The antagonist does it because he's bored

>the antagonist does it because he's bored

>Justice prevails, but at a cost

>>the protagonist does it because he's bored

>antagonist's life revolves around the protagonist

>everyone around the protagonist gets killed but he somehow doesn't

What's wrong with that?

Seems like a reasonable motivation to me.

Are you the person who likes those off-work villain episodes?

>antagonist does it to save Europe

What the hell are you trying to convey with this reaction? Because I don't think I often experience the "severe sports related brain damage" emotion.

Its honestly worse than the antagonist being evil because hes evil

But peace is boring when you think about it. There's always gonna some whack job that wants to deviate from the norm.


Because I dont like it

Violent reactions to prolonged boredom is to me a much more believable human reaction than just being a evil mofo for no real reason.

In both cases (because I was board/because I'm evil) it comes off as lazy.


>Character is allways bored

>the antagonist wasn't the antagonist

Chubby birb

>antagonist does it to get the protagonist's attention

Is that a reaction or an example?




>antagonist does not believe they're doing wrong, but instead believes that they're doing what it right

Not that user, but it's a weak excuse when they don't apply the frustration of their boredom universally.

For example nothing bores me more than an antagonist who goes on about simply enjoying the brutality of the fight against heroes and blah blah but when an equally powerful and far more brutal villain shows up suddenly they remember they have to do laundry.

So it's not that they're bored, they're evil for the sake of evil but hiding their cowardice, conveniently only inconveniencing heroes.

They won't deal with their boredom tussling with the myriads of disposable evil organizations or alien invasions or anything that would offer them as much violent entertainment, resource profit from ransacking or whatnot. You can basically hear the writer saying
>Look I just need someone simple minded to be a mild nuisance to fill out the plot

And don't give me that Sauron excuse either. You can bet your last dollar if feeding off an evil mutant might inadvertently stop a problem he'd suddenly have that laundry to do.

Also, just to be clear cases where this is subverted are enjoyable to me. Battle Beast started out as an antagonist to Invincible interested only in fighting the strong but later took his boredom out on the Viltrumites and Thragg who posed a bigger challenge. Shame what became of him, but I guess that's what happens when you actually walk the walk instead of just big talking. I guess I should also praise the time Riddler became a detective to prove for a fact he could be smarter than Batman and most crooks, though that didn't last long. I'm unsure if Mongul jr. vs the Arkillo counts since it was more a matter of succession as Corps leader than either acting on their nature alone. Also Arkillo became a pussy shortly after.

>Villain is basically a conservative strawman written by a liberal

At this point you're simply gonna greentext every possible antagonist motivation there is because it's all been done before. There's absolutely no motivation that can be thought of that in some way hasn't already been done, no matter how you word it.

>Antagonist does it because he's working for a bigger bad than him

>the antagonist does it for no other reason than pure spite

>when you think you get a cool new villain
>turns out hes just the regular villains newest hench

i felt like zant had a lot of potential but what the fuck ever

has this ever happened

>the antagonist does it because they were wronged by people that they trusted

>antagonist realizes the universe has no meaning and because of this becomes some nihilistic faggot that thinks that the lack of god or greater purpose is a good excuse to ruin other peoples day
>show/comic try to make it look like he has a valid point behind this mindset

Not Sup Forums but still

Mad Stan?
A lot of what he said wasn't exactly wrong but he was convinced somehow blowing up things, and sometimes people accidentally or otherwise, would resolve the problems. Even though that conclusion clearly made no sense, but as Bruce pointed out he was also clearly too paranoid and disturbed from all the sociopolitical injustices he had in his head to function, so there you go.

>Antagonist is a former (presumed dead) friend of the hero


>Antoganist is just in it for the money

>Antagonist is just in it for the money and quickly changes loyalties if offered more, or loses interest if the task isnt worth the payday


>Antagonist does it because he is a troubled person with deep seeded emotional issues

Honestly, I have more problems with this then with the fact that they are bored. Mostly because everyone writes evil as explainable these days. Writes them to have some horrible trauma or unfortunate life choice that spiraled them down.

Just give me a fucking villain who does it because he is EVIL.

Are you new to Comix and Cartoonz? That sort of thing happens all the time.

Man, fuck brown elves.

Men do fuck brown elves.

Brown elves are fucking disgusting. Especially the girls.

No man under the emperor's light would touch such disgusting creature.

>unfitting music

I'd love to, but I can't.

>antagonist is supposedly the one in charge of the evil organization, but is really just being pulled along by the obligations that come with that position, in order to serve the organization's obligations to its members and shareholders, whose desires are arguably selfish but really are inevitable given their context as dictated by circumstances outside their control going back years if not decades, and those circumstances were arguably brought about by the protagonist's side but really they're both just inescapably components of a larger web of interconnected social, political, and economic systems, which are controlled by no one and weren't deliberately designed by anyone but still continue to self-perpetuate through sheer momentum from one generation to the next

What, villains that think their actions are justified or for the greater good? Yeah, once or twice, I think.

...Fifth Element?

I would if I could.

So current Marvel comics?

>implying some of the best villains need any other motive other than that.


What is a good villain motivation?

I think the "antagonist and protagonist want to achieve the same thing but do so with different morals/methods" is usually pretty okay.


jealousy works

Because the protagonist has been forced to break the law because of circumstance or necessity in pursuit of their goal

Anything can be a good motivation as long as it logically follows. Interesting villains challenge conventional morality in an interesting way worth of contemplating.

>No Country For Old Men

>The Antagonist has already won and the Protagonist from another time line has to stop him.

I've wanted to be a villain for as long as I can remember.

The villains have the coolest aesthetics, most charismatic personalities, wittiest lines, most luxurious places to call home, raddest vehicles, most admirable determination, most grandiose goals, most impressive costumes, and, above all, the most fun.

I want to be evil because it's thrilling and gratifying in a way nothing else really is.

Honestly, being a supervillain is the only thing close to a career goal I've ever had. My greatest lamentation is that I don't live in a world where villainy exists as a profession, like in Venture Brothers, where it's more or less an accepted part of society. I don't actually want to hurt anyone, and derive no pleasure from pain. I'd love to have a worthy nemesis to basically play-act games of cat and mouse with, though.

>The Antagonist IS the good nice guy

love this one though especially if it involves a conspiracy.

Kinda arguable because his whole character is about being a willing hypocrite who really seems to revel in serving his evil lover deep down

But that's the tightest shit when done well. Especially if there's a redemption.

>Villain is entirely the fault of the hero, and the hero has to take responsibility and own up to his mistakes
>The character development actually sticks

It's not interesting. It's not grandiose or deep or morally, intellectually or emotionally challenging.

>Antagonist is a hero manipulated by rival antagonist as a false flag operation

>the antagonist created the protagonist because he was bored and gets more than he bargained for

>My greatest lamentation is that I don't live in a world where villainy exists as a profession
Various forms of mercenary, criminal and terrorist organizations exist all over our world and very much are a profession and accepted part of society, at times a cornerstone for some.
It's not a lacking on the part of our world in providing, it's the wafty aspirations of those who are content to dream through their nights and sleepwalk through their days who lack either the skill or stomach for what gets done outside their mundane lifestyle.

you should be a DM

That's not what I'm looking for. There's a difference between being a supervillain and being a criminal. It's presentation.

I have been thinking about getting into D&D, actually.

>The antagonist specifically wants to challenge the hero to make them a better hero

>Megamind reference
Good taste

I want to write a comic about this user trying to become the world's first supervillain

do it dawg you seem like the kinda guy that would be great, just go to /tg/

So, like, a gangsta rapper who plays mindgames?

That's very flattering.
Will do, thank you.
Honestly, this is a good villain concept, Not my style, but completely respectable. Isn't there a Doctor Doom themed rapper?


>for the antagonist, it was tuesday

>The antagonist has complex but flawed motivations that he has spent some time thinking about, but doesn't spend enough time to work through the logic to reach the inevitable conclusion because he needs to finish what he started and he can't afford to be distracted right now

You do know that those guys are rich because they do work right?
I mean they didn't become a villain and BAM they're living the easy life

The protagonist goes evil and rules the world and it's up to an alternate universe version of the antagonist to go and save him

Of course.

>the plot is more involved than a simple protagonist vs antagonist structure

>regular villain has become commonplace and not seen as too much of a threat anymore
>superior new villain comes
>old villain kicks their ass with surprising competence
Unapologetically love this

>We're not so different, you and I!

MF Doom

>The antagonist is mad because society don't let him have a romantic relationship with a 10yo goth girl, so he reveals against society's narrow minded views about love using robots and AI he made, but he gets caught up in a fight with the muslim scum and now have to save the world from an impending doom as the jewish goverment, feminist activist, the russian goverment, EE UU gorverment and his servants and the EU joins the side of the Muslim to eliminate him, so he decides to side forces with alien bird people and insect people. the Australians and a muscular Nigel Farage (who just want to piss off the Eu a bit more with his sick bans) in a coalition to stop the world from dying out and to let men and little girls experience the truest and purest for of love ever know to mankind

That's the one. I need to give him a listen.

>Villain takes over the world
>Turns out to be a much better place
>Even the heroes have to face this unexpected fact
>The villain gives up his position of power because he misses the thrill of conquest and resents the chains of responsibility
This happened twice, to my knowledge. Once with Doom, and once with Mojo Jojo, of all people.

god, miller's revised inks in dkr are so fucking grotesque.

>The Hero was the real villain all along

Personally I'd like to see more good ol' fashioned revenge.

Zant got his revenge tho. Mother fucker snapped Ganondorf's neck

That is going to give him nightmares every reincarnation.

>Guy ended up losing lover/family something going wrong/government intervention
>Guy becomes villain out of revenge against those who caused him to lose lover/family
>Hero tells villain "IS THIS WHAT ____ WOULD HAVE WANTED"?

>Antagonist does it because he lost the ability to believe in a better way

Man do I love Miller's Joker.

His interpretation of an aged Joker who's had a while to think about Batman and has chilled out into more of a cold psycho is great.