Proof me how communism is worse than capitalism

Proof me how communism is worse than capitalism.

If we all lived under a strong leader like Stalin we wouldn't have this much degeneracy and mudslime + Jew problems

>pro tip: you can't

>If we all lived under a strong leader like Stalin we wouldn't have this much degeneracy and mudslime + Jew problems

Well can't argue with that one

I want to keep my belongings, and the state is already up the populaces ass too much as it is.

We'd also all be poor. You stupid fuck.

But we can also all be rich

You should share more with your white brethren


*tips fedora*

The government is your FRIEND.

Agree that national bolshevism > our current hell.

National Socialism is better than both though, it doesn't go against human nature and is the optimal evolutionary ideology.

Indeed Hitler's Germany also looked very good especially compared to current Germany

>literally jewish in origin
think better toothpaste.
Though authoritarianism sans jew would solve most of our problems.
Only problem is setting it up in a manner that's uncorruptable by the eternal 6,000,000.

Proof that it is Jewish by writing stuff and show sources not some Sup Forumstier fb pics

Stalin was one of the biggest degenerates.

"good goyim, pour lye on the evil capitalistic bourgeoisie."
-leon trotsky.

Communism sounds like a great idea. The problem is, human nature is involved and it will never work. There will always be corruption in a government and with that being the case, ill take capitalism anyday. I do agree with the lack of degeneracy

Doesn't exist
No threat
Statistically and economically non-existent
Terrifies TrumDumpsters, makes shit run down their legs.

Not talking about cultural marxism/frankfurt school shit, but the many of the early communist philosophers/thinkers were jewish.
Like trotsky. I'm too tired for sources, but communism is prone to corruption too easily as it is. Centralizing power like that isn't good.
You want a very very strong government that is also very spread out, so no one person can seize control.

Also, "true communism" aka, I fuck your ass you fuck mine, is impossible, and retarded.
Stalinist communism is probably closer to some sort of totalitarian statist regime.
Nothing wrong with that in theory, but governments like that tend to be subverted easily.

You wrote Obama and Reagan wrong


I think he's trying to get you to link Judaism to communism.

Not how some Jews (atheists, at that) helped formulate the idea.

I think that's what he was asking?

Breadlines, faggot.

>starve to death
>pulled out of bed in the middle of night, shot in the head and thrown into a ditch
>sent to gulag and drop dead from exhaustion
Pick your communist poison

you privileged fucking children can just NOT deal with pain no matter how slight--protip..uncertainty and unhappiness are inherent to the human condition and no technology of control will relieve it..especially not those developed 2 centuries ago by fringe academics..while you bicker over systems of control you could be giving yourself to any effort to contribute to your fellow man

brotip: Stalin was a beard for kikes. Going for communism to control Jew problems is like putting out fire with gasoline.

kike ideology, not even once.

I guess we didn't put all the kykes on the traintracks.

you can keep your personal property

its private property which has to go

a communist state doesn't work in the world of repesntation, you need some on to regulate, and the regulater needs to get payed.

>fellow man
>when most of them should be categorized as flora at best
Best system of government is the one that advances science to the point where the lives of the idiotic masses literally stop mattering; not in the edgy sense, but in the sense that no one needs to take care of them or do anything for them.
They can simply exist, without a care or concern.
Then the real fun shit can start and space shit can be done uninterrupted.
Then they get left on this rock.

the biggest champions for capitalism are the kikes just saiyan

>all be rich

That has literally never worked dumbass

Is that what they teach you at school and home?

Being rich isn't about having money it is about having love around you and being equal with the rest you silly capitalist scumbag

Yeah user. You don't need food, clothing and shelter. you just need love.
Please fucking off yourself you retard.

I think that communism should be brought back for one reason alone.

As punishment for all the filth and anti Semitism that comes out of your mouths.

Are you pretending to be retarded?
Omnivorous species cannot live together in love and harmony.
"True communism" is literally incompatible with humanity.

>Americans being this delusional

>If we all lived under a strong leader like Stalin we wouldn't have this much degeneracy and mudslime + Jew problems
Yes we would.

Stalinist and other types of authoritarian communism can work.
Not exactly the most preferable system, but they can work.
"True communism" means non-authoritarian communism, where everyone just lives in peace and harmony because they love each other.
That's impossible.
To be human is to kill, to compete, to rape, to conquer, to discover, etc, etc, etc.
You would need a strong leader and a LOT of propaganda to force people to pretend to get along.
Omnivorous species won't just do that.
It's basic instinct to be distrustful of others, to want what they have, to want to be better than them.
That's not going to go away.
It needs to be either suppressed or embraced.

Wow that really made me think!

> strong leader like Stalin
> no jewish problems

lmao what

Can someone explain this

Stalin took care of the Jews and degeneracy
I know
this one even more

So is it porn? Also what's wrong with his knees and hands?

so he gets more pussy than me, where's the nearest window, plz?

>Stalin took care of the Jews and degeneracy


I guess Stalin would have killed you for this handicap porn you degenerate. I guess you're right stalin is based

Enjoying your brainwashing?

>omnivores have anything to do with it

Communism will be the most efficient and system once we solve the population problem.

If we can maintain a stable steady growth rate, communism will be preferable.

Robots will replace the laborer and produce goods without the need to for the average person to contribute to production. It is preferable and literally progress that we let our robot minions produce while humans lounge in comfort.

This has been the goal of society finally realized.

Humans' "basic needs" will be provided for them through the public use of automatons. Those that rise above their basic income through shear determination, motivation, ability, and inspiration will acquire a lifestyle above the average.
Fight me you alt right faggots.

communist russia copied the technologies of the western world - technologies made in capitalist society. there was no creativity in that society, and without the capitalist west, you'd still be living in mud huts.