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Morning. Just had a /r/showerthought moment: Malaysians might get to see the cosmic irony of Mahathir and Anwar running as a team again. If you didn't know, Anwar was Mahathir's deputy PM before he was jailed by Mahathir for sodomy. Politics sure is strange.

>Mahathir and Anwar running as a team
Aren't they like, trying to kill each other in the coming election?

Mahathir already established a new party, joined the opposition and campaigning for Anwar's release. This is realpolitik. Every hardcore supporter of the opposition almost instantly forget what he has done before and regard him as a saint and saviour who will save Malaysia.

We will see many more things unfolding and unexpected twist. Malaysian politic is like Game of Thrones.

The biggest loser of all would be DAP and PAN. They don't know how to play politics and too greedy and eager thinking that they've already won the game and show their true colours too early.

have a nice day at work/class,anons


I don't get the joke in the picture

the fish is obviously bangus(milkfish for cumskins) yet some retard sent the fish to a laboratory to confirm if its a bangus

Ah thanks for explaining it to me
Is Bangus something special? I mean does it carry a high monetary value or meaning?

no its the 2nd most common fish

Oh now I actually get it. Thanks again!
Looks tasty btw!

Stranger things have happened here. Like how P-Noy and BBM were technically briefly allies, or how GMA is indirectly now an ally of BBM when their dads were bitter rivals.

It's our unofficial "national fish".

I think its being sarcastic someone probably don't believe its bangus and they sarcastically certified it, flips are passive aggressive in nature

Hey guys, do any of you know if there is a 9 to 5 job for someone without experience like me? Being a salesman is an okay job but goddamn does the schedule really fucks you in the ass.

I thought it more like reach the target thing than schedule.

I'm in probation, so I'm learning the ropes as of now

pengen ngentot gan

Where do you live?


I am stuck in a small island due to bad weather. I am running out of money and the atm is not working.

At first I was like...

karimun jawa?

but then I was like

Kuala Lumpur


Someone named their kid Naruto?

Yes. It is common for rural Sabahan & Sarawakian to name their kids weird names.

Headline: Naruto daunted, beaten by dad

Are anime names common over there then?

Weird, I knew someone whose name was Adolf Stalin.

Also, why is "Rizal" such a common name in Malaysia?

I know a guy who moved from Sabah to my primary school. His name is Saddam Hussein.

Also there's a director named Hitler here (pic).

>Also, why is "Rizal" such a common name in Malaysia?

Not related to Jose Rizal but it is just common for Malays. My name is also like that, has no origins in Arabic or other language whatsoever.


Malays and indo confirmed to be atlantians

>Dat giant ass lake in Thailand Gulf

>next hokage/governor


hehe ded

heheh fuccboi

Can Eat Bulaga get rid of that annoying kid Baste already? He's ruining the show, and he's worse than even AlDub. He's annoying, a brat, corny, unfunny, and unlikable. Even Ryzza is more charming than him.

Yeah he's awful. My gf watches showtime instead so I haven't been subjected to much of that horror. But one time she switched over before Ika-6 Na Utos started and they had this music video thing with him on and it was the most horrible thing I've ever seen on TV in the Philippines.


Here it is so outsiders can be subjected to the horror.


i have been subjected to horrors

He's fine tho
No need to be butthurt about him

Butthurt wouldn't accurately describe how I feel about the situation. I feel kinda sad for him. When he's done being used to get his parents money he's going to get bullied in the worst possible ways you can imagine. His future is beyond bleak.

he's shit
the only reason he's on that show is because he's young,fat and bisaya


>all this projection
it's ok user, we are all bitter losers here


Clerk is an easy job to get. Try any universities or any law firm.

Not really projection, just prediction. As bitter as I might be I am sure I would have probably killed myself if I was 17 and everyone in my school saw a video of me like that as a kid on YouTube. At least my embarrassing and humiliating experiences weren't recorded and saved forever for all to see.


Tolong makan bagi pihak saya
Udah 3 minggu diet, turun 7kg
Lagi harus diet hingga habis bulan 1, biar bisa turun lagi 5kg :'(

kenapa kau diet? masuk askar ke?

makan kote

what actually happens to gays here? camps, prisons?

Nak hensem

Are you open-minded?

sekolah pondok or tahfiz. correctional camps(prison) for non-muslims

t. disciplinary teacher

aku abis makan dong lauknya sayur asem, telor ceplok, sama tahu isi

over here they become celebrities

kalo udah dasarnya jelek mah jelek aja
mau gendut atau kurus nggak bakalan ngaruh

delete this

terima nasib aja bang

Starts a hair salon business after 2 years it will go bankrupt then it will become a carenderia and lastly after atleast 4 years the final stage, gays will either become pimps or prostitutes
That or they stop being gay and marry some of their fat friend to start a family

>sayur asem
>telor ceplok

makanan fankui gembel dekil miskin, kita orang lebih suka charsiu

When I finally get sent to hell I think Satan is going to make me listen to Baby Shark on repeat for all eternity.

doo doo doo doo doo doo


how did the song even catch on with the normies? did some popular person do something with it?

nggak jijik makan babi?
aku ngebayanginnya aja jijik

Song is cute anyway.

Bego lu, waifu anime lu aja hobi makan babi

wat am i seeing??

Sounds like something a bitter loser would say

aku nggak begitu suka nonton anime

Okay, let's see you prove your point. Do a reenactment of that video complete with the belly scenes and post it on YouTube with your real name on it. Only a bitter loser like me wouldn't have the self confidence to do that.

Artis bokep JAV favorite lu juga hobi makan babi

>Iceland raping Indon in 2 hours.
Can't wait to see daily mail headline tomorrow.

The fact that so many books still name Sarita and her daughters. Are they even considered as celeb? But doubtlessly, their issues make me cringe. A lot. Berapa banyak orang dengan masalah rumah tangga yang sama, berapa banyak orang dengan kondisi perselingkuhan yang sana? Toh, papanya juga tetap menjalankan kewajiban seorang ayah. Buat aku pribadi, masalah relasi ortu ya masalah mereka, bukan sesuatu yang harus diintervensi anak di situasi tertentu. Tolerable banget untuk aku, kalau misalnya si Jedun tuntut Shafa, he he he bisa banget sih untuk kekerasan fisik dan verbal. Kenapa harus diviralkan sih masalah kayak gini, oh, wahai netijen bekas bumi Hindia Belanda. Baik kedua belah pihak juga gada yang beken-beken amat, apa yang ditontonin sih? Apa serunya sih? Yang bikin aku tambah naik pitam, dengki, murka, dan kawan-kawannya adalah, cewe-cewe ini jadi rajin banget nih nampang di TV. Bingung, apa guna gituloh ngomongin masalah keluarga, nebar aib, mancing empati, haus ibaan orang. Aku gak mau ngomong kasar lho tapi im on the edge, this issue is beyond sto0pid and oVerr4t3d. Selamat yah Harris' Angels, sekarang banjir tawaran talkshow, banjir followers, banjir subscribers. Asik ya? Jangan mancing lebih banyak attention seeker untuk memanfaatkan isu pribadi sebagai umpan popularitas yah. Sudah cukup ratusan kata 'muak' saya torehkan di halaman asefem saya yang terkasih ini. C U K U P. Stop making stupid people famous

Orang papua juga suka makan babi

Pipis onta juga njijikin, tapi ada yang minum juga

How can correction camp works for a gay?
I mean, it full of good looking gays living with each other 24 hours a day. How can it grow their interest to women?

What's a blur sotong?
What's a bo chup?

Hendaklah hendak hendak ku rasa

That fat kid has a better chance of becoming a chad than you've ever had once he becomes a teenager. Watching an old youtube clip from his younger years is the least of his worries.

>good looking gays

The counselors here are good at their job and when counseling fails you can always rotan the gay out of them.

Well, I would like to know their method desu, you said you are a disciplinary teacher.

That's not how being a child star works user. The minute you stop being "cute" you need to be prepared for adult life. If puberty is hard on normal teenagers it is an absolute nightmare for those types. For every Mara Wilson there are 100 of Amanda Bynes.

Or gay like Aiza
a sex maniac like Jiro
a 6ranny like Charice
you never know either way its child abuse tier

He already received millions. He's already beyond prepared

Pretty sure Sarah, Judy Ann, and Vilma started out as child actors and they went to become pretty good actors. Even Francis M was originally a child actor before he became a rapper.

Guilt-tripping. and Sex Ed.

That's basically it.

Did he receive that or did his parents? Also money does nothing to prepare you on a psychological level for things. Normal people go through life learning from their mistakes and having some sort of direction. But if you're just given millions what are you going to do, go to college and invest in your future or spend it on expensive cars, sluts, and drugs? I know my answer right now is very different from what I would say when I was 18.

all of them are girls

and the boy example became rapper lol


Dat frosty

its okay user, we are all sore losers here

that kid probably earned his first million while we suck white mans dick for a change

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Sarita and her daughters. Are they even considered as celeb? But doubtlessly, their issues make me cringe. A lot. Berapa banyak orang dengan masalah rumah tangga yang sama, berapa banyak orang dengan kondisi perselingkuhan yang sana? Toh, papanya juga tetap menjalankan kewajiban seorang ayah. Buat aku pribadi, masalah relasi ortu ya masalah mereka, bukan sesuatu yang harus diintervensi anak di situasi tertentu. Tolerable banget untuk aku, kalau misalnya si Jedun tuntut Shafa, he he he bisa banget sih untuk kekerasan fisik dan verbal. Kenapa harus diviralkan sih masalah kayak gini, oh, wahai netijen bekas bumi Hindia Belanda. Baik kedua belah pihak juga gada yang beken-beken amat, apa yang ditontonin sih? Apa serunya sih? Yang bikin aku tambah naik pitam, dengki, murka, dan kawan-kawannya adalah, cewe-cewe ini jadi rajin banget nih nampang di TV. Bingung, apa guna gituloh ngomongin masalah keluarga, nebar aib, mancing empati, haus ibaan orang. Aku gak mau ngomong kasar lho tapi im on the edge, this issue is beyond sto0pid and oVerr4t3d. Selamat yah Harris' Angels, sekarang banjir tawaran talkshow, banjir followers, banjir subscribers. Asik ya? Jangan mancing lebih banyak attention seeker untuk memanfaatkan isu pribadi sebagai umpan popularitas yah. Sudah cukup ratusan kata 'muak' saya torehkan di halaman asefem saya yang terkasih ini. C U K U P. Stop making stupid people famous

Who the fuck is Sarita?


Recommended reading this for some perspective. When I was a little kid I wished I could be an actor but now I am so glad I wasn't.
