Fat Hate Thread

Can we get a fat hate thread going?

Obesity is a rampant problem, and one particularly taxing on the welfare state. Yet, some fat fucks take pride in their disgusting condition.

The "Body Acceptance" movement* is one of the contemporary cancers on society. The world would be a better place without it.

>*body acceptance for cancer survivors, amputees, burn victims, etc. is completely fine ; just not for people who don't know how to stop eating.


>How is it my problem? It's not costing me anything
Liberals will defend this.

Dumb people in the UK thinking "muh tories ruining the NHS" when it's fat cunts like this that are making it such a fucking financial drain. Instead of spending £250 a day to keep that bloated behemoth alive they should spend £1 on a fucking bullet and put it down.


He's right though, it's not his problem.

(((medicare))) for the (((obese and useless)))

>Fat != unhealthy
>Humans deserve respect & Dignity (Even unhealthy ones)
>Even unhealthy ones
Gee I dunno


In America, I wish Obamacare actually had Death Panels.

Go to /fit/ for this thread op

>not understanding publicly-funded programs

You are the cancer

It's simply a way of life. Stop being a toxic male and go lose weight yourself.

Not to mention you lack empathy for people who don't have the privilege of being thin or of average weight.

>simply a way of life

Not when being a fat, useless lardass sends you to the grave quicker

>having a lifestyle that is literally viable for our species to survive is now a privelege

I'm fat (5'10, 325lbs), have an IQ of 135 and made over $200k last year. I've fucked 25 women. I have 0 medical conditions, except I dont sleep well.

I wish I was fit, but I love rich food, and have no interest is sweating my balls off so I can have saggy skin and still look like shit.

My body may be lazy, but nothing else about me is.

Do you hate me?

>privilege of being thin

Literally no fatass is born with a BMI that would correlate to their BMI as a adult. Being thin is not about (((privilege))), it is about loving yourself enough to stay healthy (which takes work); I wouldn't have the body I do without eating well, walking a couple miles a day, and lifting occasionally (and that is bare minimum stuff)

Stop making excuses; start making progress

I hate you because you're Russian, Ivan. Your being fat just gives me something to laugh about. And your not sleeping well is likely apnea, which is a condition brought on by obesity.

Lets say I'm an American then. Same question.

I'm smarter and richer and more successful than you I'm betting, what makes me a piece of shit?

Is it better to be fat and fit your skin, or to look like this guy?

It's better to look like that guy if you want to live to 60. You can always get the excess skin removed with surgery.

My hate is reserved for those who act like brats, as if society owes them for being fat fucks. Most hate in this thread is towards those with that mentality.

You don't revel in it, it is what it is to you.

Nowadays there is surgery for this.

Who the fuck wants to live past 60?

Also have you seen the scars, you look like a fucking cadaver afterwards.

The fact that you're on 4chins bragging about anything tells me that it's all bullshit.

HOWEVER, I'll bite: yes, I still hate you. You are a burden on your fellow man by straining our healthcare system; you represent a growing population of people demanding special ((considerations)) simply because they can't put down the fork; and you will be a great burden on your family once your health finally gets worse (which will happen sooner rather than later, since you're so unhealthy).

You are a living problem that the rest of us are having to solve/live with

there's a bit of (((genetics))) involved but most of these fatso losers are sitting on their asses 40 hours a week and stuffing doritos in their mouths

someone post the video of the show where some fatties ask a health Doctor is its possible to lose weight and he explains how easy it is and a fatty says "well working out is hard" and he says "well j was asked if its possible not if its easy" or something like that

Let's say you were healthy Ivan.

You would contribute to society even longer, be less of a drain on social programs, and live longer(contribute more tax revenue) which supports essential functions of the state most people on Sup Forums agree the government should provide, I.E.: military, space research, police, fire, benefits for veterans, providing a legal system to arbitrate disputes etc. let's not even get into the debate about military service if needed to defend your fellow brother in arms.

However I think you're lying about the quality of your life. If you're life was really as good as you say it is, you would do something about your health to enjoy it longer. Your blatant disregard for longevity shows a distaste in your current lifestyle. I recognize this because i used to be 40lbs heavier, and am getting in shape now.

Cheers :)

>Implying liberals are paying taxes for these programs

The vast majority of people in America live past 60, fat, obese, skinny or what's considered normal weight.

Please keep posting in Sup Forums so the rest of the Internet doesn't have to deal with you. You're in the right place. Thanks! : )

Fat people are the laziest we should just use then for fuel

You hate yourself, hence why you wallow in your own filth you fat fucking slob

Yes. You are gross.

I've not been to a doctor since 2001. I would bet most fat people also haven't, or they would have been told to loose weight and been put on medications.

I completely understand where you are coming form if they are on socialized healthcare and your taxes pay for their medical problems. I'll have a massive coronary before I ever end up like those sad fucks though.

Sounds like you hate fat poor people who claim disability welfare.

What if a fat person isn't a burden on your wallet/taxes?

I think they should have to pay their own medical costs frankly.

>I haven't been to a doctor so I'm not unhealthy
>I haven't tested for lead in the water so it must be lead free.


Actually almost everybody has "fat genes" as we evolved to be active (hunting, working on farms) and search for calories to survive. Its just that now many people sit all day and are surrounded by high calorie foods.

We need a total dictatorship to completely take over the food environment. Maybe 1984 style telescreen required workouts. Its our only hope.

I don't love my lifestyle, and yes I wish I was fit, and I was not always wealthy, but I worked hard, sitting on my ass 12 hours a day building a business that is extremely successful. I was a fat kid who stayed inside and wasn't athletic. I always worked my whole life in shit jobs, and I was always heavy, but I got really fat around the same time I became successful.

Getting laid was never a problem. Yes my body is pretty gross, but loose skin would be 100 times worse in my opinion and isn't a goal worth working for at all.

I have no family, no interest in a long life.

Why should I look like a deflated balloon just to make you happy and have a normal BMI.



I just mean i'm not a burden on healthcare, and most other fat people aren't either. Though i'm not talking about 700-1000 pound monsters like you have in America.



i have no idea what death panels are, but i'm imagining they're panels underneath the fatties beds which turn over and dump them into the incinerator, using their stored energy to power the hospitals.


No, as long as you are not an entitled shit who demands everyone to find his fat beautiful I don't have anythimg against you or other fat people. I was fat once. It wasn't easy. I had to deal with a lot. When I was 16 I realised I would just become fatter and fatter unless I turned my life around, so I did. I started exercising and eating less and have not gained that fat back.

>Triggered by the colour teal
>Teal hair
What did it mean by this?


One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong.


Chronic obesity is literally a bigger drain on the healthcare system than cigarette smoking

What happened

I hope he's ok


The idea behind "Death Panels" was that the elderly or terminally ill would be denied care because of the necessity to ration healthcare (since it is too cost prohibitive to treat everyone for everything).

However, to my disappointment, they don't actually exist.

Lul the guy is right tho. It just proves why free healthcare is fucking stupid. Also the staff are retarded for giving him free food

Some sort of compulsory fat camps would help but you still cant stop all of those fat fucks from getting morbidly obese again. It's hard to deal with this problem in a humane way.

feeling guilty about overeating is normal and healthy

if you went to school the government put some amount of money into you, with the expectation that an educated individual generates more contribution to the economy. In the case of social security in the US for example,
You pay for the current elderly, and then the next generation takes care of you

By dying early you're a essentially casualty investment, a net loss.


We have special wards here for people like that, where the staff actually does try to control their diet.
The result is often them sneaking food in, sometimes getting a knocking system going with a fucking delivery joint.

p-please, take anything you want from the fridge, just please don't hurt me


>body acceptance

I hate this shit so much, especially the feel good dove commercial bull shit where they tell fat people, that they are beautiful. It's disgusting, they are enablers and they are liars, those women are fat, and not beautiful. To be quite honest with you, if you are a fat slovenly piece of shit, I don't give a shit, but don't expect me to call you beautiful, or expect me to pretend like it's completely normal for subhumans to be overweight.

It's a panel of people, not a literal panel. It's a committee that decide when to pull the plug on terminal patients that have no hope of recovery and are just a drain on the system. Kind of like assisted suicide.

That picture in the bottom right
Jesus Christ
How do these people not kill themselves?
How can these fucking gremlins still smile and allow photos to be taken of them?
It's like they have no self awareness or shame to the point where they've become animals again
They are fucking cattle
Jesus, end it

>I have 0 medical conditions, except I dont sleep well.
Enjoy your rapidly encroaching kidney failure Ivan

>fatty enabling isn't an actual crime

That faggot should be punished for letting that woman rot away like that, seems like they were both a bunch of mentally ill retards in this case so prosecution would be difficult. I wonder how these people never think about losing weight or at least staying on some "normal" levels of obesity; if you can't get up from a couch there is clearly something very run and nothing outside of mental illness could prevent you from seeing that.

Gets me every time.

>Fat people are human
>Human deserve respect and dignity
People wont give you respect, that is something you have to earn it.

>fat =/= unhealthy
A blatant lie
>Diets don't work
It did for me
>Humans deserve respect & dignity (even unhealthy ones)
So now fat = unhealthy?
>Stop fat shaming
>"Obesity crisis" is funded by diet companies
What? I'm pretty sure people selling you food are the ones profiting
>Fat discrimination is real
It should be
>All bodies are good
It's better than not having a body at all, I guess

i smell the blood of a cishet scum

>That fatass has the same soulless stare as Hillary
How horrifying

I wonder how many calories she burns trying to smile. Lifting that much cheek weight cant not be an easy task.

That was actually an ep on nip/tuck

they literally have memeologists. my god, it's like they've never heard of know your meme. is this where all of the global economy is being spent?

I think she likes you, user.

i can't tell if that's a pussy or a bellybutton that got really sad.

the humane way is to put them on hamster wheels in order to power the conveyor belt which brings them their food. they work off their fat or they starve of their own volition. simple.

Hey thanks for the green text!

I'm missing a fucking arm. The whole goddamn thing up to the shoulder.

Little kids come up and ask me what happened all the time. Do fat people get that? Not fucking likely.

That's what pisses me off the most about body acceptance movement. It doesn't focus on the stigma against bald men, folks with less than (or I suppose in rare cases more than) 4 limbs, people with lots of scars, gimps and cripples or people with actual deformities. Its just about fat bitches feeling pretty.

I understand fat bitches want to feel pretty but goddamn that's a while lot of loyd whining about a real little problem.

I wouldn't have had a problem if you didn't shove your beliefs in my face


found the fatty

Honestly most fat people have it easy people expect less of them and treat them like they are fragile. My family was upset when I started losing weight, people told me I was fine the way I was.

>slightly overweight
>tfw girls love it because it's cuddly

Skeletons will never know this feel. Nobody likes skinny men (muscled guys have their niche too, but nobody wants a sack of bones)

Fat people are retarded

Say deck.

>this pink bow will make me both feminine, see I'm "cute" and completely ignore my fat.


When 80% of your society is overweight, when 50% are obese and when 20% are super obese, being 80 lbs overweight just makes you normal. In their culture, they're beautiful.
