Holy shit what a fucking turd

Holy shit what a fucking turd
Why no one warned me about this

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Still haven't watched it.. How bad is It? 'Ruin the legacy of the first' level of bad or 'meh..okay' bad?

I haven't seen it but since nobody was talking about it it probably wasn't that good?

>Ruin the legacy of the first' level of bad

Female ghost busters bad

>Choose screaming about abortion. Choose rape jokes, slut shaming, revenge porn, and an endless tide of depressing misogyny. Choose 9/11 never happened -- and if it did, it was the Jews.

>watching a sequel to a film which didn't need a sequel
>it sucks

Boy, what a surprise. It has good lines tho. I guess best time to watch it is when you see the first one exactly 20 years ago.

It's so shit, bland and boring I've erased it from my memory.
I've just turned it off after 45 minutes. The dullest and most boring flick I've seen in years.
It shouldn't even exist.


I wouldn't go that far dude.

I saw it and it was followed by a danny Boyle q and a on stage. Made me appreciate it more. He really wanted to do it but only if they got it right. It wasn't a cash grab and there was no studio pressure to make it. I only watched the first for the first time before seeing it so I really enjoyed it. I think it's a great sequel as it shows these same characters 20 years on. Can't believe they made me somewhat care for begby

>some guy steal 16k

>everyone wants to kill him after 20 years

>some cunt steal 100k

Well, who cares, she is a girl

It's okay but just a story that didn't need to be told.
Good performances from Bremner and Carlyle, shit soundtrack compared to the first and just a fiarly dull story.
7/10 in terms of a movie
3/10 when compared to the first

that's how it works though. women always get a pass no matter what bullshit they do and how many lifes they ruin in the process.

The pussy pass never pails

She did it right at the end of the film, and Renton and Sick Boy had reaffirmed their friendship so were probably less likely to care about the money.
Bit naff but the movie really is about the importance of friendship.

>"oh it's another nostalgia cash grab movie"
>movie deals with the highs and lows of nostalgia with bants and hijinks along the way

it was better than i was expecting and probably one of the better ways it could have been handled. not bad, not great.

I really enjoyed it. I watched them back to back and thought it was a great sequel.

Watched it last night, all I can say is that it's 'alright'

Was ok.
Except for
Mcgregors new rant made me cringe so hard I almost jumped out of my skin.

I actually liked it, the whole point theme was about nostalgia, time and your place in life

"how did you get all the money, did you have a good job?"

"no some drugaddicts gave it to me because of pity. i didnt get any job or qualification, i just fucked guys in the but with a dildo and blackmailed them to survive"

why are east european women such gold diggers

Because they are hot

If I hypothetically had three million dollars could i get a nice looking eastern european wife?

she was a 7/10 at best

You could get one, daily, for 82 years

>Reason for cancellation (optional): Order created by mistake

I don't want a prostitute, I want a loyal and submissive wife

Movie hit really close to home for me.

>loyal and submissive wife
>being rich


The rant was one of the most cringeworthy things I've ever heard. The whole entire movie was pretty cringey.

It's definitely one of those "pretend it was never made" movies.


Never seen the first one? Walked in the house with roommates watching it. Knew within 5 minutes that the movie was dogshit. Just a shit movie that celebrates degeneracy and weak characters, nothing more.

The second part of the rant after the "Choose rape jokes, etc" was actually pretty good.
>Choose unfulfilled promise and wishing you'd done it all differently. Choose never learning from your own mistakes. Choose watching history repeat itself. Choose the slow reconciliation towards what you can get, rather than what you always hoped for. Settle for less and keep a brave face on it. Choose disappointment and choose losing the ones you love, then as they fall from view, a piece of you dies with them until you can see that one day in the future, piece by piece, they will all be gone and there'll be nothing left of you to call alive or dead.

tfw too real

that guy's name is Crazed and he's just as creepy as he looks


>Begbie can just roam around doing whatever he feels like
>Police don't bother to stop him

>three million dollars

the first one was a turd

this guy's on the ones and twos

This sounds fake

What 'legacy' of the first? Trainspotting is a thoroughly mediocre movie. Best thought of as an extended trailer for the book.

We really need early warning thread.
The quality of movies coming out especially this year has dropped dramatically.
Sometimes is better to remember a good movie for what it is and not the sequel.

The movie wasn't bad. The rent wasn't bad. I think you're all just kinda dumb

Its in the movie, also theyr only "crime" in the entire movie is against some racist people

I loved the Franco Arc
I genuinely thought Renton was doing well in life and felt sympathy when it's revealed that he was lying
Overall I enjoyed it I'm going to watch it again right now

Pretty decent desu.
The loyalist pub scene was funnier than anything in the original desu

>implying this scene wasn't great

That scene makes no sense without the context and background that Mark narrates, wish they had left that in.
Probably one of my favorite scenes other than the "Frankie goes to Hollywood scene "

Eh, if you're from the uk you'll know the context anyway, it was kind of unnecessary

This. It was a good sequel that wrapped up all the loose ends from the first.

>if you're from the uk

Ahmed go to sleep