It is curious that Trump never specifies a period when America was great in his view...

It is curious that Trump never specifies a period when America was great in his view. Did it overlap with the women’s rights, civil rights or gay rights movements? For whom was it great?


The late 80's and 90's.

For those that created it.

Reagen era.

>For whom was it great?

Not illegal fuck faces.

When white men were unquestionably in charge, everyone was better off

I don't think Trump even necessarily would agree with this sentiment in private, but it is objectively true. The civil rights movements have done nothing but weaken western civilization

'42 to '69 you fucking idiot. Change your flag.

>It is curious that Trump never specifies a period when America was great in his view.
>Politics 101

The age of VHS and walkman.

Drumpf is probably referring to America's guilded age, a time when the rich controlled everything and POC's were expected to know their place.


>tfw you will never live in a golden age

But generally, fuck whatever it is we're doing now.

Women rights ruined women

Go back to the New York Times, Mr. Blow

Ok Shill, when was it not great?

Probably the age of the robber barons.

>It is curious that Trump never specifies a period when America was great

Before January 20, 2009.

2 decades after WW2, when they destroyed Europe & Asia & took control of the British Empire & Banking & Manufacturing worldwide.

Trump means 40s-50s era, when minorities knew their place (away from whites)
not a bad idea except he'll NEVER win without them now (he's doing very bad with blacks and latinos)
And now he keeps making gafs so hes losing independents too.
So unfortunately, he will not win.

Trump doesn't have a specific time in mind. The idea behind it is the time America was great can be filled in dependent on the listeners interpretation. One person might think the 80s were great while another mighty think it's the 50s. That's the genius of it, it applies separately to everyone so Trump doesn't have to commit to a specific time period.