Has anyone been an extra in a movie before? Apparently Star Wars will be filming in my town

Has anyone been an extra in a movie before? Apparently Star Wars will be filming in my town...

Should I do it?

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Do the power stance in the background

Do it

Go dressed as CIA

Sure do it. You'll get some decent money plus free food

Do it, get in good with Daisy Ridley and try and fuck. It would be a landmark moment in Sup Forums history.

I hope you know that article is fake OP.

Yeah after more googling I realized it

Yes. If you get in you'll at the least have higher self-esteem.

Im in The X-Files with half of Vancouver in the chess assasination scene. Nearly 20 years later its still fun to see myself in the crowd..

kek, do it OP

go and be as annoying as possible so they kick you out

>implying this won't happen naturally

That was a great scene. Great season overall with some of my favorite episodes. Can you go into what was involved in being an extra?

Mark is looking more and more like Patton Oswalt.


Shoo shoo go away normie

Definitely go do it.

Make sure to allahu ackbar yourself on camera though. That'd be so fucking funny.

We had to be there by 8am. We sat around for hours. The director thanked us all for our patience. We ate some free lunch. It was pretty boring and I read a book most of the day but it was a nice thank you from cast & crew to the city.

They used to shoot Millennium at a house on my street all the time and a bunch of my neighbours were in it over season 2. Again.. lots of waiting and doing nothing, followed by free lunch.

>hear star wars needs extras near where i live
>look up some shit
>severly disappointed

If I don't see an extra in the background in a CIA stance mouthing the name "Bane?", I'm gonna be disappointed.


They've been doing this fake article for every small town

i had a film teacher who did this for fun. he literally zig zagged across the set to get as much camera time as possible. kek'd when i saw it in the movie.

Cool, thanks for the explanation.

Hope you're not a white male...

>Has anyone been an extra in a movie before?
yes, i've in xmen: dofp, jonathan strange and the art of more.

>Should I do it?
Yes, it's fun.