What does Sup Forums think of International Iron Man so far? I find it to be pretty good...

What does Sup Forums think of International Iron Man so far? I find it to be pretty good, especially for an Iron Man book.

Se isso aqui fosse uma postagem chingando o bendis ou falando mal do miles ,pode ter certeza que estaria cheio de comentários

BTFO hue

still have a chuckle over "Cambridge is in London"

How is it compared to his Invincible Iron Man?

For me, I find his Invincible to just be bearable, mostly staying for the art. If his International is just more of the same, then I think I can live without more "le facial hair bros" humor.

>Bendis anything
Yeah, no, fuck off and never come back.
Kill yourself on your way out too please.

Do you by any chance just like everything written by Bendis?

What this dude said.

Is Black Widow Tony's mom yet?

Don't pay it any mind

Haven read this. What did Widow do in this?

She may or may not be Tony's biological mother.

She birthed Tony Stark.

What the fuck. Whod she fuck?

How in the name of fuck.

I'd say better. Art definitely isn't as good but it fits the story well.

Has Bendis gone too far?

I haven't read any bendis-related book since Alias, and I'm not planing to change this

How the fuck

It's all speculations at this point.

I like it actually, theres a kind of writing that bendis does that feels like old noir films in a way. Its a shame all his work doesnt have that feel.