I vote for Democrats because I'm poor and generally Democrats are better for the poor

I vote for Democrats because I'm poor and generally Democrats are better for the poor.

Thanks to Obama I have healthcare. If shillary wins I will get a raise once she raises minimum wage. I may even be able to go to state uni without indebting myself to Jewish banks to the tune of $100k

Yeah sure the Dems are pro sjw crap and are weak(er) on foreign policy but in the scheme of my day to day to life its irrelevant.

Meanwhile the Republicans openly favor the rich and manage to get Hicks living in squalor to vote for them too because muh Christianity.

So Sup Forums why are you pro Republican? Are you all rich or well off?

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>Thanks Obama I have health care
Don't thank Obama, we're the ones paying for it

This sounds like a fucking 8 year old wrote this shit. I highly doubt this is real. Who the fuck calls it Uni also what fucking jew bank and what fucking plan do you think she'd pass that would give people 100k for college? You on fucking drugs?

Raise minimum wage...give amnesty to illegals...let niggers and muslims in...guess how many people will be making above minimum wage in low skilled positions...You guessed it...FUCKING NO ONE. Guess what unemployment will go to? Probably 7% with underemployment and people leaving work force rising and Workforce participation dropping sub 50. Ever hear of automation? Hows that fast food job gonna work when a robot takes the order and it takes 2 fucking Syrian rapefugees to run the fuckin place as well as a college educated IT worker. What money are they going to use to pay for your university? You think theyre gonna pay room and board too? Fuck no. Also whats your university degree gonna be worth if its free and we let all the fucking sand niggers and spics over? Fucking nothing.

Leave the econ to people who are successful and dont need fucking Hillary or Obama to improve our state...we did it our fucking self you fucking white nigger faggot.

She will raise the minimum wage for citizens, But will also allow an influx of south americans that will be permitted to exist in a legal limbo for cheap labour purposes, you will have less access to work, but i'm sure you dont want to work...


once college is free, it will be a standard to have it, much like a GED or HS diploma is now required to get a job.
and not all of us are mentally able to complete college. u will hurt the most vulnerable amongst us.

To be fair, Trump's going to raise minimum wage too.. Unfortunately he'll ban porn tho, so that's a bummer.

Right on my dude. Hillary is the best choice for the underprivileged. Drumpf is the candidate for the rich and the racist. Can we all just admit this? Hillary actually represents us, Drumpf just represents himself.

fact is that you shouldn't even have been born. welfare only breeds more poverty. retards keep shitting out more kids because it means bigger checks, and then spend it on frivolous shit and that's all the kids know.

the only acceptable forms of welfare are disability and unemployment benefits since it means that you actually worked at some point.

The best option is a economically leftist/ culturally conservative party.

A party that defend traditions, culture, race while having a real social and economical struggle.

Hitler's national-socialism could have been a good model, if not for the dumb racialism ( immoderate pride in our race/culture is a form of nihilism through Idolatry and is as dangerous as modern degeneracy ).

Krushev's USSR is kind of similar too, kind of conservatice on social values.

That's more or less the program of Marine Le Pen in France too. I see many americans supporting her, but if you guys saw her economical program, you will get shocked.

But I don't think that such party could happen in the U.S. Respect of capitalism is in your traditional values, wheras in continetnal Europe it's a form of degeneracy ( victory of money over aristocracy, after 1789 ), so your right can only defend a capitalistic society.

>Thanks to Obama I have healthcare. If shillary wins I will get a raise once she raises minimum wage
OR you'll get laid off and make $0/hour

Dude, you're totally confused. Why does Wall Street and all the Billionaire Cronyists support Hillary? It's because she provides them big government which protects their wealth from competition as well as the odd Moral Hazard or two. More money will be taken out of the economy (or it will be inflated) to pay for your healthcare and free school. (Again this will benefit the top in the Universities and the Medical Industrial Complex not you. Prices will sky rocket and the product will be garbage due to a lack of competition) It will be great at the time, but you won't have a job when you get out, and the money you earn from your fiat welfare check will buy dick all.

you idiots who dont understand currency will be doomed to burn your money to stay warm in the winter. just how the elites like it when the population gets to high.

And when they have full control over your life, they'll have already banned guns and there'll be nothing you can do.

You will love big brother.

>Thanks to Obama I have healthcare
No, you have insurance that you're probably overpaying for at the end of the day.
>If shillary wins I will get a raise once she raises minimum wage
You won't get a raise, you'll lose your job.
>I may even be able to go to state uni without indebting myself to Jewish banks to the tune of $100k
The fuck makes you think that's going to happen? You have literally no reason to believe this one. You're just delusional obviously.
>Yeah sure the Dems are pro sjw crap and are weak(er) on foreign policy but in the scheme of my day to day to life its irrelevant.
So you're a selfish twat who only cares about his own interests? Grats, you just described every Democuck voter and explained why they are a party for degenerates.
>Meanwhile the Republicans openly favor the rich and manage to get Hicks living in squalor to vote for them too because muh Christianity.
You sure that isn't just your own personal delusion? Given that you're delusional about what the Democrats are going to do for you it stands to reason that you're also delusional about what Republicans represent.

Voting for Democrats will keep you poor, voting for Republicans will give you a better chance to get into the middle class or even further.

You must go back.

>wtf I hate Drumpf now
Thank you for #CorrectingTheRecord

i inherited a shitload of money from my parents but i also enlisted out of high school because i wanted too/was bored

but now that i'm back yeah i'm pretty much set, i know how to hide my money so i'm not worried about whoevers president

Detroit is under democrat rule for half a century.

>generally Democrats are better for the poor.

How many times have you voted for Democrats? Well you're still fucking poor aintcha?

The economic difficulties you are trying to alleviate were caused by democratic policies. Instead of toughing it out and fixing them, you want to temporarily make your life easier and pass the debt on to your children and grandchildren.

This is a fundamental difference in rep vs dem. You're a coward and a cuck.


Obamacare was what me turn on Obama and liberalism. He sold us out to the same insurance companies we were going to do away with.

I suppose if we did get a nationalized healthcare system other companies would find a way to gouge the government and our taxes would go up so high we'd still be losing money. Not to mention the beauracracy that would spring up around it and become another money sink.

I don't want the parasites to kill the host

I believe in hard work, you believe in hand outs and free shit

>So you're a selfish twat who only cares about his own interests? Grats, you just described every Democuck voter and explained why they are a party for degenerates.

Why is it selfish when the poor vote for Democrats who will tax the rich and not selfish when the rich vote republican to cut their taxes?
>"Greed and selfishness is good and it's what capitalism is built on but only when billionaire job creators™ do it
Fuck you and your mental gymnastics.

>she raises minimum wage.
Then prices go up
>may even be able to go to state uni without indebting myself
the degree wont be worth the paper its printed on at this point.
>weak(er) on foreign policy
which will cost more lost jobs

It's not selfish in the way you're implying to want to keep what you earn. Nobody else has a moral claim to the money you make through voluntary trade.

If I come up to you and say "hey dickbag, give me some money," and you refuse, that doesn't make you "selfish."

is this post supposed to be funny?

This. There was real consensus that the problem was insurance companies. If you watch Michael Moore's Sicko, he explicitly states in the first sequence that the issue is not access, it's out of control insurance companies overwriting the opinions of actual medical professionals. There was a certain amount of right wing support for this. There was potential for reform. So Obama says ALL POWER TO THE INSURERS!

This triggers the redneck.

You could teach yourself anything without university. Sir Isaac Newton spent his days rereading books he didn't understand until he fully groked them. Abel did the same thing, learned everything he could get his hands on since he was too poor to afford school.

Your problem is you have no motivation, or desire to better yourself so you are entirely an entitled dindu waiting for a handout.

>"Work this shit job at this shit wage. Or starve. Totally voluntary haha. If you vote for the politician who will give you a raise because I refuse to you're being selfish. Oh yeah I'm totally not selfish at all for voting to cut my taxes even more."

>"haha instead of going to college just read a few textbooks when the interviewer asks you where your diploma is just tell them you're self taught look it worked for these two guys 300 years ago"
Why are conservashits so retarded?

Maybe replace college with licensing organizations.

You're retarded. Beyond retarded. College worship indicates pure retardation.

Democrats are good for the lazy and unwilling to work. Not the poor.

There are already too many college degrees in the job market. In the 90's we decided that everyone had to go to college and that would be the ticket to a successful life. It turns out that we still need mechanics, plumbers, and other tradesmen whose honorable and well paying professions don't require a 4 year degree from a university. We also need a lot of people to perform low skill or no skill labor like stacking shelves and flipping burgers. Most of those jobs don't pay very much because the market hasn't judged them to be worth that much.

You're supposed to better yourself through investment in education or training. No one has a problem with that. But do we want to continue to cheapen the value of a college degree? There are so many people who went to college who would be better suited following a different path.

democrats are good if you're straight up welfare nigger, if you're working poor they're terrible for you. If you're working you don't have health insurance because of obama, you have health insurance because you are choosing to pay for it instead of the fine, which you could have done earlier.

Also you are a literal retard if you think hillary's corporate backers want the minimum wage raised

Crowd Cheers as Hillary Calls for Tax Raise on 'Middle Class'

Kill yourself.

Under Reagan, Black unemployment went from 19% to 11%, but don't tell them that, because they still have an irrational hatred for him because of the Democrats' racial demogoguery and occupation in the media, as well as offering free shit.

>without indebting myself to the Jewish
>voting for Hilary
>voting for rich globalists
>voting for Saudi money in your politics

I always find it hilarious how democrats are portrayed as protectors of the poor.
Guarenteed student loans inflate the cost of college, yet Democrats are silent. Meanwhile I'm stuck in the leftist paradise of California with some of the highest living costs in the nation.
Welfare will never be a substitute for getting a job whether you like it or not.
Even working a shit job will make you more qualified than yesterday.

And no- before you ask, I'm working minimum wage.


Wage raises that are mandated by the government just causes food and products to increase in price, if you want a raise asking the government to raise EVERYONES (minimum) wages isn't going to solve anything.

It was also during the 80's that the black family collapsed, crack made it's way into inner cities, and thug culture began. By the late 70's blacks had ALMOST achieved economic parody with whites (I don't have a source, but I've seen it on several occasions.) Blacks then fucked themselves over and threw it all away.

First are you under 30? Do you eat basically well walk daily etc? Then guess what you didn't get healthcare you got taxed. It's a tax on the healthy... young... poor people of the nation because you don't need healthcare. If you think raising the minimum wage will help you think again. It will require you to be more qualified to get a job. Which will mean greater unemployment. Right now it's hard for anyone to get a job because they can't get experience. They can't get experience because the jobs that theyd get experience at are either taken overseas, taken by people with h1b visas, or given to the first trans-animal-kin-black-bi-polar-native american that walks through the door and checks all the boxes. Vote with your wallet and vote to free your income.

I'm democrat not because I'm poor but because most people aren't rich. So many people see themselves as temporarily poor when that's how they're going to be for their entire lives. People are too stupid to realize that they'll always be poor and democratic policies are the only ones that will really benefit them.

>Democrats are better for the poor
Better at keeping people poor

You idiots this a CTR shill thread.


I only have healthcare because of Obamacare and because I lie on my taxes. I get it for free yet I make $40k a year in cash.
Still voting Trump

I think you mean "parity" not parody. I think you should read Mugged by Ann Coulter. It's mostly liberal policies that caused the black family to decline. And almost half a century before, people were saying that the very thing liberals began to adopt in terms of subsidizing promiscuity and destructured families, but liberals did them anyway.

See Sorry about that.

>have healthcare thanks to Obama?
>say uni
>"Jewish" bank - not schlomo, kike, merchant, or ((()))
>calls her "shillary", but expects $15 dph

This is shill in bad disguise


Only Bernie the socialist was going to raise minimum wages and make college free. Hillary is owned by the banks and big businesses and they live to keep students in debt and keeping wages low to profit more. Hillary is not for the little man.

Well, it's more that you're an idiot.

If raising the minimum wage to $15 won't negatively impact the economy, why wouldn't you raise it higher than that?

The fact that you think that votes matter at all only serves to show how hopelessly bluepilled you are. It's okay, we were all 15 once.

Micro 101.

Immigrants expand the supply of labor, which lowers your wages. (Think H1-B visas).

For unskilled labor near the minimum wage, this expansion causes unemployment. This makes already poor workers insecure. You are expendable because someone is waiting to take your place.

You're poor because you are stupid and stupid people are bad with money

> Thanks to Obama I have healthcare

thanks to me and other working class people who pay for your healthcare you have healthcare.

Enjoy your bullshit while it lasts.

I'm voting for Hillary because I'm not racist ot sexist. It's 2016.

Joshua Bergstein and 37 others liked this post

based french dude is based

We on the end of the world call it Uni, so probably just a proxy fag Australian or Kiwi.

>generally Democrats are better for the poor.

Yes, yes they are.

>I vote for Democrats because I'm poor and generally Democrats are better for the poor.

poor Mexicans and blacks, if you're poor and white Democrats are always "huh dumb white-trash loser!"

>I vote for Democrats because I'm poor and generally Democrats are better for the poor.

Enjoy always being poor, competing with Third World peasant labor, and being preyed upon in your multicultural neighborhood.

In that case hilly will for sure win.

As if trump would change things anyway.