Fucking explain this shit right now

Fucking explain this shit right now.

Kubrick couldn't think of a good ending so he threw a bunch of whacky stuff at the screen, knowing that bamboozled film critics and arts students would call it gold and debate it for decades. True story.

There's nothing to explain, Kubrick is a hack.


cyberspace as envisioned in the 1960s

Read the book, it's way clearer

also I suck at englishing so I have an impossible time trying to explain it but bas

>That shit Jap film released 19th December 1965
>2001 begins shooting 29th December 1965
>Which means it was written and storyboarded months before Invasion hit cinemas

They're not even the iconic shots for the most part. Where's HAL reading lips? Where's the black spire on the moon? No, no, none of this adds up.

too bad its written with the prose of a self indulgent 14 year old

Torus station designs were being kicked around since the 1900s, finally being popularized by von Braun with his designs in the 50s.

....ically the black monolith thing is a kickstarter for evolution and when he went to Saturn there was another one, he goes through wormholes and shit and then is magically evolved into a higher being to watch over the earth. And all the shit with HAL-9000 is Asimov's beliefs about the rules of robotics and other garbage

I never said I enjoyed it (his books are pretty bland desu), it just made the film make a bit more sense

>dude they were sperm all along cuz scientific evolution is part of the cycle of life lmao

great art doesn't require intention

I guess re-writes never happen, ever?

You can watch the sequel if you want "more sense"

Are you actually retarded?

>using a scientifically accurate spacecraft design designed by an actual physicist is being a hack


Is it worth it

It's a more "normal" space movie, but I liked it well enough.

the monkeys were aliens and they flew to jupiter on the obelisk and evolved into super aliens.

>people still can't wrap their heads around 2001
it ain't that deep

>that shot of the guy's head over the moon
What does it mean?

>can't even understand a kubrick film
