Are the Americans here happy that he's their supreme leader?

Are the Americans here happy that he's their supreme leader?

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yeah he says some pretty funny stuff, who cares if he's not actually a good president

Not really, even most of the hardcore Trumpeters I knew are starting to regret their decision.

Trump wants to import this. I am suppose to be mad?

we dont have a supreme leader you dolt
and no but hes better than clinton/romney/obama/mccain/bush/kerry/...

Better to have an incompetent that gets litte done than some faggot actively making the US worse. Less legislation passed = good

There hasn't been a good president/ competitive nominee in my lifetime. He's certainly not as bad as everyone tries to make him out to be. He's also not as different from most mainstream politicians as many trump supporters would like to think. Unlike what many non-Americans seem to think, most people here don't give much thought to our president elect. We are truly a country who for the most part gives no fucks

Hopefully I will be able to see annoying Sjws autistic screeching if he fix the US economy, Also I will be able to see a big turmoil if he fuck up the US. Gotta have fun either way

Couldn't be happier.

why would they leave their social safety nets for this shithole?

why dont japanese cartoon characters look japanese? srs

hes a bit too right wing imo
but hes better than the dem alternatives

I already gave up on my cunt and he's entertaining so it's good

no reason - all shitposting aside northern european countries are about as close to utopia as has ever been reached. Im sure the immigrant issue is overblown as well

>anyone who didn't want a loud manchild as president is a SJW
Why is Japan consistently the dumbest posters

Talking US politics to other Australians in 2016, everyone was pretty shocked the Dems picked Hillary over Bernie and pretty much everyone here thinks Bernie would have beat Trump.
That being said, Australians are way more left-wing economically than Americans.
Bernie would have been fucking dope af though because all the Neolibs hate him, all the dipshit Hillarystans would suicide and he would engage in New Deal style infrastructure projects which would be interesting to see US pull another early-mid 20th century nation building.

Japan is the most autistic country on Earth

are most jap politicians liberal by american standards? What are your cunts 'hot' issues?

Less tax better colleges warmer climate more options period

this is the new face of america darkies btfo

You're talking to an English teacher.

As long as he's triggering leftist he's doing a great job. Literally the only reason why I voted for him I couldn't be more satisfied with the results.

>loud manchild
makes absolutely no difference other than providing occasional light entertainment. things are going well
>new deal infrastructure
doesnt work here bud, it would just be billions of dollars in government waste and mas corruption.

Japan has a different political compass than the US.
Japanese mainstream politics has no real left or progressive wing. The main "battle" is between traditionalist nationalists and conservative neoliberals

Both are part of this political cult

There are progressive parties and left wing parties but they never, ever are able to form a majority. Funny one of the largest Japanese left wing parties are the Communists

makes me kind of sad to think the only way we'll get any sort of new deal style infrastructure projects is after another catastrophic economic depression hits. either that or america will succumb to full blown feudalism, which honestly seems way more likely given the way my fellow lardshits love kissing corporate ass.

>As long as he's triggering leftist he's doing a great job. Literally the only reason why I voted for him I couldn't be more satisfied with the results.

What are you talking about? He's one of the least right-wing Republican presidents that we've ever had.

none of them are coming over here, and even if some do they'll just go live in the ultra liberal expensive states. you severely underestimate how retarded the US looks to the rest of the first world.

Probably Japan is the only country that has influental far-leftist Antifa other than West countries

>less taxes

user. You think you can get QTs to move to a new continent and fuck you... with tax breraks?

>As long as he's triggering leftist he's doing a great job. Literally the only reason why I voted for him I couldn't be more satisfied with the results.

This is by far the dumbest way any empire has ever commited sudoku.

Even if they don't come and we keep the shitholes out. We still win.

damn imagine if Germany had a popular political party like this. Anudda shoa indeed

yeah, he's so much better than shillary.

totally still hyped, there's no way I'd rather have shill compared to Trump.

>committing sudoku
Yes because things have really declined since trump took power.
I dont think that word means what you think it means


Our right wing actually loves jews and israel way more than our left wing

>being stupid yet still speaking


This has been a recent realignment all over I think. Reactionaries of all religions sort of quietly working together against secularism, liberalism, leftism, progressivism

He's entertaining but it's not exactly just SJWs that think he's a moron [or playing 5D chess]

I always figured it was more about protecting Israel as a way of securing our interests in the middle east.

I am happy that he is making such foolish moves like restricting work visas and destroying NAFTA because it means the Canadian-EU agreement will flourish as they will likely be our new softwood lumber buyers, and we will receive a good chunk of the American migrants.

yep canada will become a force to be reckoned with in the coming years. Trade will flourish and your intellectual capital will nearly double as the smartest Americans jump off a rapidly sinking ship. Couple this with Canada's rapidly increasing tourism industry and the world drought for good sturdy lumber and youve got a recipe for success my friend

The neocons want that. The true believing evangelicals believe jesus will come and end the world back when all the jews move back to the land of the israelites.

The only reason I'm not moving to canada is I want to have a say in what happens to our ashes. I feel invested in it now.

hell I might just leave for that delicious Canadian cuisine

>Canadian cuisine

what did he mean by this


This guy chimps out literally every time people doesn't do what he wants.

Fuck Dotard Drumpf

>be american
>elect WWE wrestler as leader
>get shot

>Canadian cuisine

>who cares if he's not actually a good president
Id assume people who care about America would care about such a thing.

Far lower standards means it's far easier to hit it big.
Americans are dumb as fuck and it's very easy for skilled Europeans to make double what they would in Europe.
It's also very easy to succeed in business and become properly rich.

Are you having a laugh?

I'm probably gonna be the only one on Sup Forums who is content with him, although he's not perfect, I think America could have honestly done worse.