How long does Frank last?

How long does Frank last?

Frank would win, but he doesn't kill cops. And I'm sure that current might share a beer with Frank.

I'd pay to see that fight happen.

I'd rather see a team-up.

>Frank ends up in Mega City One
>takes careful stock of the situation
>joins the Judges

This. Frank would probably respect the Judges and tag along with Dredd on missions. Hell, they'd probably be impressed with how he deals with situations.

Would he think Frank was a common criminal at first?

You don't know that being a vigilante is illegal in Mega City One? Dredd would throw him in the cube for being a vigilante and mass killing.

A better question is which scenario would be more interesting: Dredd winding up in the middle of Marvel's New York or the Punisher winding up in the middle of Mega City One?

Well, he is.

this. I'd rather see Judge Castle than a fight between Frank and Dredd.

Well if Dredd went to Marvel it would be all about cameos, whereas if Frank went to Mega City One the story could just focus on him and Dredd. At least that's what I imagine happening given my experience with crossovers.

Frank in Mega City One I guess? I mean Dredd would start doing his Judge thing and get shut down by the Avengers or Spider-Man pretty much right out of the gate.

they wouldn't have him

Judge Castle has a nice ring to it.

frank is fucked

The problem is that if he lived in Mega City One, he never would've became the Punisher.

Well, they could go with MAX Frank.

Has Frank ever murdered an innocent?

I bet he has, so the Judge will fuck him hard.

Well, whenever Frank thinks he's murdered an innocent he usually plans on killing himself--only to find out he didn't actually do it right before committing the act. I know that happened once at least.

doesn't matter if the people Frank kills are guilty or innocent. Vigilantism is a crime in Mega City One. that's enough for Dredd to go after him.

Once that I recall, though he was mind fucked into doing it by the Hate-Monger.

God, Fraction's run was so bad in so many places.

Don't prospective Judges have to be trained at around 5 or 6 years old? Frank as he is now wouldn't qualify.

Frank would have been a judge.


Why the hell are people saying Frank would join the judges? He kills criminals but he isn't a fascist, the judges not only kill criminals but also enforce an authoritarian system with borderline retarded laws.

The Punisher does what he does because he knows the day he kills an innocent is the day he'll put a bullet on his brain; he upholds an ideal of justice that is philosophical rather than pragmatic, he doesn't give a shit what the law says paper, only what his sense of justice tells him. The judges are the complete opposite of this, they uphold the law, regardless of moral considerations, hence Dredds's "I am the law" motto.


>Castle family go to park.
>Stumble upon thugs hanging a guy from a tree.
>Judges turn up.
>Thugs take out guns.
>As do the Judges.
>Firefight ensues.
>Castle family is too late to react.
>All are killed in crossfire except Frank.
>Judges blame family death on the thugs.
>Public blames police brutality.
>Frank blames Judges.
>Becomes "The Punisher" to punish those, like the Judges, who "think themselves as unpunishable or untouchable by law."
>That's how Frank sees it anyway.
>Prime targets become corrupt politicians and the Judges.
>Alternate universe scenario where The Punisher is a Judge Dredd villain/antihero.

I'd love a Dredd/Captain America crossover where Cap comes out of the Ice into Mega-City One.

Depends, are we talking one on one or Dredd call in reinforcements?
I think they are pretty even in the first case but Frank is going to have a bad day if they go after him mob handed

I'd buy that

Poor Steve there's no way he'd cope with the 22nd century

If its in the Marvel Universe Frank wins cause there is a literal Chaos Demon watching over him making sure he never dies.


It wanted him to die after he served his purpose, but things went awry.

Judges Dredd and Castle sort the scum of Mega City One.
Yes, that'd be a fun comic.