Women engineers make 20% less than men. Can you explain this?

Women engineers make 20% less than men. Can you explain this?

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>Interaction Engineer

What did they mean by this?

Prove it

>Interaction engineer

Because they're women.

I'm pretty sure that she is just some kind of project manager.

Women can't into engineering, they may score good grades but PRACTICALLY they're shit
sorry guys

>interaction engineer

Its like saying a utilities engineer (janitor) is the same as an aerospace engineer

What the fuck is an interaction engineer

What is an "interaction engineer"?

HR? Or some other shit

Examples of two engineers male and female doing the same job for the same wage for the same hours a week in the same city in the same company. Uhhhhhh bait much

This is why my female friend who's majoring in aerospace engineering hates women

>Interaction Engineer
I don't get it, is she working as a receptionist?


It's basically just a translator for designers and software developers.


i'm a loss prevention engineer

Because they're shit and the vast majority are in it for the attention like gamer grills.

t. Engineer

You guessed it.



What the hell is a interaction engerineer

>pro tip not a enginereer

They work less hours compared to men. That simple.

They don't know hot to negotiate.

This is the truth. Grades are irrelevant compared to those who are gifted. And 99.99999999% of women just aren't gifted.


what a waste of digits

Bureaucratic human resources position, basically commie czar shit.

Literally just making shit up to enforce a fantasy instead of reality.

Women engineers are 20% dumber than men

I'm a gay retard adequacy engineer and I deserve to be paid as much as white male scum!

Seeing all the shit that is called engineering today really gives me an aneurysm.

>women whine about muh women in STEM
>STEM responds by slapping the term "engineer" onto everything.
>suddenly the number of women in STEM starts increasing



its because of a cultural model in which we assume that man are builders are woman are nurses. we don't nearly encourage woman as much as we should to participate in STEM fields, to put it in different words.

>interaction engineer

Mechanical engineer here and this is not true at all. Every female "engineer" I know does less or no work for MORE pay. It's ridiculous how eager companies are to hire women.

Every woman engineer that works in my section at Microsoft is terrible. There is 1 or 2 that can compete with the worst male engineers. Plus the women are always first to leave, never come up with original ideas, and they sit around chitchatting way more than the men. Even while lunch or on a coffee break the men are still talking about work related things with each other, while the women talk about everything except work.

your pic explains it

women are "interaction engineers", which is undoubtedly just a glorified sociologist, while men tend to be actual engineers... like ones who build cool shit.


>"We form a bridge between designers and software engineers, improving communication"

Basically "we are a glorified and less efficient form of instant messaging"

They probably do shittier work. I can't overlook every single performance review for every job done in the country, and neither can the government.

Women make more than. 60% in health and education related profissions. But I dont see anyone complaining for equality there.

Norway is the most equal country in the world but there are still 80% (((real))) engineers that are men.

>interaction engineer

>be Sandwich Artist
>work hard
>get promoted to Sandwich Engineer

I'm studying communication engineering everyday I put my studies into practice by talking to all the strangers I come across. Our conversations sprout forth like a beautiful enginnered flower made by god herself with words being the support beams and cement mortar

Probably user interface design or something. Everyone wants to be an "engineer"

That's not necessary. If a woman is interested in the field then she can succeed with her own merits. No need to coddle them on their way there

They just add "engineer", "director" or "manager" to their shitty job title to feel more relevant.

>I clean toilets
is now
>I'm a sanitary engineer


This is what it is

I can see that being important for big projects that need to produce a very specific solution. Engineers are hyper autists that will gladly tank a product just to ensure that it meets various design standards. (source: I work with software engineers on a daily basis.)

>rage engineer

Around here our bin men went on strike to have their job title changed to "waste disposal engineer"

I'm a meal distribution engineer

>call bullshit job "engineer"
>get mad you're paid 10$/hr and demand ABET accredit you

Gross averages do not mean individual bias.

>still get paid 20% less than an electrical engineer

but all in all life is pretty good as a sandwich engineer, I still make $100k a year after all.
it's just revolting that as a woman sandwich engineer i still make less than men engineers

>interaction engineer

yeah im a fucking extrusion engineer, my actual job title....it took 8 weeks on the job traiining for me to reach these heady heights....i do not expect to earn as much as university graduates that build jet engines and skyscrapers....i make plastic bags ffs.

Im NEET-Engineer

Probably because they work at least 20 percent less than men. Women are always calling out sick, bitching about something, or just being plain fucking useless in the workplace.

just doubled your dubs, bub !

>STEM jobs pay premium for quality of work
>women engineers are stupid as fuck
>women get paid less



>do a half-assed job
>get paid less


Stop it! I'm serious

Sandwich engineer reporting in.

you first


>tfw wage gap is bullshit and you getting minimum wage but those fancy ass male engineers rich af

Car re-distribution engineer

>study electrical 'engineering' or any other kind of 'engineering' like interaction 'engineering'
>get paid less than an actual mechanical engineer
What's there to not understand?

>interaction engineer
These people can add engineer to whatever title they want to give themselves, but that doesn't make them an engineer of any sorts.

the term is mengineneer, they like to mansplain things to little girls, and only hold proper dickscussions with other men. Cockstruction workers are just as bad.

>help me I'm a fucking ungrateful bitch
Fuck equal rights pay. Until women decide to start working manual labor jobs that require sweat and muscle, I don't give a fuck about equal pay. Try framing a house in 110F+ weather, or pouring concrete slabs for houses.

You should be appreciative to work as an engineer in an air conditioned building. Fuck you.

>put engineer behind your shitty arts degree
>whaaa i make 20% less than a real engineer

Maybe us real enginers need to start calling oirselves autists. Software Austist, Electrical Austist, Aerospace Autist, etc

Did you just get triggered? Will you still be able to make me a sandwich?

Because almost all women in engineering do "interaction engineering" instead of real, serious engineering

>Interaction Engineer

What? Is she at least a real engineer or does she have a meme position that is called engineer just because? This should be illegal, people bust their ass to be called engineers in areas that aren't meme, people could die if we fuck up and this persons want to be called engineers without the sweat? Fuck them.

retail replenishment engineer

I'm currently renovating a school built on a heritage site, so if I was a woman I'd be a Historical Estate Furniture Manipulator & Soluble Colour Appliance Technician.

I have never met or seen a woman who does manual labouring, the closest they get is receptionist. You never see them on site and they never have any clue of the realities of the job. If women actually knew how to do a rewarding day of hard physical work I reckon they'd bitch a lot less. Or maybe they'd bitch more and call it slave labour who knows these days.

I betcha she works as a secretary

Random HR job that has "engineering" attached to it

Call centre probably

If someone wishes to accomplish something, it isn't necessary for people to be coddled just to achieve it.

Nobody tells a man to become an engineer unless you just so happen to live in a family that demands it, which, especially these days, are very far and few between.

Nobody tells women to become nurses or teachers, yet of course they still happen to be drawn more to it than a man would, just as men are more drawn to engineering then woman are.

frankly, it's a pretty funny idea when it comes to seeing women in chemical engineering, having to go to all of these dangerous chemical or nuclear plants where they could potentially die if they happened to go into the wrong place at the wrong time.

Hours worked.


>Interaction Engineer

I'd be okay with this. Just attach a really disparaging name to a position that pays a fuckload of money or requires a ton of skill.

See how many women whine then.

>all engineers are the same


>Can you explain this?

>less work hours on average
>child leave
>more sick days
>less productive
>worse grades
>worse salary negotiators

Even if I pretend that this "20% statistic" is correct, that's an overall average of all female engineer earnings.

You literally can not find a female engineer who do the same work hours and with the same experience as men and make less money, you won't find it because it doesn't exist. And if it actually existed, companies would be flocking to hire female engineers because they could pay them much less and get away with it.

This feminist myth is complete and utter fantasy.

thats so close to reality it hurts

>Too pussy to ask for raises
>Don't get raises

They should be making far less. Women are shit at enginering, even the few who actually manage to get through school.

A womans place is in the home. "barfoot and pregnant" they say, not that I care if she wears socks or not.

did he died

the term "woman engineer" makes me cringe.

Because they produce a lesser quality of work than men, so they get payed by their quality of work that they produce. Sorry you actually have to work to get money, oh it's just too hard waah waah. It's just how the world works. Men can do it, why can't you.

>>worse salary negotiators

This is actually an actual cause of the gender gap, accounting for 7%, but it also applies to a lot of men

It's another one of those vast right wing conspiracies

THIS TIME: the patriarchy!

The conspiracy between all men to keep women down!

NEXT WEEK: Systemic Oppression!

(The conspiracy between all white people to keep other races down even though they are already on average more successful)

And then?
One of my personal favorites!


The conspiracy that despite being the most secular countries on earth, all western countries are ACTUALLY inherently Christian, and as a result they balk at the very idea of another religion existing near them!

Find out next month, what new conspiracy will the left dream up next?? Of course, they aren't called that, only Alex Jones can be a conspiracy theorist!

It might be this?


So user-friendliness, accessibility, and ergonomics... I guess?

My co worker is a female Chinese H1-B. I make almost twice what she makes. That's because I'm a much better programmer than she is.

But she isn't terrible. She can still do a lot of tasks on her own. And she's improving.

Women also get paid less because they become pregnant. This girl, for example, can't stop talking about having children. She can't right now because she needs to work for her visa. She said as soon as she gets her green card she will become a stay at home mom. Her maternity instinct is so strong she actually goes to pet stores after work to pet all the animals.