This bird is called turkey in English, Peru in Portuguese, and india in French

This bird is called turkey in English, Peru in Portuguese, and india in French

What the fuck is going this can't possibly be a coincidence?

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>What the fuck is going this can't possibly be a coincidence?
Sorry, I'm unsure how to parse that question.

>india in French


>india in French

Indyk in Polish


england calls it turkey because they think it's from turkey
turkey calls it india because they think it's from india
what does india call it?



>tfw only country that doesn't use pants on head retarded geographical names for this bird

In Spanish it is pavo which has no meaning

Lmao it is called Dutch here

I was surprised seeing how many countries think the turkey is from India, while we call it "Peru" because the bird was burrowed from Portuguese

Pavo means peacock, so instead of being retarded geographically your name is retarded zoologically.

It's also called India (Hodu) in Hebrew

In Catalan it is "gall dindi" or "gall de les Índies"
Probably similar to french.
It means "indian rooster"

Here its called truthahn

Peacock is "pavo real"

Induk (m)
Indejka (f)

They really are beautiful. Back in '10 I was in western Minnesota midwinter up in these rolling wooded hills above a place called Big Stone Lake. Wish we had as many descriptive terms for snow as the inuit so I could describe easily the type of fast falling grain falling from iron grey sky.
I was trudging around in light snow-dusted cornfields wandering after about a dozen of these pretties to snap a photo. I kept bothering them until they took to the trees at wood edge where they all sat in an old oak.
Never did take a photo. Memory's better.

In Mexican Spanish the correct name is guajolote, from Nahuatl huexolot (grand animal)l tho we often use pavo as well. The irony is all domesticated turkeys come from Mexico originally.

>I was surprised seeing how many countries think the turkey is from India,

more likely the term india reffers to the west indies

For people who are really despised by the white race, you guys really have an infatuation with us by naming things and places after us.

>Red Indians
>Indian Ocean
>West Indies
>Calling turkey - Indian

It's because they first thought America was India, hence the later term West Indies. We are still paying for Columbus' mistake.

Columbus was italian, m8, we have nothing to do with him

Epic broscience

>we have nothing to do with him

He was a murderer and a despotic ruler. For a good reason he suffered a trial in Spain. Even when he brought indians to the court, the quen Elizabeth ordered him to take them back to their home.

This bird is literally american

Sorry but クリストファー コロンブス was Japanese, filthy gaijin.

We win by proximity because Peru was just the coloquial name for all of the Spanish Americas, despite only being a region of it, from which Turkeys are not from.


top lel

what does the italian name mean?

In finnish the name is kalkkuna, etymology seems to be related to indian city of Kolkata.

top zozzle

damn memri tv is pretty good.

We call it "tacchino" which is simply supposed to imitate its cry.

No, that was only in South America, we wuz the Spanish main, that's where all the galleons with gold came from, either the Veracruz-Havana-Cádiz or the Acapulco-Manila routes. If we are going by popular depictions that was a more widespread one.

That's what I meant, Peru was a region of Spanish America, but we, the Portuguese, called all of it Peru.

We don't dig on the "new Bultshittown" attitude of yours. Towns are to be named after distinct geographical markers, saints, local leaders or local words for land, in that order.

Hindi in turkish

Oh yeas great naming conventions you Portuguese had, Porto Alegre, Fortaleza, Minas Gerais...

Meanwhile Spanish names were full of mistery and exoticism even when not using local names, New Spain was meant to convey the importance and character of the colony, which wasn't just for exploitation but where Spaniards built palaces and infrastructure like aqueducts, schools and hospitals from the very start. It sure beats just naming a nation after pau-brasil because that was the main commodity you got from there.

You would have unironically named Argentina ganhou.

Malaysians call them Ayam Belanda which means Dutch Chicken

Those are all great names, even if the places are shit.

Mexico is a perfectly good name, much better than New Spain.

Pavo also means idiot in Korean

>which is simply supposed to imitate its cry

this is the patrician way for naming animals

That is a Kalkkuna.

You fucking southerners idios pata rajada call them guajolote
We the norteños call them Cócono