I don't think anyone is going to argue that America wouldn't be a better place after 40 years if we put a temporary...

I don't think anyone is going to argue that America wouldn't be a better place after 40 years if we put a temporary stop on blacks, women, immigrants, and kids under 20 voting.

The question is, is it moral?


I agree that I don't think anyone would not agree that it shouldn't be permissible to not disallow voting by non-non-non whites males.

But I disagree that the real question isn't whether or not it's moral.

Hope that clears things up.

Nice flag. What is it?

>Is it moral

Depends on your definition of morality. From a standard point of view, no of course not. But if you see morality as doing the most amount of good for the greatest amount of people then yes, it's moral.

The real question is: if it's not moral, does it matter? Stand on the graves of a million souls and tell them the value of honor.

>better for me = better for everyone

Pic related

It's a fellow tax haven.

I've been having to mobile post for the past month and I hate it. Can't tell where any of the flags are from other than the ones I've memorized, so I can't tell if the poster is white or not. Feels bad man.

>But I disagree that the real question isn't whether or not it's moral.
Then what is the real question?

Tap on the flag, look at its two letter file name, and google " _ _ country code"

Op is IM - Isle of Man

He's probably whiter than you.

The real question is why you're piling up negations in your OP, rather than saying:

>Everyone would agree that America would be a better place after 40 years...

My post was a hyperbolic version of yours, numbnuts.

That's a lot of work desu senpai

It's less work than posting. And it makes threads less shit.

If you're schooling someone on semantics, you probably shouldn't have ended with a proposition you couldn't support, pedro

It's only moral if the people who are able to vote still consider the interests of those who are no longer allowed to vote.

Unfortunately women and uppity sheboons will always demand more than they deserve and will accuse white men of not caring about them because we make them actually get jobs and work.

Are you for real retarded?
The entire point of that post is that it has no argumentative goal.

>It's only moral if the people who are able to vote still consider the interests of those who are no longer allowed to vote.

I agree, this is inherently necessary. Can we be sufficiently assured of our own objectivity so that, morally, we can claim to be acting in their interests? Sincerity may not be sufficient in the face of kike MSM tactics.

>The question is, is it moral?
Defending your culture and civilisation from parasites, invaders and fifth-columnists is entirely moral.

It clearly would be immoral NOT to

>jus pertenderned trick on you

rare flag

Nation of YouTube

The problem is that there are too many things that the federal government have power over and that can be voted on. America would still decline because white men would still vote for greater welfare/warfare/debt.

>fu-C-King [dead