Andrés Obrador

Señor Presidente

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Funny pepe

Give me a short 101 on the coming election.

hungry power senile asshole who is running for president for the 3rd time in a row
Mexican Hillary

>Mexican Hillary
Oh shit.
What will you do?

sit back and watch as PRI buys the elections for Maede and they both lose.

No no
He will get murder.

people said the same about EPN

wa'chu min?

>Mexican Hillary
she is more like mexican Sarah Palin... or a mixture of both desu

the only candidate with a decent back up of supporters is that Andres Manuel guy, all the other parties are divided or have irrelevant or unknown candidates, so is pretty much expected that either Andres Manuel wins (which is some sort of Bernie Sanders) or the election gets rigged (wich wouldn't be surprising) and we get another six years of PAN (conservatives), PRI (center, but corrupt as shit) or even PRD (a very corrupted left)


Haha no, that's impossible.

But what people will say more from now on, will be what I say. Obrador will gets murder.

A hacer su tarea de Inglés.

Who the fuck is supposed to be the Mexican Hillary?

Ah so you guys do the same as Brazilians and try to compare US politics woth domestic one when they have nothing to do which other

nah, we compare when it comes to explain it to foreigners

I think he is talking about la calderona

Eso también es imposible.

I'm chicano and I'm not super in touch with the country but I can't even fathom why anyone would vote for any PRI candidate

Not really, other than people comparing the OP candidate with Trump (or really, with anyone who is considered a bad president, like Chavez or Maduro), we never call anyone a "Hillary" or an "Obama" or whatever.

I don't think so, she has 0 chance to win. A meme candidate.

pueblo people who get swayed away by vouchers and coupons.

i don't think anyone would compare AMLO with trump
most people don't care about politics

>she has 0 chance to win
agree, but lets be honest, in 2006 Calderon was considered the weakest cadidate at the begginig, everyone was expecting Creel to be PAN's candidate, but at the end he won

>i don't think anyone would compare AMLO with trump
holy shit, PRI and PAN have been doing it since the US election, is hilarious

I've heard people do it

I heard that man has the support of Russia.
Yes, Señor Presidente.


Fuck sake, stop this! He will gain meme momentum and people will start supporting him just for the meme and the lulz. It's almost as retarded as voting for PRI in exchange of coupons.

What do you want me to say. Nice name