Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie...

Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie? I fucking loved Atlas Shrugged and Objectivism is god-tier ideology but the movie of Atlas Shrugged sucked.

You can polish a turd as long as you like but at the end of the day it's still a turd and you're still a turd polisher.

It would make a better ~20 episode series. But still it would be full of boring ugly people having sex.

inb4 a horde of shills criticizing Ayn Rand because they don't want their gibs taken away

>special snowflakeism
pick one

Wasn't tomorrowland meant to be a rip of this?


Why isn't there a film spreading awareness about the mental illness meat bags that are the happa?

I always knew Randroids were autistic, but damn

>being so insecure about your contradictory elementary level philosophy that you need millions of threads asking the same thing, errday

>Objectivism is god-tier ideology

Ann relied on gibs her whole life.


>force someone to use system

>relied on her lovers for financial support
>relied on the state for financial support
>FUCK DA POOR!!11!1!

Objectivity is babbies first philosophy

Objectivism is what drove the western world. You public schooled relativists don't even know why you're so stupid, that's the sad part.

Just play Bioshock, my dude.

Go back to /r/im14andthisisdeep


>no replies

user shrugged

"Fuck the poor" isn't a philosophy

is reading this book a colossal waste of time if im not a teenager anymore?

Reading fiction is.

Anthem would make a better film.

>so based he cant afford pants



If someone doesn't like Anthem, they definitely won't like AS.

> Baby's First Excuse to be a Selfish Edgelord
> Ever making a good movie


holy shit lol. if you're going to try to force something, at least make sure it's something people will actually reply to.

Isn't this guy pretty much as much of a walking Randbot wet dream as there is?

This is a good movie.

OF COURSE an american would think Ayn Rand is cool. She's the embodiment of their own selfish narcissism.

>i have it!
>i won't share it!
>no taxes!
>fuck the poor! It's their fault!

*becomes poor

>state aid plz!!
>Gibs me dat handouts!!!

You're the equivalent of a selfish child with a bag of sweets at a party.
Nobody gets one of yours, but AS SOON AS you've run dry you're out with the begging bowl.

Every. Time.

I obsessed about Ayn Rand when I was 17. But the reasonable appeal of her ideas was dispelled for me by how much of a fucking hypocrite she turned out to be in the end.

Lol no one can force anyone to take "free money" its physically impossible

if objectivism is such a good ideology why do you make this thread no one ever replies to every day