The Mist TV Series Won’t Be A ‘Monster Show’


Straight white males will be the monsters


Kek did you watch it? That's honestly the pkot.

The film and book weren't about monsters either.

oh yeah, were the monsters a metaphor for patriachy?

shut the fuck up

Welcome to 2017 and beyond

all Sup Forums shenanigans aside is it worth a watch compared to the movie? did not read the book should i?

When did I say anything about patriarchy?

They're psychological thrillers and social horrors. Are you actually fucking retarded or do you just pretend to be to try and fit in here?

What the fuck is the point

They might as well cancel it now then

op here its good I guess just not what everyone was expecting . we wanted the moive in tv form but the mist is itself the danger no longer what lurks in it .


the Mist was never about monsters, it was about how humans were scarier than any monster.

Wow, is that for real? Good thing I didn't waste my time on this piece of shit.
I stopped reading after "psychological thrillers"


You've clearly never started reading

>reading when you have eyes

>humans are scarrier than an 60ft tall spider elephant

Straight white males are the monsters

>The Mist but with ghosts instead of monsters
Isn't that just The Fog?

Why is this even being made? The movie was good and I don't really see this story working as a series.

which immediately got killed by humans

no its the patriarchy instead of monsters. I mean they had a white girl getting raped as the crux of the episode


I've heard about that unnecessary shit, but I also heard the stuff that is in the mist isn't monsters but ghosts or something similar.

was the mist inspired by lovecraft?

That's what they say now, but just wait for the season finale and all that talk's been thrown out the window.

It will be a feminist nigger pandering shit mess.

The real monster is the racism of white males.

In the film, at least, the religious nut and cult-like groupthink that started up in the store got way more fucked up than the situation outside. It's awful, honestly. You've got religious cunt inside, actual monsters outside. No escape from the social horror because of the physical horror.

>could've just put a bullet through the bitch's head earlier for sabotaging
>beta MC

It's harder to kill someone IRL than it is on paper, user. Even if they're a vile, sanctimonious threat to your safety, ending their life isn't going to come naturally.

i really don't see how it could work as a serie : Its a novel, and even the movie felt boring at some moments.

Not him but I agree. You know what's even harder? A doomsday cult appearing from regular wagies in 11 minutes.

who dis?

>A doomsday cult appearing from regular wagies in 11 minutes

Generally, yes. But if the area already had really strong religious ties (something like a small town in the Bible belt), I'd be shocked if it took that long. I'd be more afraid of the Baptists than the monsters around where I live. They get downright fucking crazy reallll quick.

Well, I'll take that on board as well with an open mind. I haven't experienced that sort of stuff - only what (((they))) feed me about bible belt people in movies and tv.


Very roughly, only. Aside from weird semi-incomprehensible monsters it touches none of Lovecraft's usual themes.


Being in a small enclosed space when the world outside turns upside with some end of days like shit? I wouldn't be that surprised if folks started acting like that.

Do you think black women feel abandoned with all this continual black guy getting it on with the white woman? If you look at it this way it makes black woman worthless as the white woman is always fought after, maybe I'm looking too deeply into it.

Oh, dude, it's fucked. I went through 12 grades of public school in shit-town Texas with these people. They ain't right in the head. It's especially evident when they're children, because they openly parrot the scripture and disturbing religious rhetoric they learn in church without trying to disguise it. They don't learn the trick of hiding it until later.

They're like the extreme muslim refugees. They can act like normal, kindhearted people until something flips one of their ingrained "morality" switches. Then it's like you're not talking to a person, but rather some insane devotee programmed from their first words to carry out their dogma.

It sounds dramatic, but I'm being a little light, here, honestly.

Is the black guy going to become the spider egg from the movie

Sweetie, they were unleashed by the military, which is like toxic masculinity central.

Sit down, be humble

*sips tea*

What kind of fucked up uniform is that?

The religious woman was right the whole time, as soon as he made the sacrifice he was saved.


US army ?


>humans are the real monsters

What an original plot. If you're gonna rehash, at least rehash it with extra-dimensional aliens. You can still explore the evil of man, too.

He is missing name and US Army tags, rank, wrong boots, wrong undershirt, and his cuffs are too loose. He is looking like a straight up shitbag.

>US army
Not even close.

Stephen King's books take place in a continuity that is basically a watered down Lovecraft one.

Remember, "It" is actually an ancient alien that came to Earth to feast on humans. And then you have all that Dark Tower shit.

>black soldier
Yeah, no shit. It's also the wrong camo. That doesn't look like anything I've ever seen anyone wear. It looks like generic Hollywood "urban camo".

Spike wanted their own Walking Dead and thought they could replace zombies with a fog machine. It's clever because they don't need a budget, just a bag of dry ice every episode. The problem is they got the cast of Degrassi to act out tumblr posts in place of real drama. Shakespeare this shit is not.

>people overreacting in a hopeless last stand against monsters from another dimension and resenting to religion is way more fucked up than fucking monsters invading earth from dark space

nigger what.

>resenting to religion


Yeah black people could never follow the rules on how to wear uniform

>black people could never follow the rules
You could have just said that, friend.

i just saw the trailer. its even worse than I thought.

bad cgi
bad acting
everything is a cliche
blatant progressive shit just to be progressive
extremely superficial dialogue
shit pacing
random rape plot sewed into a series about a deadly mist

im out

*trailer = pilot

this. also I hate it when monsters/apocalypse/random disaster always just serves as a catalyst for muh evil people. and what I hate even more is that all the critics and fans always masturbate about what a clever concept that is.

>not myst

no thanks ill stick to my big boy kinos