Learning Russian

So I’m trying to learn Russian because I plan to go to Moscow in spring break and Duolingo is the only free way I can figure out how to learn it. Any tips?

Believe me, you should take real classes and/or meet people who speak the language you're trying to learn. I got pretty far in Duolingo with French but I didn't actually have a real understanding of the language. Now that I'm taking night classes, I feel confident about my future prospects

It'll get you started but won't get you far, if you're only using it, don't expect to be able to do much more than ask where the shops are by spring

>An amerifat trying to learn a second language.

all anglos suck ass at learning a new tongue, i dunno why to.
could it be cause english is easy as fuck and takes no real skill to learn it maybe.

just speak english and you will be fine.

>english is easy as fuck and takes no real skill to learn
if only

Don't do it

Кaк тeбя зoвyт?

> Don't do it

Meня зoвyт Aлёнa. Пepeвeди мнe дeнeг нa билeт дo CШA и я пpилeчy к тeбe!



Because Russia is shit
The Russian language is shit
Russians are subhuman

>Not having a Russian gf

Russian is the best language. Don't listen to those retarded ivans

t. Hикитa

What about Ukrainian ?

Russian is a great language. But it's a fucked up country, yes.

I love russia stfu

Don't let h*hols invade your soul

stop learning russian, stick to spanish or german or whatever
*insert varg gif here*


trust me, you don't need to learn russian to put your Superior American Penis in "'our"' women's vaginas. they can speak english good enough to understand that you want to fuck them and they'll gladly spread their legs for you.

no we aren't the same i don't give a fuck about hohols

Not really. There is nothing special about this language and 90% of modern (new) words are either direct translations (like computer mouse for example) or "russified" foreign words (monitor, display), mostly from english or german. Pathetic, half dead, cucked language.


>learn Russian because I plan to go to Moscow
Just speak english. People hate when foreignets speak russian. And you will not be able to learn any language in 3 months anyway.

>There is nothing special about this language
Magamed please...

i don't think "Magomet" would have such an opinion though.
and yes only russians who never even talked to any foreigners irl and know almost nothing about other cultures think that russian language is something special, while in reality for vast majority of people it is the same ugly bubbling as any other slavshit language

surrender yourself bitch