Who ruined the black community in america? The white man and black man could have been allies

Who ruined the black community in america? The white man and black man could have been allies.

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In terms of having a job and being socially cohesive, Blacks were better before the civil rights movement.

Reagan and Nixon
who would've thought that flooding black neighborhoods with crack in order to fund illegal operations was a good idea?

>inb4 clueless trumptards HURR DURR

The sexual revolution and expansion of the welfare state absolutely destroyed black families. It's going to take some time to adjust to that, but I think things will eventually work out for the better.


How many blacks were born out of wedlock compared to then and now?

100% mutts
> The Tulsa race riot, or Tulsa race riot of 1921, occurred between May 31 and June 1, 1921, when a white mob started attacking residents and businesses of the African-American community of Oklahoma

>Northeastern Oklahoma was in an economic slump that increased unemployment. Since 1915, the Ku Klux Klan had been growing in urban chapters across the country
>The traditionally black district of Greenwood in Tulsa had a commercial district so prosperous that it was known as "the Negro Wall Street" (now commonly referred to as "the Black Wall Street")Blacks had created their own businesses and services in this enclave, including several grocers, two independent newspapers, two movie theaters, nightclubs, and numerous churches. Black professionals: doctors, dentists, lawyers, and clergy, served the community. They selected their own leaders and raised capital there to support economic growth

>The attack, carried out on the ground and by air, destroyed more than 35 blocks of the district, at the time the wealthiest black community in the nation

I wonder (((who))))

>welfare state destroyed black families

Ah yes, this retarded libertarian chestnut

The white w*man.

I am not even against the welfare state you retarded reddit-drone. I am merely saying that the shift to a welfare state has altered societal dynamics sufficiently so as to disrupt family formation within a marginalized community. This isn't a purely black phenomenon either.

Society will eventually adjust but in the meantime there's going to be some friction as we all get used to a different kind of family dynamic.

How is welfare responsible for the disruption of the family formation in marginalized populations like blacks?

The CIA.

Damn that's sad us whites are really horrible people we should be ashamed for the shit we did.

It allowed black single mothers to survive. It allowed black men to do nothing and mooch off females and it spiraled from there.

>waaaa the CIA put drugs into black communities. They had no choice but to take the drugs

>waaa the Jews put degenerate media into white communities. They had no choice but to consume the media

This is largely true. Before the welfare state deadbeat dads were, at one point, higher among whites than blacks


>drugs and media are the same kind of product
Can you please kys?

What? Look up redlining and National Housing Act of 1934 in particular.

Weaponized politics.

Brazil has been HEAVILY importing American racial divide since the beginning of the decade, thanks to the Internet, and the effects are starting to swing things around here.

Just cut welfare and offer unsatisfied leeches a ticket to Canada or other bleeding heart ""country"" to take responsibility.

White americans were braindead retards for wrecking everything yeah, but calling a commercial district the "Negro Wall Street" is too much.

Blacks, for actively refusing to live like normal people.

>I have no agency

Blacks think the way white people "treat" them justifies their terrible ways of living life. It's your fault if you destroy your life with poverty, gang life, and drugs. I don't know why they haven't been taught this or don't understand this.