If communism is so bad why did the USSR do so well with space

if communism is so bad why did the USSR do so well with space

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Well, if you can just tell people what to do and they have no say about it, then you can acomplish great things.

Because after WWII they looted half of Germany's rocket scientists. Trust me, they couldn't do it themselves.

First man on the moon is exponentially more complicated then all of these feats combined. That's why I believe it never happened

>Trust me

This diagram fails to mention the many failed attempts that ended in dead Cosmonauts.

Because authoritarian/totalitarian states can redirect resources to a certain goal far more efficiently.
However, allocating resources in general becomes a problem.
Basically this


I read, not sure how true it is, that we had the capabilities to launch a satellite but were too afraid we would violate some obscure Soviet interpretation of international law so we waited for them to launch as to not start WWIII. It was a long time ago, and I'm far too lazy to google it.

>implying you didn't take the other half, and that you could do it yourself

please just kys

That's total bullshit on so many levels.
International customary law was created as an effect of Soviets launching the satellite.
And besides, USA had literally no reason to fear nuclear war with USSR, since USSR arsenal and means to deliver it was a joke in 50's, at least compared to American.

wrong quote

And we took the other half

it also fails to mention dead astronauts

Apollo 1

People tend to work hard when faced with death or the gulags

so they can test if their ICBMs will work

>First man on the moon is exponentially more complicated then all of these feats combined.
You clearly don't know what you're talking about. It's barely more complicated than putting a robot on there. It just takes a much larger rocket since you have to carry the guys with enough supplies and the delta-v to come back. It's really not that complicated, it just requires enough will and budget. The Soviets failed because their rocket was unreliable and kept exploding at launch, but otherwise they would have succeeded too.

Because it was a legal way of getting out

B-but Americans are exceptional, I mean they didn't have an empty continent full of resources and total isolation from conflicts until they developed and enriched themselves and chose to intervene in global conflicts!
God I can't wait for them to face real adversity, they'll literally die of shock when they realize America just had the luck of being in the right place at the right time and that there's nothing exceptional about their decadent pluralistic oligarchy.

They had better Nazis, and a nation of slav labor.

>if they didn't fail they would've succeeded

Because the determining factor of whether an economic system as good or bad should not be whether or not it had a space program. Only s sub 50 IQ nigger could even make a post like OP.

>hurr durr it was irrelevant

Every time.

That rocket is what you get when you have 20 small engines as opposed to four big engines, so many moving parts and something has to fuck up

>if they didn't catastrophically fail every time they tried, they would have succeeded
communism in a nutshell

Yeah, by which I mean that the rocket had the potential to succeed at its mission. The problem was mechanical failure. A bit like how 2 US shuttles exploded. Just because they exploded doesn't mean they weren't able to do their task, it's just that human mistakes made them fail.

They did ''''''''well''''''' because of stolen nazi blueprints after World War 2.

Exactly what user?

to fund it they cut food rations which killed millions of ruskies

Everything that you said in your post about the N1.

Maybe that's what it was. There were no laws about it so they didn't launch. Either way the jist of what I was saying was we were too afraid of starting WWIII.

Yeah that's it's a piece of shit, they couldn't even into cylindrical tanks so they used spherical tanks that were less efficient with volume so they could only take a crew of two, and at least none of the Saturn Vs exploded on the launch pad in the largest non nuclear explosion

I'm sorry did we rustle your jimmies? America is better than everyone else. We have been for nearly a while now. We are exceptional. All of the craziest cookiest hardened faggots came here. The weak were scalped or Euthanized during the eugenics movement. The white American male is the epitome of of the human race.

It was bad because it overinvested in heavy industry, because communist countries and especially the USSR were designed to go to war with the West, fuck off you ignorant Inselaffe, go read books


LOL NASA needs russian services if they want to send its astronauts to space

Not actually true, NASA relied on the Nazi scientists but the USSR relied on Sergei Korolev, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and Valentin Glushko, Russian and Ukrainian nationals, for their project leads and major breakthroughs.

But due to health issues due to his stint in a labor camp, and the fact the Soviet leadership didn't prioritize him teaching future engineers Sergei's legacy was not sustained, especially due to the political appointment of Vasily Mishin, who pretty much shat on the space program to ensure that the Soviet leadership wouldn't have to finance it. Konstantin left and spent his later years teaching High School mathematics and Valentin spent the entire time fighting Vasily until his death.

>if communism is so bad why did the USSR do so well with space

yuri gagarin was the third man in space. He was the first to return alive.

Still...Russians are no dummies.

no first nigger in space, USSR?

racist USSR's achievements are worthless without diversity and gender + trans perspective.

>if communism is so bad why did the USSR do so well with space
just screw up one government propaganda project and your whole family landed in the gulag

did not know that hungary hate russia as well

We privatized that

2017 commie, 2017 is the year capitalism makes a bitch out of your 50 year old launch system.

It doesnt matter who's winning during the first half of the race, it matter who crosses the finish line first


so if china lands men on mars in 50 years they've won the space race?


I remember reading about when this happened and Russia got ahead of the US in the space race. If Western civilization is against true excellence of any kind unless it suits our politicians and media's agenda, why did we expect our scientists to excel? I'm against communism but surely America should not have been surprised when they surpassed us in this field. Just look at our art nowadays too. All trash.

no, we'll just move the line farther back until we win again

It's easy to pay for rocket ships when you take 99% of your people's collective income and then let them starve



The only success communism has ever had is due to a central tenet of capitalism, kek.

t. trotsky

also depends on if the participating countries still exist

the communist russia, cccp? yep we hated. but we usually have no problem with russians, lot living here and integrated well. not a shit stirrer gang so noprob

not an argument

Falcon 9 can't send people into space yet, so no.

>call it a space race
>set finish line where space begins.
>no actual race in space

wew lad

That leg at least. It's a different era, we can have a different race. After that, I wonder where the new finish line will be.

The finish line for this era might be a base on the moon.

can anyone remind me how many countries have been to the moon again?

>Why did countries that captured German scientists do so well wit space?

Russians and Americans are mostly plebs obsessed with pleb bullshit. They don't have the focus to seriously pursue a space program.

How isn't it?

The success of the Russian space program is because they had incentive in the form of beating the American space program. In other words, they had competition.

Competition, which is something capitalism encourages due to the fact that it provides incentive.

So, communism's greatest success (the Russian space program) is due to a capitalistic tenet.

There, did I spell it out for you nicely, you fucking toolbox?

Deutsches Volk injected 100 years of tech into US and USSR

The USSR was Socialist, working towards Communism. Socialism and eventually Communism can work but only in a world where capitalism is totally destroyed and replaced with socialism.

Landing on the Moon is far more romantic and poetic than anything else.

Ya millions of people starving and living miserable lives so some autist nerds can see some neat things. Sounds great

according to your logic, then thanks to gommunism apollo 11 happened

No, thanks to competition Apollo 11 happened. The competition at the time just happened to be communist. But whether it was communist Russia or nazi Germany or fucking whoever, the competition (which is inherently capitalist) was still there.

Do you forget to breathe soemtimes?

Communism must happen in a wealthy and extremely developed country (socially, economically and technologically) beyond what any country currently has imho (but not that far beyond) and by the will of all people as uncle Marx himself intended.

USSR has its ups and downs and did very well in some aspects. But it must happen in an already competitive economy with even better organisation than the good ol SU.

Too bad it didn't put them on the moon

>implying they will


yes that's all that matters lol


>Communism must happen
Not again.

Yeah but managing to fake it and keep everyone involved mouths shut for this long is a way better achievement than actually having gone there.

All these things were accomplished by the USSR before the USA because the Soviets had no safety culture. Human life was cheap to them.

>memeposting because you have no response

Technically they got there with their moonwalker, americans literally had to fake their moonlanding because they had problems with their rockets.

so every achievement made in the CCCP was thanks to the enemy?

>Step A is a failure
>Step M is a failure
>Step Z would be total success

Competition provides incentive. If you can't do it better than somebody else, why do it at all?

That's not to say that the Soviets would never have gone into space, just that it almost certainly would have taken a hell of a lot longer with nobody breathing down their necks.

But certainly, the Soviet space program was not a result of Communism.

Point still stands that German scientists and engineers were disproportionately present



>first man on the moon not relevant
>first robot on the moon, totally relevant

>everything else not relevant
>first """"man on the moon"""" only relevant

but there was a space program before ww2....all those space companies were created during stalin's rule btw

So you be sayin we wuz astronauts n sheit?

we wuz astronauts n shit

Yeah hans you are space man now.

>Yugoslavs are still mad that America can bomb then arbitrarily and there is literally n o t h i n g they can do about it

Montenegro is pretty much a non country. USA is most powerful country in history of man.

You did too though.

>mfw no other country in the entire known history has set foot on the moon
>mfw they're fucking around in orbit while America is fucking around drawing dicks on mars

But were not the defining aspect of the Russian space program, same as how the captured German scientists and technology weren't the driving force behind NASA.

When my country was communist the (((communist party))) used to jail and torture anyone that questioned the system...it was some 1984 level shit. If you don't like capitalism go to North Korea senpai :3

Yet one more piece of evidence in the growing case to ban teabaggers. Almost all of their "contribution" to this board is dumb retarded shit like this. All they ever do is act retarded to try and get attention

If you don't think communism was bad, kill yourself, then pick up a fucking book

If you fail as horrendously as the USSR did in the space race, and this is the best you can do to "move the goal posts", kill yourself

If you're a dumb teabagger who is acting out to get attention, kill youself


Because Stalin is true communism. Also, US and USSR stole German engineering tech.

how will mexican call their spacemen? narconauts

Was he?