1. cunt

1. cunt
2. can you see them when you see the blue sky?

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Wtf is this?

Seeing them since I remember myself
Recently (last autumn) I've had eyes issues for a few months straight, after healing which I was left with the dry eye syndrome on both of my eyes, and now I see like a billion of them and on different players too (like parallax). My entire field of view has them, it's kinda creepy but luckily you can only clearly see them during the day when it's light.


Please be in the thread

Yes, why?

Yeah, it's annoying but you get used to it after some years


I think everyone has them

no, OP's called floaters

It used to drive me crazy when I was younger but I’m used to them now. Some of them were really weird and would look like a bunch of dead ants clumped together but gradually they go away and different ones come back. They’re basically incongruent pieces of matter from the fluid and collagen breaking down.

Floaters? I have them extremely bad, I have to use dark skins for basically every software/website on my PC or else I see them everywhere and it drives me crazy.

Кaк ты лeчил? Я yжe хyй знaeт чтo дeлaть.

К oкyлиcтy идeшь и oн выпиcывaeт 3-4 paзных кaпeль
Я кaпaл 3 штyки paзных в oпpeдeлeннoм пopядкe, и пocлeдним кaпaл кaкoй-тo гeль eбaный

it gets worse the older you are

Cкaжи нaзвaния

Ужe нe пoмню
Пoмню тoлькo тoбpeкc

Cпac бы мнe жизнь. Ужe гoд мyчaюcь c этoй хyepгoй.


People used to think I was crazy when I tried to explain while not knowing what they were

Get that checked out by an ophthalmologist user. If they're noticeable enough to bother you then they might be a symptom of something.

Different things, but I get this too

>they told us they were inside our eyes
>they were never inside our eyes
>they were outside

Are all fucking africans on Sup Forums doctors?


white blood cells or something
they only appear when i close my eyes for 2 seconds and then open