Did Khan change your decision? I'm kinda leaning on voting Gary Johnson now because fuck Shillary

Did Khan change your decision? I'm kinda leaning on voting Gary Johnson now because fuck Shillary.

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literally not at all

You should definitely vote for Gary Johnson the Libertarian Party candidate for President, especially if you live in a battleground state. Trump is dangerous and unpredictable and unfit to be Commander-in-Chief of the United States. You're making a good call, dude!

somebody please photoshop him holding a bomb

no, i knew trump was retarded long before that

still writing in webb

No. And it hasn't changed anyone's vote.

Yeah, Trump hates Muslims just because they're Muslim and shit. Guy is a complete faggot

Sage and hide.

Get out
Sand nighers don't influence me


No, but his slug of a wife made me #MentallyHill

Yeah probably will do that. Fuck the two party system too.

It's changing mine. Some of my friends are still voting Trump but they kinda hate him more now.

Yup, this week really revealed how unhinged Trump is. I can't believe I feel for le 4th dimensional chess meme for so long.


>prostitutes his son's corpse to a political party
Not really

this reeks of shill...

please stop

you're bad at your job and CTR should withhold your pay

>Did Khan change your decision?
Indeed he did, was going to have a coffee but changed my mind so now its a milo.

I told you i'm not voting for shillary.

But whatever helps you sleep at night.

Lol... fuck no. He decided to step into the den and he got mauled.

Yup it changed my decision from Vermin Supreme to Trump.


No. Do you honestly think Gary Johnson has a chance in hell?

no only made me stronger in resolve for TRUMP

Before I was voting for Trump

After I am really voting for Trump

Still supporting Trump

Of course not.

The chance to dislodge the neocon tick from the Republican party is too great to pass up.

>You're making a good call, dude!

Try harder to not sound like a faggot and a ctr shill

Ok. Except for this one tool it isn't changing anyone's vote.

We want secure borders and jobs. Still better off with Trump.

And now Obama is shipping in more refugees. It's time to get this shit under control.

Fuck this family and their idiotic religion. People like this fund terrorist and everyone knows it.

even Republicans and veteran's groups are licking his nuts.


same w/ everyone I know who supported Trump before... We're all just surprised at just how insanely hard the media is coming down on him

>Some of my friends are still voting Trump but they kinda hate him more now.
Nothing and i mean nothing about the way Khan's son died has anything to do with Trump. At all. He died serving in a war that Trump was 100% against.

HOW THE FUCK does he have anything to do with Trump? HE DOESNT

The only thing that would have made me question voting for Trump is if he caved to the media onslaught and apologized

When he came out and said he didn't regret anything about what he said, I knew I would take a bullet for him

Why did it change your mind?

Totally man. I was a Trump supporter because my dad said he was alright, but my girlfriend said that wasn't cool and I wouldn't be a real man. After I heard how he treats women I couldn't support him after that.

It's at the point where it's hard to tell if it's an actual shill or some one making fun of the shills

>Did Khan change your decision?

No. Don't give a shit about Khan and I don't know any undecided voters who were swayed by his sob story. The MSM, as usual, is trying to blow the alleged "outrage" out of proportion. Similar shit happened when Trump made critical statements about John McCain, but who talks about that anymore?

Conservatives prostituting 4 dead American soldiers since 2012

if a muslim saved my life i would still hate all muslims

I was a #CruzMissile, but after seeing this, #ILoveJohnson


>it hasn't changed anyone's vote.
Oh, sure it hasn't.

You mean the DNC political operative who paraded his son's memory around for Hillary's political gain? No.







This feels like an intern started this thread.


>only made me stronger in resolve for TRUMP
Resolve as when you have to take an enormous shit but you know it takes some time and effort?

wtf I hate (((cohens))) now

>Did Khan change your decision? I'm kinda leaning on voting Gary Johnson now because fuck Shillary.

If you dug into his history, your decision wouldn't change at all. The guy made money selling visas to Muslims, has ties to the Clinton Foundation, and literally wrote essays about the supremacy of Sharia Law.

Trump can be an asshat at times, but the Khans stopped being sympathetic once the dust settled and the facts started coming out.

Mate that looks like you just typed it up in TextEdit and took a screenshot

A little, but not enough, because I bet the media is blowing this out of proportion by cherry-picking his statements and taking them out of context, like usual.

Political gain aside, there was evidence that Hilliary could've easily prevented those deaths. How the fuck is Trump responsible for Khan's death?

>those sources
I heard Obama is a Muslim from Kenya. Try linking to a story by a reporter, before expecting anyone to care.