How do/Can I filter Canadian posters on a mobile device?

I already filter Canadians on my computer, but when I browse Sup Forums at work I have to sift though Strayan wannabes, bad shitposting, and terrible bait to find some quality shitposts.

How, if possible, can I filter Canadians on a mobile device?

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No you can't eh?

why bro

Take your phone. Find a sharp corner, such as the edges of a table. Smash phone into edge. Voila Canadians are filtered

>can I filter Canadians on a mobile device?
Yes, not sure why you would want to though. You need to overcharge your cell battery to open admin options. To do this just microwave it for 8 seconds. Then you just go into settings and it is pretty straight forward.

Freeze yourselves in an ice storm faggots

You all are terrible shitposters. It isn't even funny or banter, it's like the little cousin that just tries to get under your skin on purpose, and does such a as hot job at it that it works.
This is what I mean. It just isn't funny.
>lel break ur fone buddy, eh?

Canadians are the worst posters on this board. I'd rather have the Malaysian drawfag here than Canadians, and that's saying a lot.

such a shitty job at it*

If you filter us we win

Just wrap your phone in maple leaves.

dumb phone poster

Sorry for making a living off of something other than NEETbux, you fucking leaf


>defending being a dumb phone poster and prides himself on being a wageslave


I will never know what it feels like to be this pathetic.

>he isn't self employed
Lots of Sup Forumsacks are entrepreneurs or self employed.
>having pride in being a leech on society and contributing nothing of any value to it, being a waste of oxygen.

NEETs make me sick.

that ass tho.
it defies gravity


this fucking canacuck...

Such a shitt job at what?

>dumb phone poster\wageslave thinks he brings any value to society
Ironic. If you died right now literally nothing would change. Any significance you think you have in the world is objectively negligible.

>the little cousin that just tries to get under your skin on purpose, and does such a as hot job at it that it works
Why would you think your little cousin is hot?

>You all are terrible shitposters. It isn't even funny or banter, it's like the little cousin that just tries to get under your skin on purpose, and does such a ***as hot*** job at it that it works.

It autocorrected shitty and I didn't notice it.

Maybe you're right, but what if you died?

If you died, the people of your country wouldn't have to pay for your fat ass to sit in a lazy boy all day on the computer.

If you died, your family (if they even contact you anymore) wouldn't bat an eye, sighing in relief on the burden you were, then eventually forget you, like a distant and unimportant memory.

If you died, there'd be one less piece of shit on this site, trying to be witty and prove his value to people who despise him not just for the stigma his nation has, but his terrible attempt at fitting in.

If you died, nobody would care, everyone would benefit, and society would be, not by a substantial amount, but at least very slightly better than it was, you fucking leaf.

and this guy says canadians are the shitposters

>it works.
key phrase there m8

the first iberians was ruled by kings who was irish. Tarquinius superbus the last irish king of iberia was overthrown by the iberians who ruled iberia for a couple of centuries. Until sulla the great irish general overthrew the iberians and exterminated them in the social war. Now irish was running iberia again and a iberian wasnt seen in the region again until it was sacked by alaric and the iberians eventually killed or sent the black irish to ireland. Julius caesar was irish

wew, is there something you want to talk about buddy? You seem upset.

My point still stands.

It's more 9f a shit posting coalition

Personally I am not sure what happened, I noticed the increase last year after October, it is like the election of Trudeau broke something in Canadian posters.

I'll just leave this here.

And so does mine

If I were to die, it may not mean much to the world, but I'd be leaving my children a stable inheritance, they'd be well off after I die, which means I contributed to society by leaving three citizens to possibly have a larger impact than me (college age son is in med school).

If you die, it'd greatly benefit society in having one less leech to look after.


>not knowing how to greentext
>being a shitposting critic
Pick one.

>being so triggered you have to mute an entire country

tumblr tier safe space faggotry

Sauce please now

Yeah they're pussies. Crying about being triggered every day lmao.


Typical American has no spine. Perhaps tumbler would be better for you to post in a safe space

Why all the hate towards leafs and aussies here? I understand why nobody likes us but their countries are pretty great in comparison.

use Sup Forums-x to filter the eternal leaf, you'll be surprised how much better the board is without them. most people just can't be bothered reading posts made by austistic chinese kids.

>I don't like hearing opinions that may conflict with mine

>>Tumblr, faggot.

Aww you need your safe space. How cute.

you leafs are just a waste of time. Even Mexico has better bantz

Nobody cares about your dumb ass lol. You're really insecure if you have to convince others on anonymous image-board that you're more important, nobody knows you, nobody cares. You're a faggot.

Thats a Bangkok tranny. You are now faggots.

Pretty good bait OP... lots of (You)s

It's not that you have different opinions. It's because most of you do nothing but shitpost badly.

Thanks senpai

Different IP by the way. At home now.

average format of the leaf post
>we're better than you
>we can make up what evever we want
>you better believe it
>if you don't you want to be in a safe space

sounds really reasonable, might as well not engage at all

Is Sup Forums finally devolving into tumblr? This is the kind of behavior I'd expect a hamplanet or nu-male to exhibit on twitter. I remember when Sup Forums used to laugh at these people for trying to filter groups from their "internet experience" and create a safe space for theirselves. You're no better than them, OP. This is not a hug box and definitely isn't your safe space.

So? You're contributing to the death of this place more than the shitposting leafs do. By enabling filtering (pseudo-censorship) you're encouraging the same kind of mentality that led to shitholes like tumblr and thus completely miss the point of why so many people came to Sup Forums to begin with. There's plenty of things I don't like about Sup Forums and Sup Forums but I don't want to censor, remove or filter it because that defeats the whole purpose of this website, and is pretty fucking hypocritical considering the things we stand for. Grow some balls or don't come here at all, faggot.

Doubt that nigger.

Get a computer eh u fuckin hoser

>all this canacuck shitposting because everybody on this board is sick of them

Still no reason to go full tumblr/twitter and filter out everything that ruins your authentic safespace, user. Filtering things you don't like is the least Sup Forums thing you can do and goes against most of the fundamentals of this website to begin with.

You leave and never come back

You people all sound like furries. Ive honestly never met a canadian who didnt act like a total retard

canada fucking sucks

>all these leaves getting triggered

OP probably made this thread to b8 all the leaves into flocking here to distract them from other threads.

OP sacrificed himself to spare us for a few hours of the eternal leaf.

He's still a faggot though

Fuck all you pricks hating on canada
What have we ever done to you

ahhh, one of these threads again. bump

Sup Forums developed an angry wing of self-selecting trolls/legitimate fascists who like to act as censors a long time ago

because he is

Couldn't have been too long ago since we were making fun of hamplanets and nu-males who argued for censoring, filtering, or blocking a group on the internet barely even a year ago.

Sup Forums isn't one person

I really do get the sense that for some reason it's disproportionately underage kiddies posting from canada without a proxy for some reason

>Sup Forums isn't one person
Never implied it was.

All of the shitposting Leafs come from Ontario and British Columbia, which are the most cucked regions of Canada, half of them shitpost because they're living in a hellhole infested by Chinese and Koreans, or live in a hellhole that's a borderline Shariah Law zone and take out their anger in the most autistic way possible, and I suspect a bunch of these people are also underage faggots who think they're obligated to shitpost because Sup Forums associates shitposting with Canada, and some truly are libshits that get a hard-on for triggering right wingers.

The world would be better off with Ontario and British Columbia nuked out of existence. Canada would go from cucked to one of the least cucked countries instantly and all of the shitposters would disappear.

>Never implied it was.
actually that's exactly what you did when you said
>Couldn't have been too long ago since we were making fun of hamplanets and nu-males who argued for censoring, filtering, or blocking a group on the internet barely even a year ago.

as if to imply that the presence of posters wanting to ban leafs is mutually exclusive to there being posters making fun of SJWs for censoring us.

>muh cryptopsy
please. They are a second rate band whose rise to fame is a testament to the vacuousness of the Canadian metal scene.

>please. They are a second rate band whose rise to fame is a testament to the vacuousness of the Canadian metal scene.
You can shit on Cryptopsy all you want but don't you dare shit on the Canadian metal scene desu.

One of the people you replied to was an American you dumb faggot

Not all Canadians are smug faggots, but I'll admit there's a lot of them.

I don't have to, google already did.

uhh let's try that one again

>having to click to the next page just to get to the bad bands
I can do that too with America, user.

Using google's hardly a reliable source to begin with since they only list what's the most relevant rather than what's the best quality and I think both you and me can agree that the best bands from America and Canada aren't listed on google's top bands, user.

Here's unironically one of the best technical death metal albums of the decade; Canada's always excelled at original tech death that doesn't devolve into the same wank that most tech death metal bands become.

wtf how do i filter canadian posters on my computer?