Would a reboot of Buffy the Vampire be successful in 2017?

Would a reboot of Buffy the Vampire be successful in 2017?

Who would you cast as Buffy?

>With An Upcoming Reboot In The Works, Isn't It Time For A Muslim Buffy?
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No, those are some prime 90's semen demons.

yeah just get rid of the foot fetishist director

Buffy - still a blonde white girl
Xander - still white but now gay
Willow - is now asian
Cordelia - is now either black or hispanic
Giles - same as above


remember when they made willow a lesbian and every complained that it was shitty pandering?

imagine how unbearable the pandering would be today.

Am I the only one who sees three whores?

This is so accurate it actually made me a little angry.

Cordelia looked Hispanic, though.

I'm sure it would be successful with Whedon at the helm but like others have pointed out it would probably be an LGBT-fest. Buffy might be non-white depending on the funding and producer. No way big name execs would take a chance on anything but a relatable white girl as Buffy.


Brown nips confirm

Guys.. what if Angel is now a female vampire, but still ends up falling for Buffy? Now that would be progressive.

Angel is a Latino transsexual. The cis white patriarchy metaphorically stole zir soul, and now zhi's trying to get it back, with the magic of lip synch dance battle.

>match up with a qt 8/10 chick on tinder
>we get to talking and find out we both like Buffy
>jokingly tell her i'm looking for someone to recreate the Buffy and Spike scene from 'Smashed' (I actually mistakenly said 'Wrecked' but she knew what i meant)
>she's totally into it
>we get together
>we don't do it in an abandoned building or anything but she does ride me while i'm against the wall and her against the wall and then we fell to the floor just like they did.
>it was just okay

Buffy got me laid, what has Buffy done to improve your life.

Shut the fuck up, nigger.

>jokingly tell her i'm looking for someone to recreate the Buffy and Spike scene from 'Smashed' (I actually mistakenly said 'Wrecked' but she knew what i meant)

It's a good thing you didn't say '' Seeing Red'', you might have blown it

time for some HD buff

>it's a Buffy's stepdad is abusing her and her mother is enabling him so she literally fucking murders him but it's okay because he was actually a robot and everyone can forget about it now episode

Currently rewatching it (only time I saw it when I was a kid and barely remember the show) and I don't like the idea of reboot. They'll just screw everything up. It won't have all those silly jokes jokes, will try to push shitty agenda and it won't have any deep and meaningful relationships between characters.


whenever people say season 2 was the best i remind them of this shitty episode (among other shit in that season)





I have lesbian fetishes just because of her.

What does remaking buffy do though? Like what does 2017 buffy have to say that 90's/00's Buffy didn't other then SJW memes

Sup Forumss rotted you brain my man, when they made willow gay, soccor mums screamed think of the children and rational people were like 'its nice to give the gays something' (remember when you could actually think that).

My first GF at uni basically only spoke to me because I made some references to Buffy and rocky horror off handely. She had a thing for spike too even though Angel is best boy

Idris Elba

Is that the one where she almost gets raped or the one she gets shot? They might be the same now that I think about it. Poor Buffy.

He would fit as Giles desu.

Or Gunn? Who would play Joyce and why isn't it blonde Christina Hendricks?

>Angel is best boy

agreed we all know Angelus is the best one

He absolutely is and his spin-off is better than this whole show you pleb.


more like reVAMP, amirite?

Oh god, this is painfully accurate. The internet was a mistake, it gave too loud a voice to people like that.

>nicki minaj as buffy
more like rebooty am i right?!

mah dick

My vote.


Blonde Gal Gadot, OBVIOUSLY. She's the only person in the entire history to ever play a female protagonist of any kind.

reboots are retarded, and Angel is a much better series anyway