How do people in your country say "shithole"? How does it translate to your language?

How do people in your country say "shithole"? How does it translate to your language?

inb4 America or variation thereof

In french we say "shitte haule"

English stole our language

>be fr*ch
>invade innocent england
>destroy beautiful anglo saxon language with french words
>hundreds of years later complain that english is filled with french words

Ah yes, the eternal frog

>beautiful anglo saxon language
t. Kraut-nigger

>[shithole] country
>país [de mierda]
that is how most media has translated and it's actually a good localization, although I think "shithole" has a little more negative and vulgar tone

Estados Hundidos de America



Old English was fucking disgusting

I hate the Fr*nch as much as the next guy, but they did good by giving us a decent sounding language

Somali media has translated it to "the organ used for defection" which is close enough I guess

t. actual somalibro


"village" but augmentative
>wypizdowo or smth
a curse connected with how polish cities names usually end, like -owo, ów. "wypizdowo" could mean "city fuckton far away"

Are you implying i'm not a native English speaker

Shithole, or, pays merdique


Our main tv news outlet said literally " huecos de mierda", (which is the literal translation of the word "shithole" in spanish) on prime time (7:00 PM). That was quite unforeseen in this country

Why is that so unforeseen?

because it is not possible to use swear words at that hour, only after 9:00 pm. Same thing on the radio as the consumer protection agency can sanction them. I had never heard the word "mierda" (shit) at 7:00 PM on national tv until yesterday desu


Will they be fined for airing it?

Casa do OP

Ours news first wrote "sranje-zemlje" which means "shit-lands" and is not a term previously used in Croatia, until they switched to well-known and used local term "vukojebine", which means something like "wolf-fuckery", and is mostly used when referring to rural areas of ex-Yugoslavia.

nah, i don't think so but it sets a precedent for further degeneration of our values and principles down the line


What did I ever do to you? ;_;

Wiktionary has a decent translations of it, I guess.

>mostly used when referring to rural areas of ex-Yugoslavia.

Being amerikkka's rectally operated sock puppet does that just fine

You might be on to something.

>"birds don't lay eggs"

How does that mean shithole? Do foreigners really not understand shithole or have a direct translation? Is English really that much more expressive?

>Is English really that much more expressive?
No. They're probably just prudes and avoid using any vulgarities. Just look at the Japs censoring genitalia in porn and K-pop stars signing contracts that they won't date anyone to maintain a "pure" reputation as "pop idols".

>How does that mean shithole?
Probably just an idiom.

Cpaнaя дыpa.

A hole that was shat out, a shitted hole. But it makes sense because "shitted" is a common adjective and "hole" is basically how you say "shithole" referring to a geographic location, so it’s like "shitty shithole".

A place where birds don’t lay eggs is a shitty country. It’s a metaphor.

We call it "utlandet"

>A hole that was shat out
How does one shit out a hole?


a direct translation would be lortehul

We call it "Sverige"

Drittland = shit country



Seems to be translated both: paskaläpi and persläpi ie. shit hole and ass hole. Doesn't really translate very well.

>Šūdų Skylė
But since our language is pure, media here translated it to
>Purvina Skylė (Dirty hole)


I saw (italian media) it translated as "paesi-latrina" while leaving a note on the side with the original word. A better translation would have been "paesi di merda" or "posti di merda" but that was probably too vulgar for our media.

"EEUU", "Estamos Hundidos", "Estados Podridos", "Yanquilandia", etc.

After years of training amongst the Yogi's of in India I've mastered shit-fu. You can easily train yourself to shit a hole


Maybe Swiss Italian media is different, but I have seen it mostly translated as "cesso", or "cesso di paese", which is a vulgar term for a toilet, usually used for referring to ugly places or people, for the foreigners.


肥溜め こえだめ Koedame
大便用の穴 だいべんようのあな Daiben-you-no-ana
屋外便所 おくがいべんじょ Okugai-benjo
肛門 こうもん Koumon
尻の穴 しりのあな Shiri-no-ana
汚い場所 きたないばしょ Kitanai-basyo
異臭のする場所 いしゅうのするばしょ Ishuu-no-suru-basyo

>be journalist
>be too dumb to know what a cloaca is and why Taiwan said what they said


I don't think you know what a cloaca is either.

Rosja is the only reasonable translation I could possibly think of.

Shithole literally translates to σkατότρυπα.
But when we apply it to a country we say it like kωλοχώρα, μπουρδελοχώρα or Αλβανία

They will never fix Greek k here, will they? Sad!

A Dutch right wing politician, Pim Fortuyn, used to talk about "a retarded culture".

So our media translated Trump his shithole comment as "retarded countries"

In German Shithole would be "Drecksloch".

But I think you could just say shijtlanden (shit countries).

At least the ο stays Greek. All Russian letters get that treatment.

Prdel, prdel světa, prdelákov

Translated: asshole, asshole of the world, assholetown

I guess szarfészek, shit-nest


just watch the singapore chinese news, it use 垃圾国, literally translate to garbage country.

that is my favorite croatian word, but its not really a good translation of shithole imo, shithole is about a low quality of life while vukojebina is more about being in the middle of nowhere

вyкoјeбинa/vukojebina - a place where wolves fuck
зaпиздинa/zapizdina - "behind the pussy", i cannot really explain it in english
пpипиздинa/pripizdina - same as zapizdina, only different prefix
пpчинa/prčina - a place for fucking

Paskaloukko perhaps.
paska = shit
loukko = means a place, its carries negative meaning so perhaps good english translation would be 'dump'
Karmee loukko = what a dump

literal translation would be paskareikä which no one says here
persläpi would be the word for this i guess

In Spain we have pozo de mierda

I don't know the exact term they used here, but it was probably one of these
מדינות מחורבנות shitty countries
חורים holes
מדינות דרג ז' F grade countries

Here we just say "America".

Speak the President's American ya limey scum

Why is SBC so great with swears?

because we were in tight contacts with turks, greeks, hungarians and italians, all of them being huge shitheads. also illyrian heritage certainly helped

> выпиздoвo


That feel when being Russian masterrace and you can swear as hard as Trump but those swears aren't even considered hard enough swears to be censored

hoyo de mierda



Špinavé diery which means dirty holes.

That's too mild and doesn't do Trump justice. Zasrané diery (shitty holes) would be more accurate.