, and this foments a decline. the ANC has done the same in SA. the Christians of Nigeria are trying to go a different path, and in this way the Muslims are a blessing. To put it differently, society rallies around the cavalry when the red man is scalping school girls.

bereft of an outside threat to unify it, damned by an inherited flaw in governance, and suckled by a overly emotional West, black africans will always fuck up governing themselves in a Western style.

the irony of your flag is tickling my giggle switch.


Tickle my cock instead, faggot. The gypsy meme is old and stale.

is this Black Panther's father?

Based as fuck, throws out all the white farmers and Indians to score brownie points with his peoples, then they all starve and have runaway inflation, begs white farmers to come back, some do, a lot don't. You can't make this shit up.

destroyed his country for Sup Forums tier logic,feelings and arguments

Don't read many books do you?

He's cartainly much older than Bill will ever be

>There is nothing to steal
I bet those rats were from some other nigger and he stole them.

The zimbabwe people need to kill hom before they starve to death.

Daily reminder when Rhodesia was still around the New York Times was sucking Mugabe's dick and calling him the prince of peace against the evil racist whites.

Daily reminder when Rhodesia was still around the British government did everything in their power to make sure it won't be around.

Who doesn't know that though

the UK betrayed Rhodesia and organised an embargo to strangle it out of existence

a white country erased by people who are still walking around today

Not good. Ben Freeth came to our school once to give a speech. Not a positive review.

Taxes or impossibilities to sell their shit outside their country and pay them far less than the shit was worth there are tons of way to fuck them up.

What I find incredible is that liberals supported the "rising of the african people" against their "white oppressors" yet they never mention how Zimbabwe turned into such a shithole now.

Total retard who destroyed his country. I relish every piece of bad news that comes from Zimbabwe. He deserves nothing but unending misery.

Bernie sanders would be proud as how inflated and undervalued zimbabwes money is
The zimbabwe economy is bernie sanders wet dream

The christians in zimbabwe have been protesting mugabe all month
They realise he is why they are starveing.

I liked him best in Donkey Kong Country, but I never understood why he was called Donkey when he's obviously AN APE.

The farmland was taken from white farmers and given to blacks, by virtue of being the correct color to be allowed to farm in that land. Then the new owners ripped up the irrigation systems and sold them for scrap. After that they ate the seeds that charities sent to them.

These days they do still have some farmland that can be irrigated (mostly by truck or by hand since the irrigation systems are all gone) but the farmers cannot be convinced to grow food crops. They prefer instead to grow cash crops such as tobacco, but they're shitty farmers without any realistic irrigation so their crops are very low quality and can't be sold when competing with real cash crop growers (like Indonesia and the fuck tons of tobacco they grow).

So now they have a bunch of barely usable tobacco and no food and no money. And they've done that exact same thing for years. They cannot be convinced to grow food that can at least sustain themselves, they see dollar signs and can't be told otherwise despite what happened to them last year and the year before that.

Why do they keep making this decision even though it clearly leads them to starvation? Because charities bail them out every time, rushing food to farmers who chose not to grow food and failed to sell their shit crop on an international market.

Just another stupid nigger.

e's a racist dumb ass

Based Mugabe. You can't blame him for giving the people back their land.

Mugabe cant starve the niggers of zimbabwe fast enough

Yeah his actions are killing more black people than the entire abortions the niggers do by their own in the US.


either comically stupid or comically evil

Mugabe and zimbabwe is a daily reminder of how much of a failure the black race is.