Google Burmese Language

>Google Burmese Language
>Read the wiki article
>Thank all known and unknown gods that you wasn't fucked over this way from the very beginning of your life
Japs and other poopheads with magical runes won't be amused though
Still wondering why these savages have a bloody dictator unruly militarist regime and continue to swirl in their own vomit?
P.S. You gonna say Russian language is shit right? I couldn't agree more yet it is way better than this Myanmar dirt

Other urls found in this thread:

>Burmese is a tonal, pitch-register, and syllable-timed language,[5] largely monosyllabic and analytic, with a subject–object–verb word order.

why did you post lithuanian flag OP

It unironically sounds pretty decent. The tones are lightly pronounced to the point that they're unoticable in fast speech.

>Russian language is shit

To untrained ears it sounds like typical mainland asean language but with Indian tongue twisting sounds

just listened, you're right, it is easier for me to appreciate than most tonal languages

And now imagine being some poor villager in that shithole. You're auto-deprived from any education by those barriers.

>Russian language is shit
Cryptocockhole, plz. Russian language is in top 5 languages of the world.

I can't get over their writing system, nothing but circles.

Which doesn't make it any better you fucking dumb vatnik.
And no I am not a hohol neither do I appreciate their swinetalk (it is a deviated russian dialect by any sane standard and no one would care about it if hohols weren't so eager to promote their fake identity). Both plus belorussian are bullshit.

This is because they use banana palm leaves instead of paper and also to deprive lower classes from education

Now is the meme time. Well, Putin tries to do his work, but we are still superior in culture and science. A miracle, but that's how it goes.

>we are still superior in culture and science
superior to whome? maybe to niggers and Burmese savages? Oi what a notable accomplishment Rusha iz stronk

that looks cool as fuck

>superior to whome?
To a 90% of the world at least.

Because if you ever manage to learn it gives you that feel of being into a secret 1337 cult

>To a 90% of the world at least.
Are u zuganoid or other commie scum?

I'm an educated Russian user.

Thanks for revealing this

Well, thank you too, kid.

I really enjoyed this dialogue

It doesn't. Burmese is the ugly version of the Georgian script.

You must love this video than

>when proxycockhole bringing in a thread his family video
So cute.

How to create this effect?

Are you dumb or what? Why you cannot accept the idea of an ethnic Russian hating this shithole? Are you genuinely that narrow-minded vatnik?

Lots of trial an error. Have fun!

I can argue about our government problems, if you're a Russian. We do have a problems, but we still a great and superior nation after all.

>We do have a problems, but we still a great and superior nation
Ahahahahaha LMAO

thread is wasted
sage and hide

>Ahahahahaha LMAO
Nice argument, macaco.

Aнглийcкий пoдyчи, пpидypoк, пpeждe чeм в кaкиe-тo cпopы вcтyпaть. Пoкa твoй ypoвeнь - пopaшa, тyдa и oтпpaвляйcя.

Я тaк и cмoтpю, чтo ты пepвый oт нeдocтaткa вoкaбyляpия oбocpaлcя и нa pyccкий пepeшeл, yмничкa.

nigger languages are just as underdeveloped as their brains

This burma myanmar language is over-developed in contrast.
Basically the more poor a country is the more difficult language it has. Just read this quote it looks like sort of rocket science

What's wrong with their language?

မြန်မာဘာသာ - look at this Elven script, isn't it beautiful?
Hateful OP should fuck himself.

>look at this Elven script, isn't it beautiful?
Now imagine you have to use it daily plus in fact 2 languages (literal & casual), all those tones and weird sounds.
If it is that beautiful why you don't learn it?
People are hopelessly fucked over because of this "beauty" have mercy on them

>If it is that beautiful why you don't learn it?
Because I don't need it. I'm sure it wouldn't be a big deal for me if it was my native language. It isn't though.