Is there any religion that more pathetic than christianity?

Is there any religion that more pathetic than christianity?
>be christian
>lose half of your land to muslims
>lose your second holy city to muslims
>try to take them back(crusades)

>Be Muslim
>Your land is qualified as the biggest shithole right now
>Beheadings are normally made to people that commited ''sorcery''
>Be removed from their own land by a bunch of jews.
>Still fighting among your brothers and call the christian uncivilized pathetic scum.

Wtf, are the turkroaches starting to shitpost more than the leafs?


>Be muslime
>Conquer rich christian lands
>turn them to shit holes
>Can't penetrate into Austria
>Entire islamic world collapses because of barbarian hordes/mongols

everyday i read news, theres a new suicide bombing in one of the poor muslim countries down there, try to behave and maybe you can build something that lasts on that endless sand, instead of dictatorships and enslaved public

You can blame the British at multiple points in history for blocking or directly opposing the reclamation of Asia Minor, Levant, North Africa, and East Thrace. The most recent case would be in 1922 when the Greeks were utterly abandoned by their wartime allies. Prior to that the British mostly tripped up Russia whenever possible because it was in their best interests to keep the Turks propped up.

>Be mudshit
>Get conquered by the UK
>UK Cedes all of your mudhit land to the jews
>Jews now own your holy cities in the levantine area

The real problem here is that white people are too nice.

I mean, if we allowed ourselves to engage in utterly unrestricted holy war, the Muslims would probably last about 3 weeks due to their inability to create any form of modern military force. Face it roach, your kind have no ability to create anything of value so you steal from those who can and claim it as your own.

Praise Kek!

>be a Muslim
>kill other Muslims because Jews tell you so
>pretend like it's cool

>be muslim.
>suck Mohamed's wrinkly dick.
>realise he used the same dick to rape that goat behind your 'bakce'
>realise you just got AIDS

>be turk
>beg to join union of christian nations
>land is full of desert
>couldn't beat serbia
>btfo by jews
>a fucking crescent
>follow pedophile death cult
>only notable landmarks are looted byzantine and christian cities
>your country is named after a bird
>no significant role in any world war
>worthless passport
>get blown up by own death cultists
>cant even do coups right
>martial law
>leech of christian nations
>literaly the shittest member of nato, estonia could invade turkey and win
>shit economy
>whole country smells of old meat and cologne
turkey yes

best anhero now

You could take over the entire world, and that would only prove Revelation right.

Islam is a Satanic lie. The false prophet Mahound didn't talk with Gabriel. He talked with Satan. Mahound was a demoniac. The Koran is evil, mixed with just enough truth to keep Muslim societies from collapsing into total depravity.

Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. You follow a false and wicked religion.


>Muslims can't even beat Israel despite outnumbering them 10 to 1

>sorta imblying Russia didn't fight wars because the Jews told them to.
I wish the Brits didn't recall their troops until another generation or two had passed. Let the people adjust and grow up under new rule and develop.
Britain is REALLY shit at empire building, its no wonder that their empire fell with the kind of shit they pull.

>Conquer the middle east, Asia minor
>No real problems everything is going according to plan
>Jingoism low, the people want there troops back home for christmas or someshit
Guess we should take the troops out then, hahaha benis.
>repels pop up, world starts denounces you
>draw up shit borders with MS paint real quick, using the line tool to make it professional looking.
All better.

Or my personal favorite.
>Conquer the holy lands
>Invite kikes
>Kikes start blowing shit up and being terrorists
Guess we should gib this land to Israel
>Whole region against this, you know theres going to be problems
>>fast forward to 20xx
>a dozen former terrorists as Prime Minster of Israel

Die turkroach

Shut the fuck up you fucking shitpostroach.

>Be muslim
>Trie to conquer Visigoth kingdom in spain
>Unable to conquer the last christian land at the top of the penninsula.
>800 years later they kick you out of Spain, discover America and became one of the biggest empires in Huma History.


Britain isn't that shit at empire building. They did make English the de facto Language of the World (tm)

>just a shitangle
>When selecting a lanaguge their own colony represents their language.
>Spanish economy
>multiple factions trying to secede
At least they held it for centuries. Nigga your ""empire"" crumbled in only a few generations.

Its really only de facto because of the Internet being a standard. Americlaps are responsible for the Internet.

Another great point. They've been losing land ever since they became an empire.

If they are the cucks, why does every spaniard look like an arab rape baby?

Is there any religion that more pathetic than christianity?
>be christian
>lose half of your land to muslims
>lose your second holy city to muslims
>try to take them back(crusades)

I just recalled something.
Occupied by Britain for centuries, completely reliant on Spain for commerce. Still doesn't want to be Spanish.
Spaniards are completely butthurt over it.

I don't think I've ever seen a quality Turkish post. The amount of asshurt coming from Turkey astounds me. And for what reason? I don't really get it.

The British Empire never crumbled, it just switched places to America similar to how the Roman Empire switched from West to East.

back in the days you guys lost to austria.

no need to know more really.

>Slowly being eaten alive by Spain's half-Indian rapebabies.
>Mulatto president
>Kike run economy.

It doesn't work. The Byzantines referred themselves as being Roman (they were greek) however, there are no German Americans ( A majority of the hwite pop.) that would gladly call themselves British.
Besides when the Empire split that marked a definitive decline for the West, and a slower but inevitable decline for the East.
Are you foreshadowing that Mexico will gradually start to invade the south?

is there anything more stupid than wasting billions of dollars and many lives arguing over who has the best bed-time story?

No, America just stabbed Britain in the back after WWII and took their status as foremost world power away from them. Theres no continuity there, the USA is a usurper not a successor.

When did they lose against Nazi Germany?

And I bet despite everything in 200 years we will still be around. I can't say the same thing about Spain. They will probably be reduced to just Castile before the end of my lifetime.

Christianity was the original Jewish Conspiracy.

jesus got kennedy'd

Christians are the biggest cucks ever.

Muslims and Jews know how the fuck to fight.

Oh, and:

>Be muslim
>Lose holy land to a few Jews
>16 million jews in the world defeat 1.6 billion muslims.
>mfw muslims are the biggest retards ever

It doesn't matter what name we refer to ourselves as. Culturally and politically we are closer to the British than any other nation (at least equal with Australia and Canada). We also replaced Britain as the global hegemonic power right around the time when Britain fell from this role circa 1945.

As Britain declines even further in international relevance in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, we pick up the slack. Although in the last decade it's become clear that our days of hegemony may very well be numbered, and that we will probably follow in Britain's footsteps.

Britain, America, and the entire West are experiencing the same symptoms that led to the fall of the Roman Empire.


>I don't think I've ever seen a quality Turkish post.

Only ever seen it once...

>Turkroach has quality post
>Confesses to be Greek
>and christian
>and is only visiting...

>just enough truth to keep Muslim societies from collapsing into total depravity
>total depravity
I am laffin


Not entirely true. I really do wish people would understand that the Roman Empire was so glorious that it took a unique combination of terrible events to bring it to its knees. It's inherently inaccurate to compare modern western societies to the developments leading to its fall because our core institutions have radically changed. By that I mean that the means by which the state arms itself and collects tax are much harder to undermine. The degradation of Rome's martial tradition is something that just hasn't happened in the US at least and even Europe's disgraceful disarmament hasn't been restocked by foreign mercenaries with no allegiance to the state.