The seventh Marvel NOW! 2.0 Mike Deodato "Divided" teaser features Solo and Jessica Jones

The seventh Marvel NOW! 2.0 Mike Deodato "Divided" teaser features Solo and Jessica Jones.


The six Marvel NOW! 2.0 "Divided" teaser.

>implying The Mercs for Money may play a bigger role in the months following Civil War II

Teasers for female Quasar, Death's Head, and Karnak when?

People remember Solo? Who's next, Chance? Will 'O The Wisp? Jimmy-6?

>my dreams about a slapstick solo are now crushed

It hurts

>People remember Solo?
Only because he's part of Deadpool's Mercs for Money.

Chance was recently in a Captain America comic I think.

>Deadpool and its spinoff books are basically required readings now

>yfw Marvel actually does a Prowler series written by Warren Ellis

Thought that was Solid Snake at first.

What is this whole divided stuff about?

>Deadpool and His Once-Obscure Pals for Money

>Thought that was Solid Snake at first.
I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to make him Marvel's Solid Snake.

CW2 fallout. Carol wins probably? I don't know how a Tony win would divide the whole universe.

So is it Deadpool and his Mercs for Money vs the Marvel Universe?

Stingray and Terror when?

Carol can't win, that would change the status quo. At best it ends with her being painted as right after the inhuman is killed and everything goes back to normal.

The mercs decided Deadpool isn't worth working for and agreed to kick him out so they can actually make money

>new Deadpool and the Partners-Who-Commit-Filthy-Acts-For-A-Reasonable-Price is a flagship book now

X-men when?

>thinks this event wont lead into them being kicked out of 616

what's the meaning of this?

Events have (temporarily) changed the status quo before.

Death of X

Why is this guy, or anyone who traces those 3D models, considered an artist let alone paid for this shit? Completely takes me out of every comic and I can't fucking unsee it


He was in the original version of Turn Off the Dark.

a. they complete shit on time
b. they are company "yes men"
c. casual fans dont give a fuck about tracing

Deadpool Merc vs Marvel
Bunn probably pushed that

Who's this guy

Reminds me of this.

Does anybody even care about this

Man I'm really fucking behind on deadpool

Last issue I read was that Spider-Man deadpool issue with him going to hell

Eh, i like it

If each of the Mercs for Money gets their own solo then I will be fucking FLOORED.

I was just thinking a couple years ago "man, I miss Solo. I wish they would bring him back but I know it'd just be in a one-off storyline and he'd only show up to be killed off."

And now here we are. I for one am happy that the 2010s are turning into 90s Part 2.

Luckily Deadpool and its spinoff books are all solid. Better than most of Marvel's other current output.

Obviously it can't be a longterm win, but Marvel has done year-long sweeping status quo changes before. I'm sure they could manage the Fall to Spring (which is like 2 story arcs per book with how deconstructed everything is nowadays) with the "Carol won" status quo, before next summers big EVERYTHING CHANGES summer event causes that status quo to get reset.

I am not a fan of that costume.

Apperently, casuals actually love Deodatto's art because it looks "realistic." Same with Greg Land. Which is fucking absurd but there ya' go.

Solo. He's an anti-hero from the 90s (one of the many "pouches, guns, and grit" style heroes from that era) that went straight into limbo once the 90s ended only to get brought back in ANAD Deadpool as part of Deadpool's mercenary team, the Mercs for Money.

>Prowler back
Fuck yes!
>With a shitty new costume
I'm still reading it.

>Marvel pushing D-List characters

I've never even fucking heard of Solo or Foolkiller

I don't see anything wrong with pushing D-Listers.

>BREAKING NEWS: These teasers brought meme-magic into a piracy thread! The real thread with proper links 404s!

I remember Solo, he's kind of like the Punisher with a head sock and teleporting. And he really hates terrorism.

Made even crazier when you realise that both Foolkiller and Solo are straight white men. I could understand them trying to push d-list minorities like Prowler, but it's weird seeing them do the same for their white male heroes.

Maybe Bunn have a and on this. Most of his villain book is solid so i look foward to the Mercs

Prowler has been back since the first issue of this volume of spiderman

But they aren't even good D-Listers.

Jack Flagg is a good D-Lister (or was after Ellis fixed him).

Solo & Foolkiller are just shitty Punisher ripoffs

From the thumbnail, I thought it was Solid Snake.

Deadpools Mercs for Money is a good book.

I'm still mad about not muh Foolkiller

I was kind of interested in a new volume of Alias, but with Deodato on art?


Deodatto is doing all of these teasers. So unless Deodatto is the artist of literally every book Marvel is putting out this fall, then this is just for the teasers and not a sign of who the actual artist is.

>unless Deodatto is the artist of literally every book
Given how lazy his poser-shit is I don't know that that's as impossible as you seem to think.

You mean
>new Deadpool and the Partners-Who-Commit-Dirty-Deeds-Done-Dirt-For-Cheap is a flagship book now

I don't see the problem but I am a pleb so ilustrate me.

What's wrong with Deodatto?

He uses a program called poser which allows one to easily make and pose 3D models which he then doodles details on. It's a lazy shortcut that looks like crap. By comparison, he's Deodato drawing something entirely by hand which is terrible for different reasons.

Poser just makes everything look stiff and lifeless.

The Mercs are the weakest bit of Deadpool's ongoing. mEHHHH

Which Marvel Now

That's Death of X

>I've never read Gerber's Foolkiller
Go die in a fire.

This is lobfield bad

I'm pretty sure all the 90's guys will be dumped into one book which will serve as a hit piece for the era, kinda like a Marvel version of Kingdom Come

That was 20ish years ago, look at his Thunderbolts or Hulk work that was before he started using poser and VASTLY better then his Wonder Woman work.


Hate to break it to you but that's poser.

user, that's still poser. He put more work into it rather than just straight up phoning it in, but it's still poser.

I don't understand. Who wants Solo back? Does anyone really want Marvel D-listers?

Its not half as glaring as it is on his recent work, likely because it was hand inked instead of digitally drawn like he does today.

Nothing wrong with using poser if he can make it look good.
Finch was using poser briefly on his JLA run and much of that looked a good deal better then his Forever Evil or current Batman work.

>before he started using poser
>posts a comic from after he started using poser

Is anybody even caring about these teasers?

If Janine worked on faces he would be GOAT with poser. As it stands the faces are lifeless but he can really paint a lovely scene and his action and movement are top notch.

Wait... Death's Head? You mean the big robot guy?

Was Roche's series ever released? It's probably just that.

Roche's series? I'm afraid I don't understand. This is the Death's Head I know. Don't know too much about who wrote him, just basic background details.

I still have no idea what these teasers are supposed to be teasing. New books? Status quo changes?

Meh, I mean, I'm glad to see Thor Odinson is coming back.

Janin is the absolute worst when it comes to poser 100 times worse then Deodato.
Deodato at least adds shading and nice cross hatching, Janin has nothing going for him, bare minimum garbage.

Never even heard of it buckaroo

Here's late 90s, pre-poser Deodato. He started using it in the early 00s so this is the evolution of his natural style. While somewhat better than his mid-90s work, it's not exactly good and still looking pretty 90s Image-inspired.

otoh it's still more palatable than this

Remember how the Onslaught crossover a while back ended in a bunch of characters getting shifted to an alternate dimension for a while, and that dimension had its own comics under the Heroes Reborn banner?

Civil War's going to end the same way. The characters on one side of the teasers stay in the current universe, the other side heads off to their own dimension.

The best thing for the X-Men is for them to end. X-books are such a massive clusterfuck.

I don't want to ruin comics for you BUT once you notice it it's really obvious, the "art" all looks the exact same, look out for really uninventive close-up panelling, the shading is the same

It's easier to notice when you start differentiate between artists, noses and hands really give it away in particular for me

A good example is OP's pic, especially Jessica Jones, look at the shading, the awkward arms, there's almost an uncanny valley effect in how "3D-like" it looks, but once you notice the signs in her they're really obvious in Solo, too

I'd much rather have shitty art that someone actually bothered to draw over this homogeneous shit