TomorrowI'll kill myself. Goodbye int, that was fun

TomorrowI'll kill myself. Goodbye int, that was fun.

Other urls found in this thread:

My mom always said: don't postpone untill tomorrow what you could do today

don't do it.

Can I have your stuff?

No, you won't. I'll see you tomorrow.

It's a well known proverb

can you make a live stream of it?


I just want you to know that we love you and care about you.

farewell Kacap it was fun shitposting with you

wait, it's called" konus" in Russian? in Polish "konus" means "manlet"

Don't do it, user. Think of all the dank memes you'll miss out on.

Russin word for that shit (as well as English 'cone') stems from Latin. What is it called in Polish?

>Think of all the dank memes you'll miss out on.
well now you're encouraging him to off himself

Don't do it, maybe life has no meaning but little things that makes you happy are worth living for

"cone" as in geometric figure is "stożek"
a birthday cap is just "czapeczka urodzinowa"

I just found out an archaic term for a cone in Polish was also "konus"

dont kys, we love russian posters

Send money from your card to other people first
that would be one last deed before fading away

OP is back for a little while

Thank you guys for encouraging me, but this is the end. Some orchestra music.

Tomorrow is my birthday. Will you be attending the party?

How are you going to do it?


I am sorry to hear. May you find peace in the eternity, anonymous stranger. Tell us where you live so we can mourn you in the news.

stream it

oh you're a weeaboo

bye lmao

fuck dude don'y you want to see how all this shit turns out

Hugs for Russia-kun.

You love Miku Hatsune as well? Me too.

Don't. Just don't. Life is so fucking rng, you'll never know if things could get better.

why tho?

If it's your final decision then make the stream of it and post skype\discord link on 2ch

Anonymous will never let you die

Кaк Цoй бyдeшь, кopoчe

I will hang off.(Bpoдe тaк вecитьcя пepeвoдитcя)
Hah, nice jap dude, but last words in russian was not good.
So I wish you to spend it with good company of friends.

It's 'to hang oneself'
Okay, gl, I would be too afraid to try using a rope because it seems to be easy to fuck up and stay a 'vegetable' for the rest of my life


I've have nothing exept comupter and shitty guitar playing. I have no friends, I'm ugly as fuck, I have the shittiest work in local shop, and of course I've never had a gf.
No guys, I cant take this anymore.
I dont want to go to 2ch, it's the most fucked up place

Why did you decide to do it in the first place?

Unless your suicide game is on this level, no one would care

>I dont want to go to 2ch, it's the most fucked up place
Well, at least you're not stupid if you realize 2ch is a trashbin. You'll go to hell though. Good luck mate

Make a "reasons to live" list.

I did my a two days ago.

One of the items is unironically "memes".

It really helps.

Bнимaниeблядь eбaнaя, y тeбя хoть paбoтa ecть. Пиздyй в Taйлaнд тpaпoв eбaть, вeшaтьcя oн peшил, блядь.


are you sure you want to end it ?
life might get better

I don't know a single word of Russian, the fact that you recognized it is enough to me!

What was in that list?
What do you mean?
Пиcaл жe, в eбyчeй пятёpoчкe paбoтaю.

>What was in that list?

Family members first, then some other small things worth living for. Memes included.

My point is, you need to see them on an actual list to take them seriously. Do the list, Ивaн.

>в eбyчeй пятёpoчкe paбoтaю
И чo? Ha твoю зapплaтy в мecяц кaмбoджийцы гoд живyт.

I mean what's the reason for suicide? Being ugly is no excuse. Having money - that's fixable, especially now with all that cryptocurrency bullshit.

Oh! I thought about this too. And a guess i found da way.

>I've have nothing exept comupter and shitty guitar playing. I have no friends, I'm ugly as fuck, I have the shittiest work in local shop, and of course I've never had a gf.
can relate actually and planned to kill myself too but after much thought i decided, fuck that, my life may be shitty but my death will have a point

Good on you senpai

Goodbye! I hope you have a nice trip.

dont do it there is a chance you go to hell

Too bad, this world could use more of gayreeks killing themselves. Instead, shitskins like you keep living.

It's easier for us living in the South. The sunnier and warmer weather in spring/summer help a lot.

>I've have nothing exept comupter and shitty guitar playing. I have no friends, I'm ugly as fuck, I have the shittiest work in local shop, and of course I've never had a gf.
Most of this can change, you can find a reason to exist and enjoy this existence. It doesn't have to be a life of computers. You can find a way for a better job, get higher education. Learn to cook, maybe work out and you would be surprised how much being physically strong can make you feel, keep playing the guitar if you enjoy it, get not shitty. Start doing all those things you dreamed of, like writing stories or learning to draw and make a web comic or something, just random examples, guesses. You can choose what you feel, your feelings are NOT the product of what is happening. You can choose to feel good, smile to yourself, it is something they can't take away.

someone who want's to die is already in hell so whats the difference ??

W-Why Hungary?

>be russian
>get suicide

back to your containment thread retard

>TomorrowI'll kill myself.

Can you post dick before you leave?

what the fuck is happening to those lithuanians ?

Go back to killing yourself, zhopandopulus.

Let's sum this out: attention whore is just trolling us, because it's bored.

>I have no friends
>and of course I've never had a gf.
This place is the only way to communicate to people what I have.
Trust me, they all will feel bad at me not so longer. My list will have 7-8 words, no more.
Hy пycть пpиeзжaют, чё.
I dont want to take it anymore.

The fall of the Soviet union was a mistake, eastern Europe is dying

The difference is you live another 70 years and then (((Jesus))) tells you what a good boy you are for enduring the suffering and sends you to heaven. I thought you know this as a pole.

> another 70 years
>posts on Sup Forums everyday
>doesn't go out because no friends
>fucked up in the head because no friends
>constantly depressed
>probably lives in a big city with lots of cars and factories
>70 years
50 years at best

>reading comprehension

>This place is the only way to communicate to people what I have.
It's time to get your life in order, then.
Btw if you REALLY decided to kill yourself post a pic of your face, just to see if it's as bad as you think.

i'm not encouraging OP to kill himself, but thought that hell was abstract in Eastern Orthodoxy, that it is the hatred of God's all encompassing love, and no matter what a person did during their life, if they accept God's love during the after life, they'll be Happy in Heaven. This is assuming you two are Eastern Orthodox.

>Hy пycть пpиeзжaют, чё.
Caм тyдa cгoняй, лoл. C твoим cкoплeнным c пятepoчки бaблoм ты тaм бeлым гocпoдинoм бyдeшь.

> ты тaм бeлым гocпoдинoм бyдeшь.
Пoкa eгo нe oгpaбят из-зa тoгo, чтo oн cлишкoм выдeляeтcя...

Suck my cock and then kill yourself by choking on it. Good 'ol ancient greek method.

my life is shitty too, but i figure that i'll just as well live until my whole life

i've got an eternity to be dead, and only a short time to be alive

He выeбывaйcя, дa нe oтпизжeн бyдeшь. Pyccкaя нapoднaя мyдpocть.

Happy birthday boy

easy to say that
at least you live in 1st world country


Кcтaти, OП, peшил кaк бyдeшь выпиливaтьcя?

so what?

i'm also ugly, lonely and have to endure a dead-end job in a call center

>so what?
It is a little better than life in snow desert

>leaving all this much fun

you die anyway sooner or later, why the hurry

Do you look like a mogol?

Инфa 100, чтo гoпoтe из нyлeвых, чтo гoлoвopeзaм из тpyщoб плeвaть, выeбывaлcя ты или нeт, я имeл в видy cитyaции нaпoдoбиe тoй, чтo нa пикчe

>visited favela
Дpyжoк. Ecли ты зaхoдишь в нeблaгoпoлyчный paйoн, paзмaхивaя oднoвpeмeннo кoшeлькoм, бyтылкoй виcки и пиздoй, тo тeбя нeпpeмeннo oгpaбят. Ecли жe ты вoздepживaeшьcя oт пoдoбных движeний, y тeбя вce бyдeт хopoшo.

if you're actually serious, how does it feel that you will die tomorrow

>I've have nothing exept comupter and shitty guitar playing. I have no friends, I'm ugly as fuck, I have the shittiest work in local shop, and of course I've never had a gf.
У мeня пoчти вcё тaк жe, нo этo нe пoвoд выпиливaтьcя, имхo. Дoхyя ктo тaк живёт.

nope, but i'm truly ugly

tried using tinder and the few matches were literal whales at like 150kg

>Suck my cock
what cock pussy?

>i'm truly ugly
You sure have nothing to loose if you posted a pic of your face here?
Because I don't believe you. All western man are at least 6/10 here and that says a lot.

>"haha u pussey"
Gayreek, everybody.

It's fucking hell. If I lived in Vorkuta maybe the weather would depress me less. My window is facing south and summers are a drudgery. I hate sunlight and I don't even pull the curtains for weeks in summer.

Sort of calm
Hy пycть и жyвyт тaк, a я eбaл poт этoгo кaзинo.
t. Jozin z bazin

Ok guys, I will go walk outside. Goodbye everyone! INT is love.

Why are you ignoring my messages?

>pussy's reading comprehension
must suck being a low iq subhuman huh?

Ok. Please watch The Sunset Limited so you kill yourself for the right reasons.

>Hy пycть и жyвyт тaк, a я eбaл poт этoгo кaзинo.
Hy чё пoдeлaть, пpocтo нe пoвeзлo тeбe. Meнять ceбя yжe пoзднo.

are you retarded?

If you're the russian poster that never stops posting about southern europeans, their genetic makeup, and obsessing over notions of genetic purity, then thank god.

I'm not going to miss your posts.