Have the Swiss authorities gone mad?

Have the Swiss authorities gone mad?

t. seal clubbing chink

>A "Canadian" complaining about laws protecting animals
Sup Zhang

I always thought the method of cooking lobsters is a bit barbaric. Even for a crustacean, being boiled alive is just cruel.

Also, why would anybody even want to eat a lobster? It looks like a massive cockroach. Same thing with prawn/shrimp/crayfish

Crustacean lives matter

I'm glad they're taking a step to ending these barbaric practices. Maybe next they'll sort out the fact that they eat dogs.

I doubt crustaceans can even feel pain, most invertebrates do not have nociceptors

what's wrong with that?
it's cruel. i think they should also ban having lobsters live in a little glass aquarium in the fish shop just waiting for to be bought and killed

In the old days lobsters were considered cockroach of the sea and was basically considered pigfood

They don't have nervous systems that look like ours, but they probably don't like getting boiled alive. I would be very surprised if a complex animal like a lobster didn't feel some kind of suffering, whether or not it works the exact way ours does physically.

Just pop them in the freezer and chop their front third down the middle.

You're eating them, you owe them some small consideration.

Can't they kill it just before they boil it?

What's so bad about being in a fishtank for a week? He gets to hang out with other lobsters and look at the restaurant. Probably has never seen a restaurant before. If you're a lobster it's like going to Paris except less niggers.

>I care about lobsters

yabby innit

Well >we fought a war over lobsters, so I can't spout crap about the Swiss on this matter

Imagine being this stupid.

Lobsters aren't that great anyway.

Sapateira's where it's at.

What tells you they're experiencing pain as an unpleasant feeling? Maybe pain being unpleasant is a purely human thing


the swiss need to be put down

>Maybe pain being unpleasant is a purely human thing
It was demonstrated that bugs don't feel pain the same way we do.

does this mean i cannot walk my sea snipper in Bern anymore?

>It was demonstrated


Lobsters and crabs eat the corpses of humans, including mariners and fishermen drowned at sea. They deserve no consideration or mercy, and should be punished severely before eaten

Circle of life, in the end they're kinda eating their cousins.

Thank you. That's going to be another reason for not eating crustaceans

so what? it's not like they kill people, they're just scavengers doing their own thing.

>Maybe pain being unpleasant is a purely human thing
Legit retardation there, Frog.

You dirty, fucking, lobster sympathizer. When the day of the race war comes, you will be first to go

Pain is just a signal your body sends to say "hey something's wrong", it doesn't mean receiving the information needs to be unpleasant for other species.

Why are you such a contrarian? Just make your mother happy and kill yourself already

Please stop.

it being unplesant is how the animal is motivated to make it stop, the function of pain is to suck balls

it tastes really good

Maybe he's suggesting that the entire experience of feeling then reacting to pain in the normal way by fleeing is, for a lobster, experienced as pleasure



Receiving a signal that tells you something bad's going on should be enough to stop, that's just instinct for preservation.

>Maybe pain being unpleasant is a purely human thing

This is why you're underachieving neets


>Probably has never seen a restaurant before.

just make the process faster so they don't feel a thing

>but they probably don't like getting boiled alive
Do they even "like" or "dislike" things the same way we do?

lobsters are natural masochists


>I lack any kind of sympathy
This is why you chinks run over your own children and continue your day like nothing happen.

>If a man shoots his dog because the animal is no longer capable of service, he does not fail in his duty to the dog, for the dog cannot judge, but his act is inhuman and damages in himself that humanity which it is his duty to show towards mankind. If he is not to stifle his human feelings, he must practice kindness towards animals, for he who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. ([1784–5] 1997: 212 [Ak 27: 459])

>want and prefer things, believe and feel things, recall and expect things. And all these dimensions of our life, including our pleasure and pain, our enjoyment and suffering, our satisfaction and frustration, our continued existence or our untimely death—all make a difference to the quality of our life as lived, as experienced, by us as individuals. As the same is true of … animals … they too must be viewed as the experiencing subjects of a life, with inherent value of their own. (Regan 1985: 24)

what we demand, when we demand … recognition, is that our natural concerns—the objects of our natural desires and interests and affections—be accorded the status of values, values that must be respected as far as possible by others. And many of those natural concerns—the desire to avoid pain is an obvious example—spring from our animal nature, not from our rational nature. (Korsgaard 2007: 7)

Who the fuck cares about how animal is killed to be eaten?

I doubt it is experiencing much at all. It barelly has a brain, it wouldn't qualify as a brain stem in a vertebrate. It has about as much going on as a brain-dead human.

You can slice a lobsters head down the middle (in fact, you can slice it across from head to tail) but that won't kill it. Fuckers can live like that for days. It just helps them cook faster. These are creatures that rip each other apart to eat, and go on living after the episodes without going into shock.

its a good thing.
only a subhuman has no consideration for the welfare of other beings he shares the world with

the next step that must be undertaken is taxing meat production through the fucking roof in order to enforce a culture where the amount of meat consumed is dictated by need of sustenance rather than convenience or taste.

"Bad" is just the most we can abstract undesirability. At the core of "badness" is suffering.

That said, you don't really need to be told to avoid all bodily damage, you don't even need instincts for everything, you have reflexes which don't require signals to be intrepreted. Your spine regulates a bunch of stuff without your brain even noticing.

I'd rather eat meat as i wish than have big government bull dictating me a soy-heavy diet.

Soy meme is for people abstaining for animal products in total.
Ethical omnivorism does not require you to introduce soy beans into your diet. And there are other beans that do the same job without pumping your full of femininity

This is preparation for their next bill which reclassifies white, native Swiss males as "Live Crustaceans"

I'd still rather make my own moral and dietary decisions as a free man than have another man dictate what I should or should not eat.

>I'd still rather make my own moral and dietary decisions
> have another man dictate
The fact that you understood this as "dictatorship" only proves that you're probably not mentally capable enough to make these decisions on your own anyway.

Making something prohibitively expensive does not equal dictatorship

besides it doesn't even need to imply tax. Legislation enforcing farmers to provide a basic level of biological comfort for the animal intended for slaughter would do the job just fine.
If every cow had was mandated to have access to 100msq patch of grass the world would've been a happier place

I support it
hopefully halal meat is targeted next

You know what he means faggot stop being difficult

it wasn't, but a popular example would be how insects with parasites just go on as usual until they die from getting eaten alive, which would be impossible for mammals etc.
on the other hand I think there also was a study that showed how bees avoided getting tiny electro shocks, which may or may not display some sort of negative bodily reception

Our government attempted to ban ritual slaughter but kikes sperged out from israel itself and they backpedalled.

I hope they will try again.
No idea why EU still allows ritual slaughter on it's territory. it's a massive moral shitstain.

Fuck off Descartes, fuck off.

This. I like meat and all, but I'd prefer if the animals didn't die horribly on the way to my plate.

>What tells you they're experiencing pain as an unpleasant feeling?

You must be into some heavy BDSM shit.

t. 89 iq who just watched episode 6 season 4 of black mirroR