
Many times I tried to talk with japanese people in language exchange apps (I'm currently studying Japanese) but they almost never answer, so, my question is why? There's a cultural reason or maybe I'm so creepy? Don't know


Do you love Japan

is it 2011 again?

何か喋ってください (^_^
Please speak something.


I think it's because almost none Japanese is interested in learning Spanish.


↑は不自然な日本語です (^^

○ コロンビアについて何か知っていますか?

They love mexican wrestling tho, one of their biggest stars is from a team called los ingovernables and his catchphrase is TRANQUILO

Wrong, I've met lots of nips who were studying spanish. They told me that is way easier than english and a lot of people is studying spanish just for that reason.

Interesting. It was just an unfounded supposition.

Of course english will always be more popular than spanish in Japan, but so far I haven't met many fluent speakers although the spanish speakers were quiet fluent. I guess the pronunciation makes thing easier for them.

>studying a language because it's easy

pathetic desu

>in language exchange apps
very few Japanese know such creepy apps
maybe you are trying the language exchange in a wrong place
you can come to Japanese threads on /int

Spanish is not popular in Japan

they're racist and don't like sucaca monkeys

not allowed to talk to cocaine dealers. sorry.

Kys Ceron de mierda

Since when is Spanish easier than English?

It's probably about pronunciation.
our vowels are very similar.

japs feel uncomfortable in such a place because they can't chose which one to use between a super polite face and a super rude face

I mean autism