How does one become redpilled? Where is the origin of this term? (Besides being a matrix reference)

How does one become redpilled? Where is the origin of this term? (Besides being a matrix reference)

Please help an ameritard who's tired of compromise and political correctness

Other urls found in this thread:

Bump for help. Start looking here. Read and comprehend real raw stats, not what news feeds you. Muslims are hilariously patriarchal and violent compared to any other religion, blacks and Hispanics, on average have higher crime rates, of course most are good, don't fall for the "opression" memes

Its a direct Matrix reference.
When Morpheus asks Neo which pill, he says that he can take the Blue Pill and go home that night. If he chooses the Red Pill he will see how deep the rabbit hole goes.
The Red Pill means looking for the truth, even if the truth is ugly.
To be Red Pilled on something is to see the Unfortunate Truth of a thing

Internet search led me to /r/TheRedPill. Is that a good start?
> Inb4 leddit

1. Abandon everything you know
2. Keep an open mind to new information regardless of how much it hurts your feelings
3. Stay here for a couple of months
5. Profit


Oops, wrong picture. Also OP the redpill can be a bit harsh for new comers. You should be strong before you take it and it will make you even stronger.

If you´re weak, it will send you into a crippling depression.

To be honest OP I think most people are born a little bit red pilled.

fuck no. lurk moar

No, that's weird PUA shit.

Man its just a term used for seeing beyond "the presented".

Easy for you to say Denmark bro, there are no niggers and chinks there

Abandon all hope

yeah i always understood it as a pill against the lies we've learned

>How does one become redpilled?
Experience diversity

In regards to what, I am missing something?

It started as a men's rights movement on Reddit. No, seriously. Fucking lurk moar
> summer

there is hope. thinking for yourself is how to start

Its a fine start, but r/TheRedPill concerns exposing the truth about women. Sup Forums is more concerned with exposing the truth about race (as well as women too, to a lesser extent). Both demographics are highly interrelated when it comes to the current state of affairs and politics, so you really cant go wrong with either for starting off on your journey.

It starts by noticing the diferences between what the medias tell you and the reality. Little things at first, really. Perhaps it's just honest mistakes.
Then you start realizing it's not mistakes. And it's definitely not honest.

By the end, you'll want to see this world burn to the ground and kill yourself. And there's no going back
It's a dark path. Thinking about it ignorance might be the blissest bliss of all blisses.

True answer, OP.

exactly. lurk moar. it is only a small part of many pills

there are more as well

If you truly want to be red-pilled you'll have to devote some time to it
>watch this first

>if still interested watch this

>listen to this in your car when you drive over the course of weeks/months

Ahh yes..the redpill starter bundle

hit him with the "banker" pills first. hitler turns normies brains off

>use your own filter

everyone has agenda, most narratives are lies.
find the truth as ugly as it may be, its for the better

One does not simply become "redpilled" you must accept the most gracious pill, meditate on it, ponder on it, become one with the pill of redness. You must ponder on race, social structures, history, mythology and religion, economics, mathematics and sacred geometry, and the concept of technology, for example, a primitive paleolithic spear head is just as much of human technology as say, an anti-matter or fusion reactor, or a warp drive. You must meditate on your undying hatred for niggers and jews, who are in fact subhumans. You must medittate on Vril, the Black Sun, and the Swastika. One who masters Vril will be a master of oneself and others.

The true "redpill" is simply information. You decide what to do after that. You cannot be "redpilled" because it's not a literal thing.

It's all up to you. Remember though, the "redpill" that people attempt to give here is not always correct. In fact, most of the idiots at Sup Forums are easily manipulated retards.

speaks truth

yes there are many factions

Start by burning all your books and forcing yourself to believe every word printed in (if you have trouble, try bashing yourself in the head with a hammer. It hurts, but you'll have an easier time comprehending our worldview).

As another user already said, that's pick up artist stuff. The Red Pill Handbook is actually a pretty good read and will legitimately help you with bagging more women by seeing through their antics and acting like a jackass essentially, but it has nothing to do with race or politics, as this board primarily focuses on, and what really matters in one's daily life–past, future, and present–not just one's current romantic life.

As has been stated, don't feed into media bias from either side. Get the cold, hard facts. Try to look at things from every angle instead of one narrow scope. ***Look at statistics*** for anything at all. The great thing about being redpilled is that you can always find the answer in reality. Not just some person or group's perception of reality. Don't fear political incorrectness. Embrace it.

There are good YouTube channels out there I think but I cba to list them right now. Ramzpaul gives funny (sometimes) interpretations of current events. I think Stefan Molyneux has some relatable stuff. If you're into race realism, definitely check out American Rennaisance and its founder, Jared Taylor.

Check this out:

Some good Wordpress blogs out there too if you look.

There's also a lot of redpilled Twitter accounts you can follow if you're into social media and shit.

You can start anywhere you want, but all you really have to do to become redpilled is observe the facts as they are, understand them, and make up your mind. If you aren't redpilled by then, then you're not ready. You're just covering your eyes and/or plugging your ears in some way, like the liberals are.

Brazilians can understand things?

You know shills convinced me that the red pill meant people who 'saw the truth about women' and gave up on them. MGTOW bullshit. Ofcourse I never visited Sup Forums or any other fora.
Still those kikes got messy powers. They can make you believe anything they want.

Oh, and lurk on Sup Forums occasionally, especially if you have no life. Sift through the autism as much as you can and it will excellerate your journey on becoming redpilled.

i believe bluepilled/redpilled are personality types

some people yearn to learn more about the world and other rather sink in ignorant bliss

can someone post that link FBI director comey has with hillary that makes him owe her? i saw it in a thread last night but didnt save. the reason he didnt recommend charges. something about him being in line for a promotion or something

These are all great. Thanks anons. I'm just hoping I don't end up thumping my chest with the stormfronters. That's a deep end of the pool that I'm not willing to go into

Nothing is sacred

- race mixing is degenerate
- women are degenerate
- America for whites ONLY
- never compromise, even in the face of Armageddon

>burn books, goyim
>believe every word in (((Breitbart)))

red pill had no meaning anymore on nu-pol. Too bad you missed it

people here think the amazing atheist is based

you wont if you arent swayed by alphabet soup sighops

think for yourself. do not be swayed by those who claim absolute wisdom

agnostics are more agreeable

Afaik red pilling is being given info that is polarized to the accepted info. So naturally you reject the info, only to have it sit in the back of your head. Then you start to make connections to events in favor of said info, resulting in a slow progression of realization that most accepted info is false in some sense. The main problem being, is that this new info will be addressed as you first addressed it, in that many will reject you as a person for just knowing it.

If anything, it's the peoples choice to look behind the curtain themselves. However, not all people want answers to things they would rather not worry about. It's easier to be told something is, rather than finding out yourself if it really is. As for origin, I assume most would say the movie was a mainstream indoctrination to the idea of being "red pilled". Yet I would say it would go back to the beginning of recorded history, since that's where we first started to use documented info as the basis of truth.

People on here like the amazing apetits? I fucking hate that guy

so basically, become a white supremacist.

>supporting nationalism means white supremacy

nationalism is fine.