ITT: Sup Forums in 2050

ITT: Sup Forums in 2050

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Congratulations to the 100th man on Mars

Where are you guys even posting from? The vault doors haven't opened, yet.

Le 12% face

Just found out that the Space Russians attacked Moon base Alpha


flags are broken
where the hell is my Greater China flag?

The nazi base is now muslim, so stfu and pray to allah, you subhuman minority

Mecha Assange controls the world

digging through old meme archives


Anybody else from Sup Forums here?

bonjour, je me souviens quand Macron a dit que le français serait la langue internationale en 2050. Alors que personne ne le croyait, maintenant, tout le Sup Forums ainsi que toute communication internationale est entièrement francophone ! une telle joie, vraiment.
vraiment le héritier de Napoleon, assistes-tu au sacre de Macron II le prochain 14 juillet ?

Yuromutts have finally reached 50%

Go back.

Make me, faggot


Do you think I care about a random dicksucker american said?

Man I wish.
>inb4 Trianon memes

t. salty that his language isn't the international language in the year of our lord 2050

well at least Macron fixed that during the War of the Second Coalition of the Macréonic Wars when he restored Hungary's borders to those of 1917 in the new Empire Européenne

Start learning your mandarin now; in 2050 everyone will have to use it on the internet
非常 感谢 请 结 账

Je suis content que les bl*Ncs soient enfin disparu

Feels good to be a developed country

seems like the day of the rake was only yesterday...


You think I care what a random Peruvian thinks?

It must be nice to be part of the Greater Brazilian Empire, just as The Economist predicted in 2014

Well, you're trying very hard to "save me" from "anime degeneracy". Clearly, you do.

Also, suck my dick.

United Statesians, you are exchanging internet protocols outside of your country's jurisdiction. Please leave immediately or I'll be forced to advise the Security Council of New America (a.k.a. Federative Republic of Brazil).

Get back to your shithole!

But we still exist

Miss Universe 2050
She's qt.

there is no scenario in which i'm alive by 2050

Are you terminally ill or just a massive oldfag

>be American
>get lasered
Ban assault laser cannons and plasma rifles when?

>tfw senilefag
>still no girlfriend(male)

大家好!!!!!! 我会说汉语!!!!

We need a ban NOW
>inb4 muh freedomz
do you think Empereur mondial Macron could be overthrown by some random American with a plasma rifle?

>I will be 60 by then
Fuck no. I don't want to be a boomer.

Its ok dude, there won't be any wealth or jobs to hoard by then anyway

大家好!!!!!! 我会说汉语!!!!

>Space Russians

什么????我是俄国人????? 我不是俄国人,我是哈萨克斯坦人!!!

对不起! 我感到困惑!

"The United States of Europe has always been built on immigration. We are all immigrants. No one knows what a European looks like. What does 'European' even mean? The USE has always belonged, first and foremost, to its newest citizens. All of these people are just undocumented Europeans. Calling anyone illegal is racist. Burned-down and shot-up Jewish stores is just the price we have to pay to make up for the Holocaust. Not wanting to import all of North Africa's Jewhaters is Hitler." -----signed, even the Euronazis of 2050

i'm voting peronism for 50th time in a row, this one will surely work and we will be a developed country

I'm not trying to save you, I'm informing you of reality

Sam Hyde is #notmypresident

Greetings from Melbourne!

The scary thing is I'll probably still be around

I still can't believe what Greater Russia did to New Cairo, we in the Xi Empire would never consider such a thing. It is clear that we teach them and their Aztlan Federation running dogs a lesson, lest we all be consumed in World War Five..

Congratulation on electing Paul Logan my dear burger friend he seems like a wise president, thank god Japanese are extinct or they would have been quite butthurt about it
