Hes right you know? and this was 1998

hes right you know? and this was 1998
what other comics say "faggot" these days?

ones not bound by certain ratings or for younger/all age audiences

so not the big two

None, but I haven't really seen that word used in very many 90s comics either.

I like his attittude.

Looks like a cool dude to hang around.

It Hurts! probably does. They use everything else.

Ennis' personal rants are so goddamn obvious but I'd be lying if I didn't agree with most of them.

man he's got their number for sure. i wish more people focused on that aspect. it's not just PC politics either. legislation, law enforcement, schools, basically everything now is all about LOOKING like you're trying, and having some kind of success you can quote on your record, but all you did was pick the easiest goal, the lowest-hanging fruit.
ohnoes, someone got shot? let's oppress law-abiding gun owners a bit.. because the criminals are too hard to find and do anything about.
cant find the terrorists? let's just find the nearest muslim and hassle him for a while.
someone's hurting childrens somewhere? let's make it illegal to send each other naked pictures. surely if we just keep focusing on enjoyment and thought policing, somehow eventually actions will improve!

This happened right after lmao

You should read the whole comic. He's actually the good guy.

Reverse Googling that probably got me on a watchlist and didn't get me a source. I mean, fuck it, let 'em watch if they want, but I'd still like to know where that came from. I'm assuming that's Constantine?

Yeah, I believe it is.

I think my favorite one was the rant about how Charlie Chaplin suckled and he was all about style over substance

I forget who Jesse said he liked, Laurel and Hardy?

>Charlie Chaplin suckled and he was all about style over substance

That's only true about his silent era work, and mostly the very early stuff when he was just making shorts two reelers for Keystone, etc.

Buster Keaton>Charlie Chaplin

it wasn't my favorite because I agreed with it. I loved that rant in particular because it just came out of nowhere. It felt like Ennis just shoved a thought he had while watching tv into his comic

>even in 1998 they were making fun of Sup Forums

Seems more like shitting on Tumblr since he's the hero and all.
And right

refer to



Hey I don't disagree with that but is also right


Clearly a non-sequiter.

He IS right, in a way. Political Correctness neuters the potential pathos in stories that can make them appealing and interesting.

You got it and that Jessie and Cass started a bar fight over it because some guy wanted to watch the game instead of L&H was just wonderful.

someone post the next page where he calls in

Pug Davis did.

>God may be fat

It hurts!! doesn't anymore. There was a whole comic about them not using that sort of language anymore because they're "adults" A Y Y