Closes the garage door behind you

>Closes the garage door behind you

>What a forward young man you are

Who was in the wrong here?

>it's a walt is portrayed as a mastermind but then straight up tells hank he knows he is investigating him

Why didn't Hank just arrest him right there?

>tfw Hank gives walt jr the book about the guys who catch Pablo Escobar being way more interesting the Pablo himself

>When you rewatch the show you see Hanks story is way more interesting then Walts

>Hank was too fucking stupid to realize that his brother-in-law was a meth dealer


coz he saw Walt as an absolute joke of a man, he's constantly taking the piss out of for being a "nobody" with his Hank Banter.

For fucks sake not this shit again

Hank saw walt as a weak man and could have never imagined him doing anything remotely similar. In the first episode when hank hands him a gun walt say's its heavy to which hank replies "thats why they make it for men"
Hank knew that Walt jr respected him more than his dad and thought that skylar was cucking him

>that image



Who was in the right here?


What was Isaac Schraders problem?

>My name is Issac Schrader and you can go fuck yourself
I though his name was Hank??? wtf vince

>Pulls out the anal lube

What was he supposed to do? Just hope that Hank didn't actually know anything?

it's so dense, every frame is like a movie in itself

He leveled with Hank, he never wanted to harm him


ah man now i wanna play civ 3

I can accept this explanation for the early episodes of the show, but after season 3 it makes no sense that Hank didn't figure it out, given how obsessed he was with finding 'Heisenberg' and how many obvious fucking clues there were

Those clues only appear obvious because we as viewers see the rest of Walt's life. Imagine if Breaking Bad was centered on Hank's police-work and the only times we'd see Walt is through his interactions. It really wouldn't be that obvious, right? The "Walt is a drug dealer" theory would be even lower tiered than the "Toby is the Scranton strangler".