Is it true what people are saying?

Is it true what people are saying?
Is it worth watching this film for the hope of seeing this retard meet her end?

She ends up having retard babies with Marlin.

She starts an illegal underwater drug ring

Never thought I'd see an octopus with needles in his eyes.

I'm tired of Disney's pro-retard propaganda. Marlin should have listened the the manta ray and dumped Dory in order to keep his bloodline pure. But no, we need to have race-mixing.

Just saw this today. I'll admit I cried when she died.

She doesn't die.

That said, you get to see an octopus drive a truck towards the end.


Sup Forums, Pls go.
Truth be told Marlin sacrifices his life towards the end for dory

The third act went full retard.

I actually kind of enjoy how retardedly action packed it got at the end. The hijinks were pretty funny in an innocently goofy sort of way.

I for one loved Octo-dad the movie.

>off off off off off

Got to see it yesterday. It has some cute moments, but the first movie was better overall. I've heard that Hank's missing tentacle was an animation cheat, but given how adamant he was for most of the film about the horrible memories he had of the ocean, I'm surprised they didn't elaborate on that

God, Finding Hank is next, isn't it?

The movie was still great as fuck. I enjoyed the madness.


>Next movie is called "Finding Hank's missing eighth tentacle"

It is worth it for Piper.

>Finding Hank's missing eighth tentacle
I've seen enough anime to know where this is going.

>Missing eight tentacle is the leader of an band of ninjas

Cute af

>Underrated post.

I watched, it alright

Lack of oxygen made it turn purple and gave it brain damage and ideas of world domination