The UK has been America's lapdog for half a century

>the UK has been America's lapdog for half a century
>this retard manages to make a bad diplomatic move against them
Is he the worst POTUS ever?

t. Soros

fuck off shariablue CTR soros shill it's part of his 25189D chess, europe is full of muslims anyway

>not realizing based god emperor is literally pepe and btfoing snowflake soyboy libcucks

we created you
we are ur father

our retarded father in a wheelchair

I think he realizes that after Brexit, Bongistan has fewer diplomatic options than it used to, thus he can play "harder". Just a guess.

No but Sadiq Khan is the worst mayor of London (including Johnson and Livingstone)

It's part of his tridimensional chess he surely told those libcuck soyboys liberal muslims MAGA based god emperor OP is a Soros paid shill
Praise kek

He's the best mayor though, and one of the most popular politicians in the country
t. london


But who is Fredo?

t. tower hamlets

>Is he the worst POTUS ever?

He is just a sign that you have officially become an oligarchy.

Like, Obama was also their puppet but he at least wasn't one of them. They had to bend him to their will. Trump is just one of them.

So were the Clintons and the Bushes.

How do we get serious candidates that aren't part of the oligarchy?

Oh look, the third generation is hispanic

t. our spastic flipper baby

be them,vote for them

>not fucking your qt jew cousin gf

your last president was worse for US-UK relations than drumpf

Pakistan had no role in the creation of the USA.

>***Australian*** ***banter***

Where's the lie?

Facts aren't banter, you fucking autist.

yes it did

Anyone have the nuclear deal speech about good genes?

I like how the American can't read, and the Chink can't think of anything better so he just goes with what the illiterate negroid said.

>godfather part 3

>British banter

Sanders got loads of support, considering they were all against him. More of what he did.

There are lots of middle class people who are educated and wealthy enough that they could make a difference if they all supported an outsider (and educated one this time round).

Where's the lie?

But they told me he was a literal communist and a cuckold and he didn't lynch those black ladies whom Clinton paid to crash his rally (like based Trumpepe would have).

>le movie I don't like isn't canon

When you have sudanese gangs tearing apart your cities maybe you should be more wary of glass houses, stones, etc.

>sanders retards still exist

lmao free shit for everyone by the way venezuela is a shining example of the american dream



They do not throw out people out of hospitals and leave them to die in the streets, in Venezuela.


I was thinking more along the lines of Australia, Canada or Western Europe. All of those "socialist" first-world countries with higher standards of living and more economic freedom than the United Sharts.

Hol up. By your logic Ireland is far more socialist than Venezuela.

Do yanks really believe this?
Post ww2 sure when we were constrained by war bonds but after that we have pissed over you lot
Vietnam and British intelligence not willing to cooperate

Iraq war with many British branches not willing to fully commit at the start due to them feeling that there is no real justification for miltary action other than a retarded agreement with the US

And lastly the Korean War in which we didn’t use a whole lot of our centurions leading to many amarican deaths due to inadequate armour in the Sherman

Good post made me think

Sanders got a lot of support by highly vocal millenials on the internet which made his support base seem much larger than it actually was. Even if the Clinton campaign wasn't hamstringing him every step of the way, he would have struggled with the primary voters of the Democratic Party which tend to lean towards older women (especially older women of color) who all absolutely adore the Clintons.

They made a socalist move of illegally seizing a private company
This was in the name of socialism
This has also led to investor concern and no growth

Well now I feel dumb for even writing all this

What did he do now?

>seizing a private company
You mean just like the US treasury department and even nazi Germany have done/did?

>Nazi germany
The party was a socalist one thanks for making my point valid
>US treasury
Give examples
Only times this would happen is if a company were to declare bankruptcy

Also not gunna read that image responding to a leaf is degrading enough as is

>nazi germany was socialist

>makes a post saying Nazi Germany is socalist
> I agree
>NO IT ISN’T!!!!

Fuckin leafs everyone


Work on your reading comprehension

>t. london
What part of Pakistan did your parents come from?

Have Carter vs Bush in the next election instead of Degeneres vs Ronaldo Trump jr.

If Roosevelt managed to run for 4 elections while being demented and in a wheelchair I don't see why not an ebin Carter vs Bush shouldn't happen.